Finch West Goods Movement Transportation Master Plan Finch West Goods Movement Transportation Master Plan Stakeholders Workshop April 11 th , 2019 Julius Banquet Hall 1
Introductions and Study Background • T eam and Audience Introductions • Sign in and Check Board • Study purpose: • Comprehensive review of existing and future truck operations related to goods movement • Focus on goods originating to and from study area • Develop opportunities for improvements to road network » Quick wins (0-3 years) » Medium T erm (greater than 5 years) » Long T erm (greater than 10 years) • Stakeholder assistance from freight carriers to understand issues and opportunities 2
~'"'!"! ~ I ~ ~ ~-.;. ~ - ~ ~ focusoi~ O~r.crtu~ i s ~ ,.,;. -1 ~ovid es ) . ~TORONTO i ty Study Area Key Pr , oject Opportunities & Constraints , I C on <:'.er a lons. ror water cr e ssi1 gs ravir .. es . a r.d natural ar · e as. lcca tedl !- ~ e:a;s , t a rd w es t .. Hig m\iay 40::J. fer i ~ c 01ne ct ion at -1 ch i rrw nange, 1- ~ i ;i c ll.JC"n g frof""l SB ..r-q111rc. y 400 :o S igret Dr. c ha ll c"lge s. fo r : n. . ck ve ·d es to make U- Tum at int ers e ctions to a::c ess f:rq::e rf es en tt :e opp::isit e side of t1 e stre e t.. CG!yd:rn e co r(J e5t ion oo Ch ess w oc:d Dr .. 5 0Ql' se s treet ne:wo rk few ''' "ll-- -1 atema · ve :ra v el ro..t bc:h NS and E W. Bik· e l an e s. not pnys i ca lly p ro tected ircrn °"8all: Qpportunity to cars a nd tru cks ( saf. &y reJiew: signal tirring along Findl Ave... with a •• *•.: OPPCRJ!lNmES mobility b"truds •••• •. • C OOSifRAINTS M. TORONID 3 FGMS TMP Project Team Meeting #1 – Feb. 14, 2019
Study Area Stakeholders 1. Emery Village BIA 2. Duke Heights BIA • TTC • Pembina • Metrolinx • Vaughan • York Region • Canadian Fuel Association • Universities • TRCA • 407 ETR • CN Rail 4
Master Plan to Address Class EA Phases 1 and 2 Phas Ph ase 1 1 Phas Ph ase 2 2 Rec ecommen mmended ded Infra frastructure an e and d Proble lem m and d Eval aluat ation o n of f Operat peratio ions s Oppo portunity Alterna native e Impr mproveme ements s Stateme ement nt Solutions s / / File le Ma Master r • Int nter ersection n Plan R an Repo port t Improve ovements ts • New New Roads s and nd Bridge dges s 5
Problem and Opportunity Draft Statement The Fin e Finch W Wes est a area ea, d def efin ined d by y Islin lington A Ave. e. on n the e wes est, D Dufferin in Street eet on t n the he east st, S Steeles s Ave. t . to o the he no north, a and nd H Hwy. 4 401 01 t to o the he so sout uth, , bene nefits f from m being ng near s r severa ral i importa tant t t transporta tati tion n corridor r and f freewa way f faciliti ties. . The ef e effic icie ient t movement o of f goods t traversin ing t this is c community is is in integral t to en ensurin ing g tha hat t its e s econo nomic v viability i is s sust sustained d long ng-term. T The a e addit ition n of f lig light r rail il t transit t servic ice e on n Finc nch A Avenu nue W West st poten entia ially ly cha hanges t the he moveme ment nt of f goods w within n the ar area, as as well as as ac access t to ad o adjac acent t ram amps an and d highway ays, s, but ut a also so p presents s the he opportuni unity f for s significant nt improveme ment nts t to o the he mul multi-mod odal al t tran ansp spor ortat ation on netwo work. rk. T o e ensu nsure e the D e Duke e Heig eights a and E Emer ery V Vill illage e BIA’s s ex exper erie iences s a r a rob obust econ onom omy m mov oving g for orwar ard, t there i is s a a need an and op oppor ortunity t to o develop op a a sust sustainable e transp sportation i inf nfrastructure p plan n tha hat i int ntegrates s goods mo s movement, transit, a , and nd active e trans nsportation i n in n a a way t tha hat t addresses sa s safety, r , reduc uces s aut uto dependen ence, e, and d manages es t traffic ic c conges estio ion. 6
Traffic Data Collection 219 Signalized Intersections 7
Summary of Proposed Infrastructure Improvements Duke Heights and Emery Village BIAs • Duke Heights BIA • 6 Recommendations from Missing Links Study • 5 Recommendations from T angiers Rd. Extension • 2 Key Recommendations from York University Busway • Emery Village TMP • 5 Goods Oriented Recommendations • New Road 2A EA • 9 Recommendations from City of T oronto Working Group • Downsview Area Transportation Master Plan • 3 Recommendations • Approximately 20 Proposed Infrastructure I mprovements • Some Overlaps 8
Major Milestones and Durations Project S Start D Date e Jan 28, 28, 201 2019 9 Data C Coll llectio ion n Feb. to Mid-March 2019 Stakeh eholder er A Advisory G Group ( (SAG) G) M Meet eeting g Feb. 20, 2019 Base m model d l develo lopment/calib ibratio ion + + modellin ling m meetin ings s Feb. 11 to May 13, 2019 Stakehol older W Workshop op Early April, 2019 Existing C Conditions A Assessment t – – Tech M Memo 1 mo 1 July 19, 2019 Long-list o of a alternatives s May to July, 2019 Stakeholders A Advisory G Group ( (SAG) M Meeting g July to Sept. 2019 Short rt-list o of a alternatives s July to Sept. 2019 Stakeh eholder er A Advisory G Group ( (SAG) G) M Meet eeting g Late Nov. 2019 Public ic Info form rmati tion C Centre tre # #1 1 Late Nov. 2019 Identification o of P Preferred S Solution n Dec. to Jan. 2020 Refinement o of P Preferred S Solution n Jan. to Apr. 2020 Stakeh eholder er A Advisory G Group ( (SAG) G) M Meet eeting g Apr. 2020 Concept / / Design n Apr. to July 2020 Implementation P Plan n May 2020 Stakeh eholder er A Advisory G Group ( (SAG) G) M Meet eeting g Early Sept. 2020 Public I Info form rmati tion C Centre tre # #2 2 Early Sept. 2020 9 Rep eport ( (Draf aft + + Rev eview P Per eriods + + Final al) ) Sept. to Dec. 2020
Outcome of Study • Short, Medium, and Long T erm solutions • Short T erm can be implemented immediately • Medium and Long T erm will require further study • High Level Cost Estimates • Implementation Plan • Final Report 10
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