considering honors classes

Considering Honors Classes? The Honors program is for students who - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Considering Honors Classes? The Honors program is for students who have demonstrated high achievement in a specific area of academic strength. Students should be committed to rigorous academic work . FCPS encourages students to take at

  1. Considering Honors Classes? ฀ The Honors program is for students who have demonstrated high achievement in a specific area of academic strength. ฀ Students should be committed to rigorous academic work . ฀ FCPS encourages students to take at least one Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate course before graduating from high school. ฀ Honors classes in middle school help prepare our students for challenging classes in high school.

  2. Developing Skills for Honors ฀ Displays a genuine interest and a willingness to learn in the specific subject area(s). ฀ Demonstrates emerging autonomy and independence, especially in completing class assignments and fulfilling course expectations. ฀ Read on or above grade level. ฀ Takes initiative to locate and research answers to their own questions in order to learn and solve problems. ฀ Shows strength in using evidence and information to support and defend ideas

  3. What This Looks Like in the Classroom • Students bring in a text of Teacher provides texts with various • patterns. Students identify patterns their choice in which they and provide evidence. have identified the pattern. Students analyze author’s purpose for • choosing each pattern. • Students rewrite the text Students take a piece of their own in a different • writing and determine the purpose. organizational pattern. Students choose an appropriate • pattern and make revisions to their • Students evaluate the writing. effectiveness of each pattern and determine the Students describe the impact of the • importance of information pattern on the reader’s comprehension. in each text. Essential/Expected (Gen Extension (Honors) Ed)

  4. 7 th Grade English • Content • Organized thematically in units where student are exposed to both fiction and non-fiction texts simultaneously • • Reading Requirements: 3 texts in class (both fiction and non-fiction) 4 full-length texts out of class (Independently chosen with teacher approval) • Writing Requirements: 3 full-length essays (5 paragraphs each) using all of the steps of the writing process: 1. Planning 2. Drafting 3. Revising 4. Editing 5. Publishing *

  5. 7 th Grade English Essential/Expected Extension • Recognize organizational ฀ Modify the internal pattern to enhance structure of a piece to comprehension, change author’s including: purpose. • Cause and Effect • Compare/Contrast ฀ Analyze why multiple • Listing structures are used • Chronological within one structured • Process piece of writing. • Concept/Definition • Generalization

  6. 7 th Grade English English 7 English 7 Honors ฀ Comfortable reading lexile level More challenging reading > or = to 7 th ฀ grade lexile level – (Students should be on/above reading 7 th grade lexile level.) Reading topics varied/student choice ฀ designed to engage reluctant readers ฀ Reading topics designed to challenge the curious Established support and organizers in ฀ ฀ Independent homework for writing – class for writing Quality, not just completeness Will do independent and group work but ฀ ฀ Homework often requires more with supports and scaffolding analytical skills During class, work is a bit more ฀ Homework is either review or extension ฀ independent with students critically of classwork thinking with others about key questions or discoveries Students enjoy deeper English Teachers assist more directly study independently.. in your learning. *

  7. History 7 ▪ Geography ▪ Reconstruction ▪ Westward Movement ▪ Immigration & Urbanization ▪ Industrialization ▪ Progressive Movement ▪ Imperialism/Spanish American War ▪ World War I ▪ 1920s ▪ Great Depression/New Deal ▪ World War II ▪ Cold War ▪ Post Consumer Culture/Contemporary Issues ▪ Civil Rights ▪ Globalization

  8. History 7 Cornell Notes: Honors vs. General Education

  9. Geography Performance Assessment HONORS (Brochure) GENERAL (Stamp) *

  10. History 7 Essay Question Examples HONORS GENERAL IV. Paragraph Writing (25 points): IV. Paragraph Writing (25 points): Using the information we have covered Write a paragraph to answer the in this unit, write a paragraph to answer question below. Use the following the question below. Make sure you words in your response. Be sure to write in complete sentence. use them correctly. How did the lives of American Indians westward expansion settlers land Dawes Act change with westward expansion? reservation buffalo conflict How did the lives of American Indians change with westward expansion? *

  11. Science 7-Exploring Living Things ฀ Investigations in Environmental Sciences ฀ Science 7 builds on the experiences in the life sciences introduced to students in the upper elementary grades ฀ Topics include: o Cellular structure & function o heredity o diversity o populations and ecosystems ฀ Classes include structured inquiry based investigations labs

  12. Honors Class General Education Unit – Cells Students explore all of ฀ ฀ 8 cell organelles & the Gen Ed content functions with: ฀ Compare and Additional organelles ฀ contrast plant & (10) & functions animal cells Create analogy of each ฀ ฀ Given analogy to organelle match to cell Notes with structured ฀ organelle function outline from videos, ฀ Slotted notes from video, reading, and reading, and direct direct instruction instruction

  13. Differentiated for Science 7 Honors Class

  14. Differentiated for Science 7 Honors Class

  15. Three 7th Grade Math Options Math 7 Math 7 HN Algebra I HN • On Grade Level • Pre-Algebra • Students must qualify (Math 8) by (1) taking • Prepares advanced math in 6 th Curriculum plus students for Honors Topics grade; (2) a score of Pre-Algebra or 91% on the IAAT, and • Prepares students Algebra I (3) scoring Passed for Algebra I or • Takes Math 7 Advanced on the Algebra I Honors SOL Math 7 SOL • Takes • Students take Pre-Algebra SOL Geometry Honors as (Math 8) 8 th graders • Takes Algebra SOL

  16. Portrait of a Math Student Math 7 Math 7 HN Algebra 1 HN •Good • Likes math! LOVES math! mathematics skills • Very strong in mathematics • Excellent mathematics skills, (will be skipping a full grade including basic computation •Good organizational and level of Math 7) facts study skills • Willingness to complete 30 • Excellent organizational and minutes of math homework study skills •Math may not be a night their favorite • Willingness to complete 45 subject minutes of math homework a • Strong organizational and study skills night •More of a concrete thinker. • Able to think abstractly. • Able to think abstractly, and Example: using a Example: Why are there communicate algebraically number line to two solutions to this and in writing add and subtract problem? • Willing and able to advocate integers. for themselves • Actually wants to take Algebra I HN

  17. Math 7 or Math 7 HN? MATH 7: MATH 7 HONORS: If your child takes Math 7, If your child takes Math 7 then they are taking on grade Honors, it is all Math 8. level math. Students are expected to have all Math 7 knowledge prior FYI: If your child then to starting this course. They decides to skip Math 8, they will be on track to take must teach themselves the Algebra I HNS in 8th grade. following items to take Algebra as an 8th grader: Some Math 7 concepts...: ● Multi-Step Equations ● Integer Operations ● Two-Step Inequalities ● Proportional Reasoning ● Graphing Lines ● Two-Step Equations ● Advanced Functions ● Inequalities ● Functions

  18. Math 7 or Math 7 HNS? Things to consider: •Remember your child can still go from Math 7 to Algebra in 8 th grade – Rushing into Math 7 HNS too early can cause frustration toward math •Not sure if your child is ready? – Can your child take a released Math 7 SOL now and Pass Advanced? •Our goal is to help your child grow a strong math background at their own level and pace

  19. Math 7 or Math 7 HNS?

  20. Comparison of 3 Levels Math 7 Math 7 Honors Algebra Honors 2(4x – 3) – 8 = 4 + 2x Answer has infinite Answer has one solution Answer has one solution solutions *Math 7 and PreAlgebra is Students learn Order of Order of Operations with assumed prior Operations in Math 7 negative numbers is knowledge ; students begin that include negative assumed prior incorporating positive and numbers knowledge , students start negative cube roots incorporating square roots, cubes, absolute value, and nesting

  21. The Big Question What class is your child socially and emotionally ready for? Honors courses require self advocacy, motivation to spend more time on homework, organizational skills, and a solid work ethic. Course selection subject to change based on middle school beginning of the year assessments. It is imperative that your child is placed in the correct course so that they are successful in the long run.

  22. World Language Options Chinese, French, and Spanish offered. It is an elective, yet required for the HS Advanced Diploma. You do earn high school credit after completing one of these options. Option One 7 th grade / 8 th grade Level 1 (2 year option) Part A – 7 th grade (1 semester) Part B – 8 th grade (full year) Option Two 8 th grade Level 1 (1 year option) *

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