why evs are key to your biz strategy now

Why EVs are key to your biz strategy now Beln Gallego ATA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Why EVs are key to your biz strategy now Beln Gallego ATA Insights belen.gallego@ata.email Business & Markets Intelligence Marketing & Comms Events & Webinars Strategic Advisory Become part of the ATA Insights intel brief

  1. Why EVs are key to your biz strategy now Belén Gallego ATA Insights belen.gallego@ata.email

  2. Business & Markets Intelligence Marketing & Comms Events & Webinars Strategic Advisory Become part of the ATA Insights intel brief group on www.atainsights.com

  3. What % of cars are electric now?

  4. What % of cars were electric in 1900?

  5. What % of cars were electric in 1900?

  6. "In 1900, 34 percent of cars in New York, Boston and Chicago were powered by electric motors. Nearly half had steam engines"

  7. EVs are... • Biggest disruption since Renewables in electricity markets • Increases the electric energy market significantly • Changes geopolitics of oil • A move towards decentralized grids • Thousands of moving batteries available - IoT (or IoE - Internet of Energy) • Sharing economy / self driven cars • Move of energy industry into Big Data Are you ready for the opportunity?

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