2 nd transnational meeting

2 nd Transnational Meeting Flip your classes through multimedia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

E-Classes Project 2 nd Transnational Meeting Flip your classes through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations and develop e-skills for VET 31th May 1st June 2018, Malaga, Spain teachers and students to enhance youth employability

  1. E-Classes Project 2 nd Transnational Meeting Flip your classes through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations and develop e-skills for VET 31th May – 1st June 2018, Malaga, Spain teachers and students to enhance youth employability Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: VET Strategic Partnerships Ref. no.: 2017-1-RO01-KA202-037344

  2. Project Identification Project Title: Flip your classes through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations and develop e-skills for VET teachers and students to enhance youth employability Project Acronym: E-Classes Ref. no.: 2017-1-RO01-KA202-037344 Project Start Date: 01.10.2017 Project End date: 30.09.2019

  3. Partnership P3: Confederacion Espan P1: Technological High ola De Centros De Ensen School of Mechatronics anza Asociacion C.E.C.E. and Automation, RO - www.cece.es http://www.ltma.ro P4: Centro Superior De P2: Fundatia EuroEd, Iasi, Formacion Europa SUR - RO – www.euroed.ro www.cesurformacion.com P7: CIPAT, Florence (Italy) P5: Association "IT World - www.cipat.it BG" - www.it-world.bg P8: Pixel Associazione, Fl P6: Bulgarian Association orence (Italy) - www.pixel- of Networking Academies online.net - www.bana-bg.org

  4. The Funding Programme Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action: Strategic Partnerships Field: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training Monitoring institution: RO National Agency

  5. Context The Commission's Education & Training Monitor shows that serious challenges remain across the EU, 22% of 15-year-olds underachieve in scientific disciplines and there is a significant mismatch between the educational institutions offer and the labour market needs. The rapid digital change in our society and economy means more demand for digital skills and competences. Education and training must address this need, which requires investment in infrastructure, training for teachers, organisational change and the development of high quality educational resources, including apps and software. Technology, when used correctly, can also help students learn better, more efficiently and creatively and to access wider more up-to-date knowledge. Only 20-25% of studen ts are taught by teachers who are confident using technology in the classroom. And between 50% and 80% of students never use digital textbooks, exercise software or learning games. The project E-Classes responds to the urgency for Europe: to develop professional and pedagogic competences among teachers and trainers enhancing ICT uptake in teaching and learning, through the support of learning and access to OER in the education and training fields with the aims to combining higher levels of excellence and attractiveness with increased opportunities for all.

  6. Context E-Classes wants to help the VET teachers in revising and strengthening the professional profile and competences of young people, particularly those at risk of early school leaving and with low basic skills, developing a methodology especially focusing on the use of ICT. The project’s main aim is to elaborate, train and experiment the flipped classroom pedagogic model improving VET teachers and students e-competences, also with the involvement of companies partnerships through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations for enhancing youth employability.

  7. Flipped classroom The notion of flipping or reversing traditional way of teaching/learning in schools. According to the method the flipped classroom is made up of two components: - one component that requires human interaction (in-class activities), - a second component that is automated through the use of computer technologies such as video lectures (outside activities). Within a flipped class short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions. The video lecture is often seen as the key ingredient in the flipped approach, such lectures being either created by the instructor and posted online or selected from an online repository. The class turns into a workshop where students can inquire about lecture content, test their skills in applying knowledge, and interact with one another in hands-on activities. During class sessions, teachers function as coaches or advisors, encouraging students in individual inquiry and collaborative effort. E-Classes will make the teachers aware of the fact that ICT tools can be directly used by the trainers. E-Classes do not just promote the methodology, but also train, create educational resources/example lessons, test and develop together with students-teachers using open virtual educational resources.

  8. Planned Activities/Results O1 – Guideline on Flipped classroom methodology and how to create and use it at class for science and technological disciplines and transdisciplinary areas IO1/A6 (former IO2) - Open-Online Course on Flipped classes methodology for VE T teachers IO3 - Flipped classes multimedia lessons IO4 - Videos on job orientation and integration students-schools-companies C1 + C2 - International trainings for teachers/trainers Multiplier Events and Dissemination Activities

  9. O1 – Guideline on Flipped classroom methodology and how to create and use it at class for science and technological disciplines and transdiscipli nary areas Leader: CECE Period: 12.2017 – 12.2018 Indicators: - 1 Guide on flipped classes for VET - 8 thematic areas + 5 transdisciplinary disciplines - 8 video tutorials in presentation of the guideline modules - 1 Open online course - 4 modules with 4 teaching units -1 pilot action – 8 members -1 training at national level – 80 teachers; 80 evaluation forms

  10. Structure of IO1 Guide - Roles MODULE LEARNING OBJECTIVE WHO Video 1. Context and necessity of the course CECE and Module 0. Introduction to the course 2. Learning Objectives CECE LTMA 3. Course Structure 1.1 Why flip the classroom? CECE CECE 1.2 Basic elements and steps to flip the classroom EUROED Module 1. The flipped methodology 1.3 The creative classroom LTMA LTMA 1.4 The innovative VET teachers CESUR IT WORLD 2.1 Planning a flipped lesson for science and technological disciplines LTMA Module 2. Design and development of 2.2 Architecture learning content IT WORLD learning contents for flipped lessons 2.3. Design of a flipped video BANA BANA 2.4. Production and post-production of a video flipped 3.1. Classroom time CIPAT 3.2. Types of educational games Module 3. Educational Game CIPAT & PIXEL 3.3. Design of an educational game PIXEL 3.4. Management of an educational game 4.1. The Debriefing and its phases CESUR 4.2. Organize a debriefing Module 4. Assessment of knowledge EUROED 4.3. Managing a debriefing EUROED 4.4. Other means of evaluation of knowledge 5.1 Transversal topics with impact on a student professional development 5.2 Motivation to study Module 5. EUROED 5.3 VET orientation EUROED How to approach transversal topics in 5.4 Foreign languages your class 5.5 Inclusive education 5.6 Prevention of school dropout

  11. Presentation of partners’ Modules Stage 2: Adaptation/Development of the modules and content for VET Period: 02-04.2018 These thematic areas are articulated around the structure described in IO1 and they will cover the following content distributed logically. • Presentation of draft contents for each submodules of the Guide • Feedback from CECE • Common debate on the possible issues, contents, form, practical aspects • Feedback on revising the most crucial units referring to vocational training matter • Establishing the frame and format for the final presentation of the Guide.

  12. Debate on creating the 8/10 video tutorials corresponding to the contents in the Guide Stage 3: Creation of the video tutorials with presentation of the guideline modules Period: 04-05.2018 Guideline will consist of 10 video tutorials with objectives/aims/knowledg e/skills to be acquired. These tutorials will have a unitary script and appr oach. MAXIMUM 10 minutes (but better between 5-7 minutes) - Common template on .ppt and prezi - Use of schemes, key words and illustrative images - Record of voice and head (in left corner of the screen) - Complete script in English (to be used for creating Subtitles in National languages)

  13. Open-Online Course on Flipped classes methodology Stage 6: IO1/A6 (former IO2) Open-Online Course on Flipped classes methodology for VET teachers Period: 02-12.2018 Structure of e-learni Each module should be autonomous and independent from each other. ng modules It should contain 1 introduction module + 5 training units (10 minutes each unit; Module: 40 minutes) Training content 1. Intro module (Module 0) – Tutorial + Module content (pdf.) 2. Module 1 – 4 Units: 2 Tutorials + Units content (pdf.) + 4 tests (1 per unit) 3. Module 2 – 4 Units: 2 Tutorials + Units content (pdf.) + 4 tests (1 per unit) 4. Module 3 – 4 Units: 2 Tutorials + Units content (pdf.) + 4 tests (1 per unit) 5. Module 4 – 4 Units: 2 Tutorials + Units content (pdf.) + 4 tests (1 per unit) 6. Module 5 – 6 Units: 1 Tutorial + Units content (pdf.) + 6 tests (1 per Unit) Test 4 questions per unit with 4 options (Please underline the correct answers) Evaluation Online certificate at the end of all 5 Modules Resources What extra resources we should include?


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