operation debug

Operation Debug NCT NCTU_F U_For ormosa mosa Harmful ful - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Operation Debug NCT NCTU_F U_For ormosa mosa Harmful ful Insect ect Eliminatio mination n Force Headquarters: National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 1 Motivation | Insect Damage Current Solution: Pesticide 2 3 Target | Ori

  1. Operation Debug NCT NCTU_F U_For ormosa mosa

  2. Harmful ful Insect ect Eliminatio mination n Force Headquarters: National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 1

  3. Motivation | Insect Damage Current Solution: Pesticide 2

  4. 3

  5. Target | Ori Orien ental tal Le Leafw afwor orm Moth Moth (Spo Spodopter doptera li litur tura) Ag Agricultur ricultural al dama amage ge to to over 40 er 40 f famili amilies es of of plants plants 4

  6. Tacti ctical cal Plan an | Plan A : Biologically Synthesized Pheromone Traps Regulatory Role of PBAN in Sex Pheromone Biosynthesis of Heliothine Moths ( Russell Jurenka, and Ada Rafaeli, Oct 10 2011 ) 5

  7. Plan an | Tacti ctical cal Plan B : Infiltration PBAN (Pheromone Biosynthesis Activating Neuropeptide) 6

  8. cal Plan an | Tacti ctical PB PBAN AN Rec ecep eptor tor Gland Gland Pher Pheromone omone Bi Biosy osynth nthesis esis Acti Activa vated ted 7

  9. PBAN | Specialties (1) Peptide (2) Small (3) Stable (4) Specific 8

  10. Operation Detail | Phe Pheromo omone ne 9

  11. Biob Biobric rick

  12. Biobrick | PB PBAN AN RBS RBS Ter er P cons cons PB PBAN AN-SL SL PB PBAN AN 10

  13. Results – Making PBAN | BBa_K14151 BBa_ K1415105 05 SDS-PAGE Control PCR PBAN PB AN-SL SL RBS RBS P cons cons Orien Orienta tal l Le Leafw afwor orm Moth Moth (Spodopte tera litur itura) 25 kDa 750 bp 500 bp 11 kDa 3.7 kDa 11

  14. Results-Making PBAN | BBa_K14 BBa_K1415 1520 205 Ter er RBS RBS RBS RBS BFP PBAN-SL P cons Control PBAN-SL 13

  15. 14

  16. Mechanism | PB PBAN AN Adenylate Cyclase G protein PBAN receptor Calmodulin Ca 2+ 15

  17. Centrifuge Pour out Vortex Add Buffer LB E.coli contain PBAN Sonicator Mash Dilute Autoclave Obtain Bio-safe PBAN solution 16

  18. Cotton Cott on PBAN 17

  19. Con Contr trol ol With ith PB PBAN AN ( W ( With ithou out t PB PBAN AN ) 18

  20. • | 19

  21. Parts of Device | 20

  22. Operational Process | 21

  23. Operational Process | 22

  24. 23

  25. Modeling | Device for light preference 24

  26. 25

  27. Result - PCR | BM MB AI LD SL HAH BM MB AI LD SL HAH AS SI AA 750 bp 500 bp AS SI AA 250 bp 26

  28. Result - SDS PAGE | MB HAH Control BM LD AS Control AI AA SI 25 kDa 11 kDa 2-4 kDa 27

  29. Ter er RBS RBS RBS RBS BFP PBAN-SL P cons AI LD MB HAH BM AS SL SI Control AA 28

  30. Hu Human man Pr Prac actic tice

  31. Cooperation | Industry Collaboration iGEM Promoting Team Exchange 29

  32. Organic Farm | 30

  33. iGEM Conference | 31

  34. Bio-camp | 32

  35. Green Market | 33

  36. Achievements | New basic and composite BioBrick parts We converted 9 PBANs into standard parts and constructed 27 new BioBricks. Successfully resolving insect damage We developed a brand new control system and a device for its application. Real application in industry Organic farms are currently using our new system and loving it. Team Meetups We held an international conference with 22 iGEM teams from China and Taiwan. Help any registered iGEM team from another school We assisted TCU Taiwan iGEM Team with their modeling. 34

  37. Ackno knowledg ledgement ement

  38. Ins Instr truc ucto tors: s: Prof. Yan-Hwa Wu Prof. Yuh-Jyh Jong Prof. Hsien-Da Huang Prof. Shin-Ying Ho Prof. Hsiao-Ching Lee Prof. Wen-Liang Chen

  39. Missio Mission n Acco ccompl mplished ished

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