will the classes be reassigned so that students who are

Will the classes be reassigned so that - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Will the classes be reassigned so that students who are doing all virtual learning are grouped together or will they be using the concurrent model from their current teacher?If so, when

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  4. Will the classes be reassigned so that students who are doing all virtual learning are grouped together or will they be using the concurrent model from their current teacher?If so, when will parents be notified of this change? Students may be reassigned since we will have 100% Virtual Instruction classes and In-Person Instruction classes K - 11/9 1st/2nd - 11/16 3rd-6th - 12/7

  5. Children who are in person will have the ability to move to concurrent if their circumstances change, what options will there be for kids who will be doing concurrent all 4 days? Any movement between our 100% Virtual Instruction classes and our In-Person classes will be dependent upon space. We are still bound by FCPS and VDOE class caps: K- 28 students 1-6 - 29 students

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  9. How will the teacher reasonably manage in-person work and virtual work? How will the teacher reasonably manage questions of in-person and virtual students? Can you please give some examples of how teachers will be delivering instruction equally for 4 day a week concurrent students?

  10. Will students still be attending on T,W or Th, F based on last name? What is the split between last names? Yes Group A - Last Name A-K Group B - Last Name L-Z

  11. If a teacher receives an ADA accommodation and is teaching from home while students are in school with an attendant, will parents receive this information prior to their decisions needing to be confirmed? This will not occur since we are creating 100% Virtual Instruction classes and In-Person Instruction classes; any teacher with this accomodation will teach a 100% Virtual Class

  12. When will there be a final decision regarding concurrent vs asynchronous model for the days that the children are not attending in person? Mondays are asynchronous for ALL students two weeks prior to their return and will continue throughout this model K - 11/2 Grades 1-2 - 11/15 Grades 3-6 - 12/7 In - Person Instruction - students will not be asynchronous; they will participate in their class through Google Meet on days they are virtual; there will be times they have independent work to complete

  13. Will the start/end time of school change now or as additional children return to school as was the initial plan? At this time our start (8:45) and end (3:45) times are NOT changing; however as more groups phase-in; particularly 7th-12th grades this may change

  14. If a student is an "in-person student" but is ill (non-COVID related) will they be allowed to attend virtually for the day or days if they are up to it? Yes

  15. How will specials take place? Will the teacher be streaming into the classroom or be in person? For specials - will the kids go to that particular specials classroom and do the class there, or do they stay in the same regular classroom they’re in all day, and have the specials teacher come to their classroom? 100% Virtual Students - virtual specials In-Person Students - Teachers will come to the classroom; some students will be online; may phase in traveling to locations starting with PE

  16. For PE, do the kids still go to the big gym and do PE that way with the rest of their class? How will that work exactly? 100% Virtual Students - virtual specials In-Person Students - Teachers will come to the classroom; some students will be online; may phase in traveling to locations starting with PE

  17. What will screen breaks look like in the school building for students who are in the building? ● Times of breaks will be similar to the current virtual schedule ● Move around the room, stretch, use restroom, brief walk outside ● Mask breaks - keep at least 6 feet apart and monitored by adult

  18. What does recess look like for the kids? Does every class still all go out and use the same playground? At this time we are not able to use playground equipement Do the kids still wear their mask while outside at recess? That will be the expectation; if they are off they can’t be within 10 feet of anyone else How will the 6 foot rule be enforced while outside at recess, since the kids will be running and playing close to one another without thinking. We will do our best to develop games/activities to keep students socially distanced

  19. Recess in Elementary Schools Shared equipment, such as playground equipment, balls, ropes, and other items will not be used during recess. School staff will encourage students to play games or activities that minimize close physical contact and allow for social distancing unless otherwise directed by an FCPS staff member. Face coverings may be temporarily removed during recess, while under the supervision of school staff, as long social distancing can be maintained at a distance of 10 feet or more at all times. Students will wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before returning to class. 24

  20. Will there be any recess for students who go back into the school building? Yes If so, please explain how indoor and outdoor recesses will be structured. Outdoor - Separate areas - Field divided in half (2 areas); use field beyond bridge (2 areas); Blacktop area Indoor - stay in classrooms; possible use gym/cafeteria for larger space 12:25-12:55 - Recess - K-2; Lunch - 3-6 12:55-1:25 - Recess 3-6; Lunch K-2

  21. In Person Option - when students are in the classroom, will the teacher be able to walk around the classroom during lessons and teach away from the laptop? Yes; we are providing a microphone for teachers to be able to move away from the computer and still be heard by the virtual group of students; encouraged to keep distanced Also, how will small-groups look and function when students are in the classroom? Teacher will work with small groups while following safety protocols

  22. Will homeroom teachers have additional staff to support them throughout the majority of the school day (as was portrayed in the FCPS concurrent pilot video)? We are not provided extra staff; Kindergarten will continue to have IA’s; our resource teachers and IA’s support multiple classes and groups of students

  23. What PPE will teachers and students in all classrooms be provided? ● Students provided with one mask; encouraged to bring one or more from home ● Teachers are provided with mask, face shield, gloves; other PPE items are optional (gowns) ● All classrooms have hand sanitizer, virex cleaning solution which kills the virus

  24. Will in person students have computers and the ability to utilize Google Meet to connect with their peers throughout most of the school day? Does the school have the bandwidth to support this? In Person students will ● need to bring a charged laptop daily ● our goal is to limit the use of technology when in person but it will be used ● will connect with virtual classmates during morning meeting and other times as organized by the teacher

  25. For children home doing concurrent all 4 days, will the current ‘family choice time’ become time that all students(and not just AAP/SPED/specific subgroups) get to start participating in? At this time our schedule will not change; we will look for additional opportunities for students during family choice time

  26. I’ve been discussing with staff that my child enter a virtual counselor led small group in the 2nd Quarter. Will this be feasible for my 4 day a week concurrent student? Yes, counselors will be assisting students both in-person and virtually

  27. Cleaning Protocols Refreshed Cleaning Methods/Processes FCPS cleaning personnel will be sanitizing and disinfecting more frequently. Their cleaning protocol will include thoroughly disinfecting and sanitizing all surfaces, doors, toilets, and handles, and ensuring that all supplies are always fully stocked. Increased Cleaning to High-Touch Surfaces/Points FCPS cleaning crews will be sanitizing touch surfaces/points thoroughly such as door handles, glass, elevators buttons, doors, tables, chairs, and light switches. Daytime custodians have been instructed to continuously disinfect and sanitize all touch points throughout the day. In addition, we will be increasing daytime custodian coverage where appropriate, depending on building occupancy. 32


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