state of missouri onboarding

State of Missouri Onboarding Capstone Team B MISSOURI LEADERSHIP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

State of Missouri Onboarding Capstone Team B MISSOURI LEADERSHIP ACADEMY CLASS II What could we do differently to improve onboarding? Virtually everything - Department response 6 No one fully uses best practices Start onboarding

  1. State of Missouri Onboarding Capstone Team B MISSOURI LEADERSHIP ACADEMY CLASS II

  2. What could we do differently to improve onboarding? “Virtually everything…” - Department response 6

  3. No one fully uses best practices Start onboarding prior to first day Measure success of onboarding Assign mentor Follow up with new hire Introduce State Government 101 Yes No Varies 8

  4. We recommend a common first year process for all employees Prepare Welcome Orient Coach Two weeks before first day Day 1 Days 2-5 Days 6 & beyond     Contact new hire Supervisor outlines Meet management Complete by phone first day team department    Two week agenda Introduce Introduce specific orientation  of training expectations and department Complete required activities objectives mission & training    Guidance for Schedule placemat Follow-up with  completion of new interaction with Introduce employee to hire paperwork colleagues professional receive feedback    Communicate Tour the facility development tools Assign mentor    essential Provide state Begin job specific Continue job information for government training specific training first day overview   Workspace and Benefits overview supplies are identified 9

  5. 14 Successful onboarding will require a sustainable operating model ▪ Establish an owner of the new onboarding process Governance ▪ Establish a team of leads to implement new onboarding process ▪ Provide statewide onboarding content for Intranet site ▪ Develop one universal survey for tracking new hire feedback Content ▪ Maintain the onboarding checklist for hiring managers to use ▪ Create MO Learning training paths ▪ Onboarding team creating an exceptional experience for our new hires to show them we care about their career in State Government. People ▪ Changing the culture by working with the hiring managers and HR to focus more of their time towards this initiative ▪ Enterprise Learning Management System ▪ MO Learning System ▪ State of Missouri onboarding Intranet site 14

  6. Questions? 16


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