west broadway biz master plan

WEST BROADWAY BIZ MASTER PLAN 1. Introducon: West Broadway BIZ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WEST BROADWAY BIZ MASTER PLAN 1. Introducon: West Broadway BIZ Character 2. Master Plan Goals and Objecves 3. Master Plan Key Features 4. BIZ Entry & Important Intersecons Concepts 5. Streetscaping 6. Storefront Improvement


  2. 1. Introduc�on: West Broadway BIZ Character 2. Master Plan Goals and Objec�ves 3. Master Plan Key Features 4. BIZ Entry & Important Intersec�ons Concepts 5. Streetscaping 6. Storefront Improvement Program 7. Planned Development Overlay 8. Recommenda�ons & Priori�es 9. Cos�ng TABLE of CONTENTS - 3 -

  3. “ Love - Community - Diversity - Growth” image source: http://westbroadwaybiz.com/ image source: flicker mrchristian image source: http://silvergenes-canada.blogspot.ca If you were to visit West Broadway today, you would find: • A walkable community with a neighbourhood focus and an eclec�c range of locally owned businesses • An organically growing community of local businesses, shops and restaurants, forming an up and coming commercial district within the City of Winnipeg • Ac�ve stewardship groups and community gardening promo�ng a ‘Green’ lifestyle and community image • An emerging cycling and pedestrian culture linking into the City’s riverfront parkway ac�ve transporta�on network • Diverse community both ethnically and economically • Ar�s�c richness with many community based art programs and events (Sherbrook Street Fes�val, Snowball Fes�val, Art City Parade ) • Strong youth outreach programs cul�va�ng community pride • Majes�c elms and other mature trees lining the boulevards and streets • A high density residen�al neighbourhood • A community bounded on the south by the Assiniboine River with direct access to Winnipeg’s infamous winter ice trail and cycling network INTRODUCTION: WEST BROADWAY BIZ CHARACTER - 5 -

  4. The West Broadway BIZ Master plan outlines exci�ng opportuni�es to ‘grow’ an incredibly engaged and redeveloping neighbourhood. West Broadway BIZ Master Plan Goals: • Strengthen businesses by strengthening the character and iden�ty of West Broadway • Promote walkable and cyclable commercial districts • Brand the district to enliven street corridor and a�ract visitors • Promote high quality built form, partnerships, incen�ves that promote unique places for small shops, local businesses and urban living. To accomplish these goals, the Master Plan included the following objec�ves: West Broadway BIZ Master Plan Objec�ves: • Developing the Gateways into the West Broadway BIZ • Streetscaping of Broadway, Sherbrook St. and Maryland St. corridors to improve pedestrian and cycling infrastructure to create a stronger pedestrian district • Strengthen pedestrian connec�on between commercial districts and community des�na�ons at important intersec�ons • Loca�ng BIZ branding and signage in prominent places, clearly visible to vehicles and pedestrians. • Crea�ng be�er Ac�ve Transporta�on (A.T.) infrastructure, cycle lanes, bike parking and wayfinding to promote sustainable and green community • Provide strategies and ideas in order to iden�fy incen�ves for businesses to improve their storefronts • Provide basis for a future Planned Development Overlay that would become a zoning regula�on that supports BIZ goals BIZ MASTER PLAN GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - 7 -

  5. ENHANCE BROADWAY & SHERBROOK ST. UPGRADE BROADWAY & YOUNG ST., IMPORTANT INTERSECTION IMPORTANT INTERSECTION Create a pedestrian scaled intersec�on with Reinforce this important community tree plan�ng and hedges, wayfinding icons connec�on to Neighbourhood Portage Ave. and branding to encourage pedestrian link Centre by crea�ng a pedestrian between two primary commercial streets friendly intersec�on with plan�ng, Balmoral St. Spence St. wayfinding icons and branding. ENHANCE BROADWAY & MARYLAND IMPORTANT INTERSECTION Create a south-bound gateway using Community DEVELOP HIGHLY VISIBLE BIZ GATEWAY Go Go Go G Go Gor Go Go Gordon Bell o or or or or or or rdo don don do do do don on on o Be B B Be Be Be Be B ll e ll ll ll ll l l l l Gardens oversized eye-catching planter and plan�ng. Sports Field Sp po po po p rts o r ts Fi Fiel ld ld d d AT OSBORNE ST. AND BROADWAY R R Red Re Re Re Re Redevelopment edev ed ed d d ev eve eve evelo ve lop lop lop op op pme p me me me me me me en en e e en en e en nt n n n n t Develop BIZ gateway at intersec�on of DEVELOP HIGHLY VISIBLE BIZ GATEWAY AT Broadway B y Broadway and Osborne St. with highly PORTAGE AVE. AND BROADWAY visible and compelling BIZ brand Gre Gr Great Gre Gre Gr Gre re re eat at at at t Wes We We Wes We We West Wes es e es es es es s s s st s t t Develop BIZ gateway using oversized eye- graphics. Lif Li Life Lif Lif Lif if if f fe catching planters, reflec�ve of ‘green’ and Community Sherbrook Gardens Broadway Osborne St. Osb Osb Osb Osb Osb Osb Osb Community gardening character of the BIZ Neighbourhood sb sb sb Gardens Centre REJUVENATE BROADWAY, PRIMARY Balmoral Green Space, Great COMMERCIAL STREET CONTINUE TO REJUVENATE SHERBROOK West Life Enhance commercial district of STREET, PRIMARY COMMERCIAL STREET Sherbrook BIZ BOUNDARY Maryland Broadway with streetscaping that will Reinforce the momentum of commercial Boulder Park redevelopment on the corridor with create vibrant and walkable district: • Infill tree plan�ng, streetscaping that will create vibrant and Mostyn • New contemporary site walkable district: Place Park Westminster furnishings • Infill tree plan�ng United Church Westminster Ave • Incen�ves for facade re- • New contemporary site furnishings • Incen�ves for façade re-development development • Landscaping of building setback • Encourage ‘spill out’ of businesses areas to provide sea�ng, pa�o onto the sidewalk spaces REJUVENATE MARYLAND ST. GREEN CREATE EFFECTIVE A.T. CORRIDOR CORRIDOR Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Misericordia Mi is is is is is s s s se i er eri er er eri ri ri ri ri i ic icor co co d cor co co cor di di d i ia i ia a a Health Hea He He Hea Hea He He Hea ea ea ea ea alt a lt lth lt lt lth th th th th h h h Wolseley Ave. Construct a cycle lane along Enhance green corridor and residen�al Ce Centre Ce Cen Ce Ce en en en en en n ntr tr tre tr tr tr tr tr re re re re e e Sherbrook St., bike parking and quality of Maryland St. with infill Cornish Ave. C wayfinding, to demonstrate the tree plan�ng on sodded boulevards. DEVELOP HIGHLY VISIBLE BIZ GATEWAY AT BIZ dedica�on to being a green / Establish commercial streetscaping SHERBROOK ST. sustainable district. elements for independent businesses Develop compelling BIZ brand graphics for that are off of the main commercial the en�re length of the overhead walkway to corridors. create an archway that captures the colour BIZ MASTER PLAN KEY FEATURES and iden�ty of the district. - 9 -


  7. The Broadway & Portage Ave. Gateway Concept Develop BIZ Gateway using oversized eye catching planters to create a unique entrance that expresses the ‘green’ gardening culture of the BIZ. Oversized, vibrant coloured planters lining boulevard Infill tree plan�ng EXISTING PROPOSED Seasonal displays in planters Prominently located BIZ graphic branding on cobra light fixtures. - 12 -

  8. PROPOSED Seasonally changing banners Seasonal displays in planters at entrance to BIZ - 13 -

  9. Sherbrook St. Gateway Concept Compelling and highly visible BIZ brand graphic displayed Develop compelling BIZ brand graphics to be displayed on en�re length of overhead walkway. with transparency over en�re length of windows on the overhead walkway EXISTING PROPOSED Infill Street Trees Highly visible BIZ mural/ signage Prominently located BIZ graphic branding EXISTING PROPOSED with seasonally changing banner displays - 14 -

  10. Broadway & Osborne St. Gateway Concept Develop BIZ gateway with highly visible BIZ brand graphics displayed at large scale Compelling and highly visible public art / signage with BIZ brand graphic to welcome people to the district * Note: East end of Broadway is in ‘Downtown’ jurisdic�on and will require Urban Design Review and approval. EXISTING PROPOSED Prominently located BIZ graphic branding with seasonally changing banner displays Infill tree plan�ng to frame entrance into BIZ - 15 -

  11. Sherbrook St. and Broadway Important Intersec�on Concept Create a pedestrian scaled intersec�on using tree plan�ng and hedges, wayfinding, paving and branding to encourage pedestrian link between two primary commercial streets EXISTING PROPOSED So�en hard fenced edge with plan�ng Con�nuous paving indica�on on sidewalk and intersec�on to demonstrate pedestrian priority around corner - 16 -

  12. Broadway and Young St. Important Intersec�on Concept Reinforce this important community connec�on to Neighbourhood Centre by crea�ng a pedestrian friendly intersec�on with plan�ng wayfinding icons and branding. EXISTING PROPOSED BIZ Informa�on Kiosk Infill tree plan�ng to frame entrance Opportunity for BIZ branding and wayfinding (in associa�on with Art City) - 17 -


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