occ occupa upational tional couns counselling elling

Occ Occupa upational tional Couns Counselling elling & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

biz Winterthur Folie 1 Winterthur Occ Occupa upational tional Couns Counselling elling & Choice & Choice of of Occupa Occupation tion 6th 6th jun june 2018 2018 biz Winterthur Folie 2 Welcome to biz Winterthur biz

  1. biz Winterthur Folie 1 Winterthur Occ Occupa upational tional Couns Counselling elling & Choice & Choice of of Occupa Occupation tion 6th 6th jun june 2018 2018

  2. biz Winterthur Folie 2 Welcome to biz Winterthur

  3. biz Winterthur Folie 3 Topics ▪ Swiss education system, our framework ▪ Important Partners ▪ Services and Activities of the biz ▪ How to chose a career ▪ Visit of Infothek at biz

  4. Swiss education system biz Winterthur Folie 4 Professional Universities education (academic & applied sciences) (PE) Vocational education and training General education (VET) ~2/3 ~1/3 Compulsory School www.seri.admin.ch

  5. biz Winterthur Folie 5 www.seri.admin.ch

  6. One mission – three partners biz Winterthur Folie 6 Cantons (cantonal offices / vocational schools / career guidance) Implementation and supervision Confederation (SERI / SFIVET) Strategic management and development Private sector (professional organisations / companies / social partners) Training content and apprenticeships www.seri.admin.ch

  7. biz Winterthur Folie 7 Funding: Who pays? How much? For what? Costs Subsidies to cantons Training & wages of apprentices Development of VPET Wages of in-company trainers Branch courses 10% 30% Private Sector 60% Cantons Confederation Vocational schools Career guidance www.seri.admin.ch

  8. biz Winterthur Folie 8 Winterthur Wha hat we we do do

  9. biz Winterthur Folie 9 Career Guidance Services Individual consultations at «biz» (young people and adults) School consultations Job information centre («biz»), incl. Support in how to apply or to learn for aptitude tests Information events on careers Workshops «how to apply» or «how to handle a job interview» Mentoring & Case Management App «Berufswahlfahrplan»

  10. biz Winterthur Folie 10 8 Centres of career guidance and information ▪ >20’000 individual consultations ▪ >3’000 school consultations incl. >25’000 short advices >95’000 visitors in Job Information ▪ Center (biz), incl. >7’500 short advices ▪ >45’000 information material lendings ▪ approx. 550 Info events, 250 courses and workshops, 950 school class events, 400 parent events

  11. biz Winterthur Folie 11 Winterthur Ho How to to chose hose a a car career eer

  12. biz Winterthur Folie 12 Choosing a Career – How it works • 2nd Sek 3rd Sek Interests Info events Company visits Schnupperlehren LENA, after summer usw. abwägen vacation (open Strength Online videos Trial training courses positions) Discuss and chat Aptabilities Infothek in biz Info events Apply Personality Internet Job interview Company list ( App, biz ) Values Discuss and chat Interview with Trial training course experienced pro’s feedback Application practice Careers fair Occ. choice diary Aptitude test Occ. choice parcours Diary

  13. biz Winterthur Folie 13 Counseling School Consultations Individual Consultation brief and simple questions profound and in detail

  14. biz Winterthur Folie 14 Students meet the Professional World …Workshops , , Inf nfo o events ents, , Job ob vis visits its … (toget together her wi with th local local indu industr try, , sc schools hools) Job ob and and car career eer tr trade ade fair airs … … and and Trial rial tr training aining cou courses es

  15. biz Winterthur Folie 15 Helpful Websites www.ber .beruf ufsber beratung.c tung.ch www.berufsberatung.zh.ch

  16. biz Winterthur Folie 16 Winterthur Inf Infoth othek ek visi visit at t biz biz

  17. biz Winterthur Folie 17 Winterthur Tha hank nk you ou


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