mee meeting 7 ting 7 feb feb 2019 2019

MEE MEETING 7 TING 7 FEB FEB 2019 2019 1. Welcome and apologies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Feb 2019 b 2019 SCIENNES PAR SCIENNES ARENT ENT CO COUN UNCIL CIL MEE MEETING 7 TING 7 FEB FEB 2019 2019 1. Welcome and apologies 2. Minutes 17 Nov 2018 and actions 3. Finance report 4. Head Teacher report 5. Group reports 6.

  1. Feb 2019 b 2019 SCIENNES PAR SCIENNES ARENT ENT CO COUN UNCIL CIL MEE MEETING 7 TING 7 FEB FEB 2019 2019 1. Welcome and apologies 2. Minutes 17 Nov 2018 and actions 3. Finance report 4. Head Teacher report 5. Group reports 6. AOB

  2. Feb 2019 b 2019 FINANCE REPORT FINANCE REPORT SCIENNES PARENT COUNCIL TREASURER ´ S REPORT 1st February 2019 Finance Summary Bank balance at last meeting 8th November 2018 £5,548.64 Current bank balance at 1st February 2019 £14,785.32 Movement £9,236.68 Income (all net): Easy fundraising Q3 £123.51 raffle tickets presales £752.00 christmas craft morning £245.50 p1 t towels £765.00 craft sales £50, tea towels £45 £95.00 Raffle tickets pre sales £671.00 winter fair £6,515.91 paypal transfer Christmas cards £4,583.22 Fair Tickets sales, Christmas cards £12, craft £46 £1,126.44 Total £14,877.58 Expenditure: Winter Fair expenses £688.04 tea towels £330.60 Magician - winter fair £250.00 Papa Johns Winter Fair £120.00 Christmas Cards £2,972.26 Float £1,280.00 Total £5,640.90 Movement £9,236.68

  3. Feb 2019 b 2019 FUNDING REQUEST SCORED Your priority rating (1 = most important) Funding requirement Cost One in Five half price excursions £3,500 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 5 1 2 Playground Maintenance* £7,000 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 Literacy resources £1,000 1 3 5 5 3 4 3 6 3 5 Class packs ( May 2019) £3,362 2 10 6 4 3 4 2 4 4 Projectors (classrooms) £1,800 3 4 9 2 5 2 5 8 5 6 Cycling and swimming** £4.550 + 5 1 3 6 5 6 3 6 1 Baking and cooking ingredients £1,050 5 6 8 7 6 7 7 7 7 Play Right Games £1,050 5 7 6 9 8 7 8 9 8 8 Pupil kitchen utensils £500 5 8 8 9 9 9 8 9 Outdoor Learning (replacement of loose play, mud kitchen) £1,500 5 9 2 10 8 10 4 10 9 Water cooler (top landing) £180 5 10 10 10 10 Charanga Music subscription £295 ABC Music subscription £295

  4. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 • Staffing • Playground • Building works/ decant • Sharing class experience • City wide teacher interviews • Children’s parliament • Improvement plan update • EMF relay

  5. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 Progress Easyfundraising: £123 Craft morning: £245 Winter Fair: £6,820 Teatowels: £435 Cards: £1611 Total: £9234 Plans • Change social events due to lack of capacity • Social events for children 1 st March P1-3 event - Ceilidhkids ▪ 6 th March P4/5 event – Dance Party ▪ 7 th March P6/7 event - Disco ▪ • Support school fundraise at EMF • School Swimathon for P1-4 – ‘swim your best’ • Meadows Marathon for P5-7 – Outsourced to MacTuff • Summer Fair theme – UK Year of Green Action Fran Armour scienneseventsfundraising@gmail.colm

  6. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 Proposed changes to EFG Structure/Activity • From new academic year I propose that two leads coordinate activities of this group. One person leading on Fundraising (fairs and sponsored events) and one on Events (social). • Aligning timing of fundraising activity with the needs of the school Proposed changes to EFG aims Currently the fundraising activity isn’t aligned with spending needs of the school. Feedback from some of the parent body is that the aims and processes are not transparent enough: • No targets or asks connected to fundraising events • Swimathon and Meadows Mayhem money raised by the whole school goes to FSS>FSS uses that money to fund cycling and swimming activity for P1, P3, P5 and P6. There is increasing need within the school to provide resource to give our children the best education possible. Our current system cannot match this need. Fran Armour scienneseventsfundraising@gmail.colm

  7. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 Current: School Year Period Current funding August to December Not able to commit to school needs until Winter Fair/tea towels/cards December to March Winter Fair going towards spending from August and most immediate needs. March to June FSS money going towards cycling and swimming for part of school body. Summer Fair money going back into school budget for items we committed to pay for Proposed: School Year Period New funding August to December Summer Fair income at start of academic year December to March Winter Fair income Teatowel income Cards income March to June FSS Parent led fundraising activity going towards money needed for 1 in5 and cycling/swimming for part of school body. Fran Armour scienneseventsfundraising@gmail.colm

  8. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 Proposed changes to EFG/FSS aims • Currently the EFG Fundraiser sits on FSS. The Fundraiser will provide support to apply for trusts and grants to cover large expenditures such as the playground upkeep. This will be self-sustaining annually. • FSS Fundraising events will be led by Chair, Trustees and Sciennes Parent Body • Social events will be a subgroup of EFG with a budget for planning. Fran Armour scienneseventsfundraising@gmail.colm

  9. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 Progress • Survey created for parental feedback on Class Newsletters (44 responses by 8th Feb) • Looking into Email alternative (PTA- Events); hitting a few ‘road blocks’ in progressing • Emails continue to be issued weekly • New copy drafted for PC website Plans • P1 Induction pack to be reviewed/updated • PC website to be built • New school badges to be purchased, promoted and added to clothes! • Template to be created for Class newsletters following parental feedback Emma Kirk

  10. Febr bruar uary 2019 2019 PLAYGR PL GROU OUND ND GR GROU OUP P REPOR REPORT • Building and Facilities Group changed name to Playground Group to better reflect what it is doing • Met with Julie Kelly from CEC Estates department regarding the integrity of the jumping wall and gravel • Met with school SMT re the maintenance programme for the playground Ongoing • Discussions about maintenance options • Future of the sandpit area once the Ash tree is removed • Biggest task is applying to Sustrans to fund consultation and design for a ‘ redetermined ’ section of road in front of the school.

  11. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 Progress since last report • Christmas trees • Thank you to the school for supporting use of the Nature Strip • Time allocated mostly to Sciennes Road project Requests to school : • Watering tap at the back for potatoes etc growing • Replacement of Elm as it creates living play interest and ‘gives nature a home in the playground’ • Cutting limb off tree at rear for sunlight to garden Concerns: • Willow structure mostly destroyed and needs recreation and protection • Playground Charter: do we need to revisit it? • Loose parts: specific request for sandpit toys and skipping ropes Plans for next period Priority is P3 planting P2 potatoes if possible Use of fire pit where possible with more parents confident to support 23 rd May Outdoor Classroom Day NAME

  12. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 HEALTH A HEAL TH AND ND WEL WELLBEIN LBEING • H and W parent group has just been re-established with an enthusiastic set of parents • Focus will be on food, in particular the experience of lunch at school • Parent group are going to come into school to observe school lunches • They will then work with staff and learners H and W Improvement Group to discuss what Sciennes is doing well and what we could do better. • Hopefully by next term, the group will be in a position to start implementing some changes. Fruit Group • Enough money until the end of the school year • Purchased new trays • Have regular helpers but more always welcome • Christmas trees went down very well with the children and will do an Easter theme for end of term • Composting waste

  13. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 CL CLUB UBS • All clubs up and running • Liaising with school / Saara as to when works may affect availability • Communication with club leaders • PVG running smoothly

  14. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 Total Club player numbers are generally decreasing over past 4 years. Although registered players are increasing this current season (2018/2019), which is encouraging. • Parents can register their budding footballing daughters and sons online via the following Jotforms link: Gordon Stove

  15. Febr bruar uary 20 2019 19 Football Kit & equipment New SciennesFC football kit can also be purchased at our online shop: or ordered at the Football Nation shop at 128 Lothian Road, EH3 9BG. Last season 2017- 2018 the club gifted training tops with players’ initials for all registered players This 2018-2019 season we will continue to offer free training tops to newly registered players from P4 upwards. Our goalkeepers now also have use of fantastic, distinctive Sciennes goalkeeper’s tops. And finally, our parent coaches can now also purchase coaches tops – great to see so many taking advantage of this as it contributes to positive “club” spirits. New coloured balls distinguishable for each individual year group Gordon Stove


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