welcome to davis drive middle school

Welcome to Davis Drive Middle School Rising Sixth Grade Parent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Davis Drive Middle School Rising Sixth Grade Parent Presentation Overview People to Know Vision Statement Sixth Grade Teams Middle School Effort Drives Excellence Tools & Resources Bring Your Own

  1. Welcome to Davis Drive Middle School Rising Sixth Grade Parent Presentation

  2. Overview People to Know ● ● Vision Statement Sixth Grade Teams ● ● Middle School Effort Drives Excellence ● ● Tools & Resources Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) ● ● Grading and Communication Important Dates ● ● NJHS - Keys to Success

  3. People to Know Mr. Barry Richburg - Principal Mrs. Cynthia Yaeger- Current 6th Grade Assistant Principal Mr. Jason Ganoe-Current 7th Grade Assistant Principal Ms. Julie Resua -Current 8th Grade Assistant Principal Mr. Scott Nilsen - Rising 6th Grade School Counselor TBD - Rising 6th Grade Assistant Principal Officer Cherry - School Resource Officer

  4. Davis Drive Middle School Vision Statement Davis Drive Middle School will work collaboratively as a community to prepare students to be highly effective communicators, critical thinkers, and innovators in a complex and changing world.

  5. Sixth Grade Teams Students will be assigned to a team for their 6th grade year. Teams consist of core subject teachers who teach the same group of students. There are typically 4 teachers on each team Typically about 100-150 students per team

  6. Sixth Grade Team Names Our current teams are: Blue Barracudas Red Jaguars Purple Parrots

  7. Middle School

  8. Sixth Grade Schedule 1st Core 8:15-9:13 SMART block 9:17-9:47 2nd Core 9:51-10:49 3rd Core & Lunch 10:53-12:24 4th Core 12:28-1:26 Elec/HL (5th) 1:30-2:13 Elec/HL (6th) 2:17-3:00

  9. Core Course Information Core Subjects ● ○ Language Arts Math ○ ○ Science Social Studies ○ Students identified AIG in reading or math will receive differentiated instruction within their language arts and/or math class(es). Math course placement is based on several factors and is determined by your child’s current WCPSS elementary school.

  10. Sixth Grade Elective Courses Students may opt to take the following year-long electives: ● Beginning Strings Intermediate Strings ● ● Beginning Band

  11. Sixth Grade Elective Courses Students who do not opt to take a year-long elective will take one semester of Digital Literacy (space permitting) and one semester of an elective listed below: Introduction to Dance ● Exploratory Language (Spanish) ● Project REVIVE + Exploring Engineering ● and Design Visual Arts Exploratory ● Interpersonal Relationships & Childcare ● Personal Finance & Hospitality ● https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxScWCL uuKB9Qld4elVkTDNuVkE

  12. Healthful Living All students take Healthful Living. ● Students follow a rotation cycle ● between Health, Physical Education (PE), and Fitness. Students must wear a PE uniform ● during PE and fitness activities, which can be purchased over the summer via the DDMS website. Students will need a gym lock to lock ● up their belongings during their class period. They will remove their lock and belongings from the locker at the end of each class period.

  13. SMART Block 30 minute period in the school day Provides students with: Additional instructional support in core classes & ● electives Assessment preparation and makeups ● ● Silent Reading Study Hall ● ● Enrichment Students choose where they go, unless a teacher has requested them.

  14. Clubs & Sports

  15. Clubs Clubs are extracurricular activities and meet after school. Club list is subject to change. Battle of the Books Odyssey of the Mind Broadcast Club Photography Club Chemistry Challenge Club Quidditch Club Chess Club Random Acts of Kindness Compost Club Rubik's Cube Club EcoWarriors Science Olympiad Girls Who Code Spanish Club Magic the Gathering Club Student Ambassadors MathCounts Student Council Mock Trial Club Theater Club Neuroscience Club

  16. Sports Per Wake County policy, 6th graders cannot Fall Sports ● Football play team sports. They can get involved by Volleyball ● acting as a team manager or coming out to ● Cheerleading support the teams! Girls’ Soccer ● Winter Sports ● Basketball Cheerleading ● Spring Sports ● Track Boys’ Soccer ● ● Boys’ Baseball Girls’ Softball ●

  17. Effort Drives Excellence

  18. DDMS Panthers Make an I.M.P.A.C.T Innovate Master Prepare Achieve Create Try

  19. According to the WCPSS Board of Education, students are expected to Dress Code adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment. Examples include: ● No pajama pants are allowed. Shoes must be worn at all times. ● No bedrooms slippers should be worn at school. More information can be found in the student handbook provided at the start of the new school year.

  20. I.M.P.A.C.T. Card I.M.P.A.C.T. Card: In every student agenda there is an ● I.M.P.A.C.T. card for each quarter of the school year. If a student commits a minor behavior ● (Level 1), the teacher notes the infraction and initials the card. As a student accumulates behavioral ● infractions, consequences are implemented.

  21. Tools & Resources

  22. Agenda Available for purchase at Panther Pride camp in August. This is a great tool for keeping up with assignments, SMART Block, and other events. It also serves as a communication tool between home and school.

  23. Lockers Lockers are optional at DDMS and some 6th graders choose to have one. A student using a locker will need to purchase a lock from the school (available during Panther Pride Camp in August). They can use this lock all three years at DDMS. Students who opt not to use a locker will use their backpack during the day. Students also need a lock for their PE locker. This lock is removed daily. Many students purchase a lock over the summer to begin practicing.

  24. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

  25. BYOD Overview • Students MUST have parent permission to bring a device to school and have a signed BYOD contract • Device for instructional purposes only • Students will follow a BYOD signal system where teachers post PAW signals so students know when they are allowed to use their device. • Consequences will be implemented if students do not follow proper BYOD classroom procedures.

  26. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) BYOD is optional ! Purpose: BYOD is available for students to support learning and enhance instruction. More Information: http://ddmsbyod.weebly.com

  27. Supplies A general supply list will be available on the website, but please wait to get a specific list from your student’s teachers. 6th graders need to have consistent and regular access to a calculator. We recommend a TI-84. Students will use this calculator throughout middle and high school - and even in college!

  28. Grading & Communication

  29. Grading Policy WCPSS middle and high school students follow the 10-point grading scale. 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D Below 60 F

  30. Grading for Mastery using a Points System Grading for Mastery ● Only assignments assessed for accuracy are included in the gradebook. ● Rubric items will be based off of standards. ● Practice assignments will be used for instructional decisions and/or to provide feedback. ● Early intervention strategies are created from mastery grades. ● Points earned for mastery of standard; not academic behaviors. Points System ● A student’s grade will be calculated using a total points system. At DDMS we have implemented systems at each grade level to address late work, ● absent/make up work and points recovery.

  31. Homework Students should be prepared to have nightly homework, including study time. Teachers use their websites to post assignments, documents, and announcements. In 6th grade, each team will use a calendar to list assignments and upcoming due dates.

  32. Teacher Websites and Parent Portal

  33. Communication School Website: http://www.wcpss.net/davisdrivems Twitter: @DDMSbuzz Hashtag: #DriveFwd Parent Portal: Forms available in August Team & Teacher Websites Principal Weekly Message

  34. Important Dates

  35. Save the Date! Panther Pride Camp Thursday, August 22nd 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM, Last names A-L 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM, Last names M-Z First Day of School Monday, August 26th Curriculum Night September 12th

  36. NJHS Keys to Success Welcome to DDMS!

  37. Day To Day Transitions Between Classes ● Transition Time: Students are given four minutes to get from class to class ● Lockers/Bookbags: Lockers are optional and may be used to store class materials that are not used on a daily basis. ● Being late/ Tardy: Certain teachers may prefer that students are punctual and could potentially have policies that relate to this aspect, although it may vary from one teacher to another. However, four minutes is plenty enough time to make it across the school or through hallways. ● Teachers will tell you in the first week of school how their classroom works. If you have a pass from your teacher explaining why you are late, then you will be excused.

  38. Grading Scale A - 90 or ABove (Mastery) B - 80 to 89 (pROFICIENT) C - 70 to 79 (sTILL deVELOPING) D - 60 to 69 (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)* F - 0 to 59 (DIDN’T PASS)* *Test corrections


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