what s cooking

Whats Cooking? Young college students find it difficult to track all - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Whats Cooking? Young college students find it difficult to track all the fast food they eat out so that they can find similar, healthier recipes to cook at home. Samuel Guan, Dylan Lawton, Nilay Muchhala, Michael Xie Persona Recap

  1. What’s Cooking? Young college students find it difficult to track all the fast food they eat out so that they can find similar, healthier recipes to cook at home. Samuel Guan, Dylan Lawton, Nilay Muchhala, Michael Xie

  2. Persona Recap ● Remember Felicity Foodie ○ UM Student in Ann Arbor ○ Frequents common fast food restaurants ○ Wants to cook at home ■ Healthier ■ Cheaper

  3. Canonical Use Case As Felicity Foodie, a current UM undergrad student, I want to track all the fast food I eat out so that I can find similar recipes to cook at home, recommended to me based on trends and commonalities in where I eat out.

  4. Live Demo Time!

  5. Road to MVP 2 ● Geolocation ● View User History ● Rating Meals


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