Welcome To Volunteer Onboarding 1
Volunteer Onboarding Who is familiar with the story “warm fuzzies and cold pricklies ”? https://guidingjewels.ca/sparks/stories/91-warm-fuzzies-and-cold-pricklies-story We all get warm and fuzzy when people are excited to see us, to include us as part of a team and part of the adventure. When we get new volunteers that have said yes, we need to keep them engaged and excited to continue the adventure. The longer a volunteer takes to finish the requirements the more they will find something else better to do with their time. If you are not interested in them being part of the team, how do you expect someone to be excited to join if they don’t know what to do? This is to address the effectiveness of welcoming new volunteers to the group and how to onboard them successfully with timely screening/training process. 2
Volunteer Onboarding Resources can be found on the BCY Website http://pac.scouts.ca/ca/administration On this website, under Registration is Onboarding Process – Volunteer & Rovers. This document will help you and the new volunteer complete the screening/training requirements. 3
Online Registration and References 1. Online Registration and References (REF) – Online registration should be completed by the volunteer (regardless if new or returning) themselves so that they can agree to the terms and conditions of the membership. Also fill the medical information and photo permission release. – This is also a good opportunity to fill in the reference information with name, email and relationship, if they are a new member. – Once the member completes the online registration to your group, the group will be notified via email that the registration is pending with their group. – This is a great opportunity to extend a thank you for registering online and go over the screening/training details that need to be completed as soon as possible. Follow up with the volunteer over a coffee to go over an orientation and match them up with a mentor. The mentor can follow up every 7 days to see how the member is progressing. • References: • Member should notify the reference to expect an email from BackCheck or Silver Talent Agency in regards to the reference check. If they don’t see it immediately, check spam or junk mail folders. • Please keep an eye on the completion of the references. If unable to complete via BackCheck (due to non response). You might need to follow up with the reference and complete by phone. • Average response time should be 14-20 days. 2. Code of Conduct (COC) - After registration Group Administrator should encourage new volunteers to log into their account and sign the Code of Conduct immediately. The CoC will automatically pop up the next time they log into their account until it has been signed. 4
Online Registration Once a volunteer completes a registration online, they will receive a confirmation email from Scouts Canada welcoming them to the organization and going over the screening/training requirements. Sample Letter: 5
Interview (INT) 3. Interview (INT) – As soon as the member registers online, make arrangements to have an interview completed as soon as possible. – This is a great opportunity for the interviewers to go over the role that the member has signed up for and ask the interview questions provided by Scouts Canada. • Questions can found on the Scouts Canada website: • http://www.scouts.ca/wp-content/uploads/scouters/orientation/Interview-Assessment- Summary-en.pdf – Once the interview has ben completed (pass or fail), the information must be entered into the members myscouts account. To do this go into the members myscouts account, click on Screening and Add Interview. 6
Training on David Huestis • All Volunteers (including Group Treasurers, Group Committee members, Service Scouters etc.) must complete training. • There are two parts to training. Scouting Fundamentals and Wood Badge I for Canadian Path – Scouting Fundamentals is 6 sessions which includes Respect in Sport – WBI = Wood Badge I for Canadian Path • Group Commissioner must complete WBI in Group Commissioner • Group Level Scouters must complete a WBI in Group Committee or as a Section Leader • Section Leader must complete a WBI as a Section Leader • DEADLINE: – Scouting Fundamentals (SF) must be completed as soon as possible. WBI must be completed within the 1 st Scouting Year (August 31) – • To access training, please have the member log into their myscouts account and click on 7
Scouting Fundamentals (SF) 4. Scouting Fundamental Training (SF) This is a 6 session training component which includes Respect in Sport (RIS) for Activity leaders. - Please note the Respect in Sport training is transferrable between organizations. If the member has already completed the training somewhere else, please have them provide you with the certificate. As long as it is a “for Coaches or Activity Leader” certificate you can update myscouts accordingly under the screening/training tab. Don’t forget that Respect in Sport certificate is valid for 5 years from the completion date. Record the completion date, the expiry date and the certificate number in the members myscouts account. (RIS for Parents is not accepted) Scouting Funadamental training can be accessed through the David Huestis Learning Centre in a members myscouts account. The scouting fundamental training is listed under the Volunteer Ready Tab. Please do not use a mobile device (phone, tablets or Ipads). It may run the training but will not give you credit for any completed training. Please use a laptop or desktop to avoid any complications. Make sure once completed the training, click on the BIG RED button to exit, wait for the screen to say it has been updated. This training must be completed as soon as possible. 8
Police Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search (PRC/VSS) 5. Police Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search (PRC and VSS) - When a new member joins the group or a current member requires a PRC renewal, please provide one of the following: 1. Ministry of Justice – Criminal Record Review Program (CRRP). • Instructions can be found on the BCY website (under Police Record Check) • Please make sure the member completes a NEW PRC (not shared) • Average wait time is currently 7-10 business days. OR 2. In Person Police Record Check (PRC) • The Group Commissioner will need to provide the PRC letter to the volunteer. • Volunteer will need to take the letter and two pieces of Gov’t issued ID to a local police station. • Once the PRC is completed, the original PRC must be sent to the BCY Service Centre. If you want the original returned please provide a self addressed stamped envelope, and we will return it to you. • No Electronic copies of In Person PRC will be accepted. 9
New Volunteers • Once a NEW Volunteer (in their first year) has completed all screening/training requirements, the Council will update the records with CAP (Council Approval) and activate the membership. • The NEW Volunteer can then start participating with the group activities. 10
Scouter Approval • Scouter Approvals are completed by the Group Commissioner or Group Registrar, giving approval to those volunteers that are returning for another year of service. • When in the main group page on myscouts, click on Scouter Approval • If the Scouter has no outstanding requirements, please Action – Activate and Process Batch • If the member is ready for activation but changing sections, you can change the Organization type to another section and change the role If the Scouter has any outstanding requirements, please wait to activate. If you disagree with the outstanding requirements, please contact the Help Centre to resolve the issue. 11
PRC Renewal Report This is a report that should be run twice per year by the Group Commissioner or Group Registrar. It’s important to help your scouters keep track when their PRC is due. Sometimes the Scouts Canada reminder notice is undeliverable due to strong Spam filters. • Log into myscouts • Click on Reports (left side) • Click on PRC VSS Expiry Listing • Fill out the template • Run Report • Look for the PRC Expiration Column • Give Scouters 60 and 30 day notices to remind them of the due date. Scouters with expired PRC’s should not be participating until the PRC has been renewed and updated in myscouts. 12
How to Register a Rover • Rovers are registered as participants. • To register a Rover, please follow the instructions for “Register a Participant” Please note: the Rover must complete the registration themselves or if they are under 18 years old, must be completed by the parent . • Follow the prompts to complete the registration. • Must complete the following to be an active member within 90 days : Registration must be entered into myscouts PRC (Police Record Check) anyone 18 years or older Interview References (must submit 5 names with email addresses) Code Of Conduct (must be signed each year) Scouting Fundamentals 6 sessions which include : Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders and Accessibility Training • Failure to comply to the 90 day guideline will result in the member’s profile being inactivated and will not be able to participate until it has been completed. 13
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