by top food trends

BY Top Food Trends People are cooking Consumers are Fresh is a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BY Top Food Trends People are cooking Consumers are Fresh is a healthy more at home. One of interested in new eating strategy for the three consumers has products, upscale majority of consumers changed their cooking presentation &

  1. BY

  2. Top Food Trends People are cooking Consumers are Fresh is a healthy more at home. One of interested in new eating strategy for the three consumers has products, upscale majority of consumers changed their cooking presentation & more who think that fresh style to become more spicy, gourmet, food are healthier and adventurous and to natural /organic and look for more fresh include more fruits fresh foods. ingredients. and vegetables.

  3. Top Food Trends The majority of adults Quickly prepared Consumers are believe that home meals are a fast making a strong efgort cooked meals are growing market. to get more vitamins healthier and more protein in food.

  4. TIe Need Healthy at-home meals, easy to prepare, minimum clean up

  5. TIe Solution Thermo-Cook by Plastopil The Ultimate packaging for Easy and Healthy One Touch Oven Cooking

  6. TIe Product • Thermo Cook fjlms: pouches or thermoformed packs. • Suitable for cooking poultry, beef, pork, fjsh and vegetables. • Direct from the refrigerator or frozen food section to the oven without any handling. • Excellent gloss and clarity before and after cooking. • No burn or adhesion to the packed product after roasting. • Self - venting feature eliminates the need to slit, pierce or open the package before cooking: When a certain pressure is reached, the seal of the pack opens by itself allowing for proper browning of the contents.

  7. TIe Product • The constant heat transfer during the two cooking phases ensures consistent cooking results and reduces cooking time by up to 30%. • Signifjcant reduction of product weight loss due to evaporation during cooking. • High level of food safety and hygiene: The food inside the sealed pack is never touched until served, completely eliminating the risk of cross contamination (no-touch concept). • Food retains nutritional value along with fmavor.

  8. TIe Product - Key Featuret

  9. TIe Product - Key Featuret

  10. TIe Customer • Busy parents • “Millenniums “ adopting home cooking style • Small households • Food service industry

  11. A world of options A range of delicious options that go straight to the oven in the package for a simpler and healthier way of cooking. • Various serving sizes. • Suitable for personal or family meals. • Fit every day or special occasions. • At home or on the go.

  12. A world of options

  13. A world of options

  14. A world of options

  15. A world of options

  16. A world of options

  17. TIermo Cook - A world of options

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