Howar ard d Cou ounty nty Cou ounci ncil l Reso esoluti ution on 119-20 2017 Pu Purpose rpose of of EO EOP T P Tas ask k For orce ce 1. 1. Revie iew and analyze yze policies ies, programs rams, laws, s, and d incentiv entives es related d to expanding anding and su suppor orti ting ng emplo mployme ment nt and d econo onomic mic growt wth h in How Howard d County nty 2. 2. Recomm commen end d changes nges to those se policies cies, , programs rams, , laws, s, and incen centiv tives 3. 3. Recomm commen ending ding any new w policies cies, , programs rams, , and incen centiv tives es to fur urth ther foster er emplo loym yment ent and econom onomic c growth wth in Howard d Coun unty ty. . ■ Establi Es blish sh residen ident t led Ec Econo nomic c Opportu tuni nity ty and Prosp speri erity ty Task Force ce (EO EOP) ) to accom omplish lish this s study udy and produc duce recomm commen endat dations, ions, adding ing sub ubject ect matter er exper perts ts as need eded ed ■ Deliver er final al repor port t to Coun unty ty Coun unci cil l and Coun unty ty Admini inist stra rati tion on by Decem cembe ber, , 2018
EO EOP P Committ mmittees ees ■ Housing using and Economic omic Development opment ■ Econom omic ic Development lopment ■ Education ation and Busin siness ess Work rkfor orce e Development lopment
Community mmunity Access ccess to EO EOPTF PTF Pr Proce cess ss Oct ctobe ober, , 20 2017 7 – Ma March, ch, 20 2019 ■ 85 85 – 100 0 hour urs s of pub ublic c mee eeti ting ngs s ■ 74 repor orts ts, , studies, udies, artic icles les us used d to develop elop recom comme mend ndati tions ons – (http tps://c s://cc.ho c.howar ardcou dcountymd. v/EOPT OPTask skForce rceDocs Docs) ■ 43 pub ublic c meeti tings ngs – 14 full Task sk Force orce meetin tings gs – 24 subco bcommitt mittee ee meeti tings ngs – 3 pu publi lic c hearings arings – 2 repor ort t dra rafti ting ng meeting tings ■ 33 local and region ional l sub ubjec ject t matter er exper perts ts giving ng consultation nsultation and prese senta ntati tions ons
Focus cus on U n Und nderem eremplo ployed ed an and Unem emplo ployed ed Gr Grou oups ps ■ Empl mployed ed but not ea earnin ing eno g enough gh to affor ord d bare e bon ones es househ sehold old necess cessit ities ies of housing, using, child ld care, e, food od, , transpor nsporta tati tion on and healt lth h care – Asse set t Limited, d, Inc ncome me C onstrai trained, ed, Empl ployed d (ALIC LICE) E) as descr scribed ibed by Un United ed Way – Per ersons sons eligible ible for r and nd using ng pu publi lic c ser ervi vice ces s in H n Howar ard County unty (ACS CS Se Self Su Suffici icien ency cy Ind ndicat cators) s) ■ Une Unempl mployed ed, , or facin ing g multi tipl ple e barrie iers s to emplo loyme yment nt suc uch as – Per ersons sons with h disabili abiliti ties es – Vet eteran erans – Older er adult lts s wishing hing to ent nter er the e workf kfor orce ce – Ex Ex-of offende enders – Imm mmigrants rants
Focus cus on Bu n Business siness Sec ector or Oppo pportunitie tunities s ■ Continue ntinue broad, oad, horizont rizontal l approach ach to entr treprene epreneur ursh ship, ip, bus usine ness ss growth wth and workf kforce ce developmen elopment ■ Cur urrent rent prior orit ity y areas as of growth wth and emplo mployme ment nt – Prof ofessiona essional l and nd busin iness ess ser ervi vices ces – Inf nforma ormati tion on techn hnology/ ology/cyb cyber ersecurit security – Tra ranspor nsportation tation and nd logistics tics – Manu nufa factur cturing, g, espe peciall cially y adva vanced ced – Health alth care Service ice deliv ivery personnel onnel • • Health th IT/sof /softw tware are development elopment, medical cal devices, ices, biot otechnolog echnology, and ot other er resear arch ch & development elopment
Pi Pillar ars s of of Gr Growt wth in in H Howar ard d Count ounty y - See eein ing th the Li Link nkag ages es
Form rmat at of R f Recommendations ecommendations ■ Recommendati ommendation on ■ Outcom omes es ■ Actionab onable le Item ems ■ Interest erested ed Pa Partie ties ■ Sources ces
Rec ecom omme menda ndati tion on 1 1 (Ho Hous usin ing g an and C d Com ommuni munity ty De Devel elopme opment) nt) ■ Devel elop op a master er plan for identi tifying fying the housin ing g affor ordab dabilit ity needs s of the broad d spectrum ctrum of vulnerab erable populat ations ons , establis lish h goals ls for addres ressing ing the needs ds, , including luding sourc rces es of adequat uate e sustained ined funding, ding, and providi iding ng metric rics for regularly larly eva valuat luating ing progr gres ess towar toward achie ieving ving the goals ls. . ■ Outcomes comes – Increa ease e public awareness of County’s housing affordability needs and develo elop soluti tions ons. – Ensure that all vulnera erable populati tions ons are addre resse sed with th goals, , timeline elines s and met etri rics s to measure pro rogress ss – Enhance work rkforce rce ret etenti ention n and pro roductiv tivity by y planni ning ng housing ng reasona nably bly pro roxima mate e to employme ment nt centers. s. – Create sound pro rogram ams s based on the impact ct that housing ng affordabi ability ty has o on public health th, communi nity ty well being, ng, family stability ty and student ent performa mance nce. . Also so inco corporat rate the va value of housing ng affordabi ability ty gives to economic c develo elopme ment nt and pro rosperi rity. .
Rec ecom omme mend ndat ation ion 2 (Ho Housi using ng an and C d Com ommuni munity ty De Devel elopmen opment) t) ■ Recognizin ognizing g the inc ncreased eased demand nd for servic ices es to immigr migrant nt populatio lations ns and the emplo loym yment nt resour ource e repres resent nted ed by these se resid siden ents, ts, County nty govern ernment nt should ld provide ide addit ition ional al resour sources es for immigr migrant ant servic vice e provider iders. s. Thi his s includes udes services ces that t would assi sist t immig migrants rants in fully y utilizin zing their r talents nts in the communi nity and obtaini ning ng recogni nition on for foreig eign n credenti entials s and educati tion. on. ■ Outcom omes es – A A diver erse se commun unity ty is health lthier er and more e pro roducti ductive. e. – With th suppor ort, t, immigra igrants nts will become come contrib tributing uting member bers of the commun unity ty – Being ng able e to use existi ting ng educa ucati tion on and skills reduces duces unde derem rempl ploym yment ent – Health th and social l servi vices ces impro rove e health lth and educati cational onal outcomes. omes.
Rec ecom omme menda ndati tion on 3 (Ho Hous usin ing g an and C d Com ommuni munity ty De Devel elopme opment) nt) ■ Develop lop a new mast ster er plan n for arts ts and culture ture to address ress the interest erests s of a growing ing and diver erse se populati lation on , , including luding the e needs eds for adequate dedica dicated ed spaces es for the e perform orming ng arts s and d visua ual l arts and gui uidel deline ines s for a f formal rmal pub ublic c art program. ram. – (Exis isti ting ng pl plan n develop eloped ed by Howar ard d Coun unty ty Arts ts Coun uncil, cil, pu publishe ished d by Coun unty ty Governmen ernment in 1 n 1991.) 1.) ■ Out utcom omes es – Civic c Eng ngagemen gement, t, Cultura tural Pre rese servati tion on and nd Un Unde derstandi tanding – Educa ucati tion on – Community munity Hea ealth th & Wel ellness lness – Wor orkf kforce ce Developm elopment ent – Econ onom omic ic Development elopment
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