welcome come to ye year 1 curr rric iculum ulum meetin

Welcome come to Ye Year 1 Curr rric iculum ulum Meetin ting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome come to Ye Year 1 Curr rric iculum ulum Meetin ting g Mrs Dell 1SD/Mrs Amui 1SD Miss King 1OK TA Miss Siricano Tuesday 1 st October 2019 Purpose of this meeting The Early Years curriculums transition to the National

  1. Welcome come to Ye Year 1 Curr rric iculum ulum Meetin ting g Mrs Dell 1SD/Mrs Amui 1SD Miss King 1OK TA – Miss Siricano Tuesday 1 st October 2019

  2. Purpose of this meeting • The Early Years curriculum’s transition to the National Curriculum • The differences between Reception and Year 1 • How we prepare the children • How you can prepare your child • Daily Routine and what your child’s Year 1 class looks like. • An overview of learning this term. • Reminders

  3. What is ‘school readiness’? • It is generally acknowledged that ‘school ready’ is about more than reading, writing and mathematics. • School ready children: • Have strong social skills • Can cope emotionally with being separated from their parents • Are relatively independent in their own personal care • Have a curiosity about the world and a desire to learn • Have a firm grounding in the key skills of communication, language, literacy and mathematics. • Can manage their own feeling and behaviour to lead them to making the right choices.

  4. Transition from EYFS to KS1 • The transition from EYFS to KS1 is a challenging transition – from ‘play - based’ learning to ‘formal’ learning (from Early Years Curriculum to National Curriculum) • We recognise children do not ‘transform overnight’ into mature learners ready for formal schooling. Some are ready, others are not! • Some children will not have met the GLD therefore need to continue with the Early Years curriculum at the beginning of Year One • Best practice is to have a period of induction in Year One where EYFS principles and practices are adopted. • Learning has been taking place in a ‘continuous provision’ style initially. Differentiated challenge bays will be set up which the children will be able to free-flow between as they have been

  5. What is the difference between reception and year 1 • Similarities • The principle of Early Years is learning through play. In play children link different elements of their knowledge. • Each child is unique and we support their individual approaches to learning and problem solving. • Children are encouraged to be independent in their choices of activities and resources. • Diffe ferences ces • The children’s day is more structured with a distinct separation between play and learning. • Children are expected to sit for longer periods. • Children have less choice in deciding how they learn. • Less continuous provision for outdoor learning.

  6. What will more formal learning look like in Autumn Term Year One? • We look at learners as individuals. • When learners are ready, more formal teaching practices will be adopted in the Year One classes. This may be at different points for each Year One class. • Whole-class carpet session, taught by the teacher Interactive (whiteboards, Numicon, number fans etc.) • Differentiated group activity at a table (sometimes with adult support, sometimes working independently) • Practical ‘plenary’/summary session. Talk and discussion about their learning. Self-reflection • Break time (fruit available, but at a set time – no snack station! Water accessible any time)

  7. Pictures to go in here for CP Maths table Phonics on the carpet Creative table Handwriting/pencil grip table Writing table

  8. TIMETABLES/DAILY ROUTINES • Doors open at 8.40, and shut promptly at 9.00 am. Please go to office if you are later than this. • School day ends at 3.15. Please come promptly. If you are late they are taken to the main office where they are entered into the late book, and wait with a member of staff. • If you have any queries please leave a message into the office and we can arrange for a meeting. • After school clubs – collection points.

  9. Writing Writing is one of the hardest but most important skills your child will learn while at school. The foundations of good quality writing begin in the early years of primary school and continue developing each subsequent year. In year one we will be focusing on the 4PS, Posture, Pencil grip, Position and Pressure. We will also be focusing on correct letter formation finger spaces and encourage children to use their sound knowledge.

  10. Phonics At St Gregory's we follow the Letters and Sounds phonics scheme. By the end of Year 1 children are expected to know all of the phonemes from phase 2 to 5. These phonemes/ graphemes will be used in the phonics screening check.

  11. Phonics The Phonics screening check is taken individually by all children in Year 1 and is designed to give teachers and parents information on how each child is progressing in phonics. This is a 40 word check and will assess each child’s ability to recognise and decode words containing any of the sounds taught in Reception and Year 1. There will be some real words and some ‘nonsense’ or ‘alien’ words. The purpose of the ‘nonsense’ words is to assess how accurately children decode new words. If children do not reach the required standard then additional support will be provided and your child will re-sit the check in Year 2.

  12. How to help at home Each week the spellings/phonics homework sent home will link to the phonemes/ graphemes being taught in school. Encourage your child to find other words containing the phoneme whilst they are reading their books and always encourage ‘sounding out’ as the first strategy when reading new words.

  13. Homework All homework will be given out every Thursday and all homework and reading books must be complete/ read and handed in on Tuesday. It is the children’s responsibility to hand in their homework so please do remind them. Reading books will go home on Thursdays. Phonics/ Spellings – tbc …

  14. Reading It is important that your child reads their school reading books to an appropriate adult/ older sibling. Sound books/reading books. After the children have read the book it is important to ask questions to check understanding (see pack provided)

  15. English glish Narratives Poetry Recount Instructions • Capital letters and full stops • Finger spaces • ‘Sounding out’ for spelling tricky words • List of common exception words

  16. Maths End of Year 1 Expectations in Maths: Recognise and count forwards and backwards numbers to 100 Number bonds to 10 and 20 Greater than, Less than Addition and Subtraction Simple multiplication and division (problem solving) Fractions – halves and quarters Time- o’clock and half past Shape- recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes

  17. Religious Education We follow a scheme of work created by Margaret Carswell for schools in the Westminster Diocese. This scheme focuses on religious literature and reflection and follows the Church’s Liturgical Calendar. As we are a Catholic school, your child will spend 10% of the week learning in RE.

  18. This Term our topic is ‘In the Beginning’. Become familiar with the second story of Creation – Genesis Prayer – learn the Hail Mary and Our Father Spiritual Outcomes: A sense of wonder for creation A willingness to learn from scripture The value of prayer

  19. Collective Worship As part of our R.E. program, children in Year One will participate in Collective Worship sessions three times a week. Each child will have the opportunity to take a turn and compose a prayer that they can share in class.

  20. This term we are learning Scien ience: e: Looking at everyday materials that are best used to build a house. Exploring the different seasons. History: tory: Toys – comparing old and new

  21. This term we are learning Computing mputing: : To organise, store, manipulate and retrieve data Art: : Using a variety of materials to design and create a house, toys etc. P.E: : Spatial awareness, throwing and catching, balance using Real PE scheme Music ic: : We follow the Charanga Music Scheme ‘Hey You!’.

  22. Reminders: We encourage all of the children to drink water regularly. Children must have their own water bottle, that they bring to and from school everyday. PE- Friday mornings. We encourage children to come in dressed in PE clothes for the day.

  23. Useful Websites www.letters-and-sounds.com • Includes further information on each phase as well as printable resources and links to online games www.bbc.co.uk/school/wordsandpictures • Games mainly aimed at year 1 and year 2 looking at sounds and high frequency words. Some printable activities, particularly for the phase 4 blends www.ictgames.com/literacy • Wide range of games for sounds, words and rhyming www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex • Lots of free games for each phase, especially good for reading non-words. You can also subscribe to access more games www.topmarks.co.uk

  24. Thank You


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