wel elco come me

WEL ELCO COME!!! ME!!! 2016 6 MPY PYSL SL COACHES CHES CLINIC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WEL ELCO COME!!! ME!!! 2016 6 MPY PYSL SL COACHES CHES CLINIC INIC Note: The information in this presentation is latest at time of publication. The document 2015 Metro P.A.L. Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations supersede any

  1. WEL ELCO COME!!! ME!!! 2016 6 MPY PYSL SL COACHES CHES CLINIC INIC Note: The information in this presentation is latest at time of publication. The document “ 2015 Metro P.A.L. Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations” supersede any information presented herein, and is considered the ultimate and final authority.

  2. INFORMA ORMATION TION • Available lable onl nlin ine e at: sjpd pdpal.c pal.com/soc om/soccer er or milpit lpitasp aspalsoc alsoccer cer.c .com, om, you will l find the followin wing: g: • MPYSL SL 2016 Constitution, nstitution, Bylaws, ws, Rules es & Regulati ulations ns • Comple plete e copy of this is presentation sentation – It is your responsib nsibilit ity to fa familia iliarize ize yourse self f with the docume ument nts. s.

  3. P.A .A.L. .L. RUL RULES S & R REGULA ULATIONS TIONS  Rules es and Regulati ulations ns Specif cify: y:  How w teams ams are to be formed rmed  Who ho is eligible ible to play  Age limits ts  Birth th date e verifica icati tion on  Rul ules s of play  Disciplin plinar ary y rul uling g and d pun unish shments ents  Referee eree rul ules, s, regula ulati tions ons, , & gui uidel delines ines  If a p player er is not list sted ed on the team am rost ster er or player er card prior or to the game, e, he/she she may not parti ticipat ipate. th game.  Player ers may no not be be added d after er 5 th me.  Fighting hting – the offender(s) der(s) susp spen ende ded d for life. e.

  4. BYLAWS Byla laws ws direct ect the board d in their ir governan rnance e includ uding: ing:  Regi egistr trati tion on  Com ommitt ttee ees  Mee eeti tings ngs  Dist strict ict Comm mmiss ssion ioner ers  Suspen uspension ions s and Discipli line ne  Speci pecific ic rul ules s for age groups ups   BYLAWS WS - EXAMP AMPLE LES  The e board d has the e sole e aut uthor horit ity y to establ ablis ish h distric ricts ts within hin MET ETRO O P.A.L. .L.  The e board d can sus uspend end, , bar com omple letely ely, or ot other herwise se disci ciplin pline e any player er, , specta tator or, , coach ch or distric rict t from om any game. e.

  5. CONS ONSTITUTION TITUTION MPYSL SL Const stitutio tution n and Bylaws ws are the govern ernin ing g documents ments  for our leagu gue. e. The consti titu tuti tion on outlines lines the basic ic organiz anizing ing stru ructure cture of  METRO O P.A.L. .L. Membe bership ship: : Affiliat liated ed Player ers s and Dist stricts icts.  Govern ernin ing g Authority: hority: The Boar ard of Direct ector ors s include ude:  The e Board d Chair ir  Secre cretar tary  Referee eree Direct ector or  Police ce Officer cers  Distri rict ct Commiss ommissioner ioners 

  6. Board oard of of Di Directors ectors Ofc. Robert ert Ofc. John Moak Marti tinez Milpit itas as P.D. Santa a Clara a P.D. Chuck ck Sheph epherd erd Sgt. t. James es Ureta MPYSL Chairman SJ PAL Director Rita Gonzales es Ken Maca caulay Santa a Clara a Milpit itas as Commissioner Gordon on Lew Ansel elmo mo “Chemo" Commissioner Tina Crotty tty MPYSL Planca carte Co-Commissioner Secretary MPYSL Referee Director Tony y Aceves es MPYSL Scheduler Ansel elmo mo “Chemo” Gordon on Lew Planca carte Milpit itas as Santa a Clara Ref Coordinator Ref Coordinator Jess ssica ca Avalos os Heath ther er Wood od Jose se Rodrigu guez Chuck ck Sheph epherd erd Willo low Glen n Cambrian rian Foot othill hill Rose Garde den n Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Rafael el Avalos os Co-Commissioner

  7. P.A .A.L. .L. DI DIST STRICT RICT CON ONTACT CT INFO www.sjpdpal.com/Soccer Metro P.A.L. (408) 272-9725 www.milpitaspalsoccer. com Milpitas (408) 934-7132 www.santaclarapal.org Santa Clara (408) 615-4880 www.cambrianunited.com Cambrian (408) 596-9610 info@cambrianunited.com www.wgpalsoccer.com Willow Glen (408) 826-8246 rgsoccer@att.net Rose Garden (408) 506-7424 www.sjpdpal.com/Soccer Foothill (408) 272-9725

  8. MPYSL SL PHIL ILOSOPHY OSOPHY  PAL's s formul ula a for success cess is simple. ple. It consi nsist sts s of dedicat cated ed police ce officers icers and dedicat cated ed civil ilian an volun untee teers s working ing togethe ether for one cause se - the e develo velopment ment of our youth th . .  By reinfor orci cing ng positi tive e experie iences nces in practi tice ce sess ssio ions ns and games, es, they y help each ot other er develop elop confidence dence in their ir abilit ities. es.  With h the leade dersh ship ip of the coaches, ches, the player ers s shoul uld gain a posit itiv ive e attit itud ude e towar ard d the game of soccer ccer.  We are a league ue governed erned and affilia iliated ed with local police ice departm tment nts. Requi uire reme ments: nts: Coache ches s Licen cense se and Live e Scan  PAL AL Forms orms Mus ust be compl pleted: ed:  Adul ult Regist stra rati tion on Form rm  PAL AL Code ode of Cond nduc uct t Form orm

  9. LIVE VE SC SCAN  Live e Scan n is Mandat ator ory  “I’ve done it through another organization. Do I have to go again?”  “What if the PD has issues with my past?”  You u mus ust t be go thru u and pass Live-Scan Scan before ore a coache ches license ense is issued ued and your ur team m is put ut on the e schedu hedule. le.  For San Jose coaches, you must make an appointment at the SCC Sheriff’s office ice and d compl plete e on-line ine appointm ntment nt form: rm: https:/ ://sh sher erif iffliv flivesc scan. an.sc sccsh sher erif iff.o .org/s /sfpnew/F /Fing inger erPrintAp intApplica icatio ion.jsp .jsp  Live e Scan n DOES ES NOT have not ot be repea eated d if you are ret eturnin rning. g.  Milpitas as and Santa ta Clara a have e si simila ilar r Live e Scan n policies cies but ut handl dle e their ir own wn coache ches. s.  Com omple leted ed Coache ches s Licen cense ses s will be distribut ributed d by Met etro o P.A.L. L. to your distr trict ct comm mmiss ssione ioner. .

  10. LIVE VE SC SCAN FOR ORM M INFO  Code: e: Z0001  Type: Volun unteer eer  Job Title tle: : Coach, h, PAL Soccer er  Agenc ncy: y: San n Jose e PAL th St. 680 S. 34 th San Jose, e, CA. 95116  Teleph ephone one: : (408) ) 272-9725  Contact tact: : Michael el Perea rea  Mail l Code: : 06158  Level l of Service: ice: DO DOJ

  11. AS A P S A PAL SOC L SOCCE CER R COACH CH  Never er do anyth thing ing that t wou ould ld emba mbarrass rrass the e team  MPYSL L is a recre reati tion onal al league  Your ur job b is to:  Inst still ll and d Teach ch  Mot otiv ivat ate e and En Encour ourage age  Be the “good” example, not the “bad” one  Don’t bend the rules to win  Respect pect the e referees erees – they y are hum uman an

  12. INT NTROD ODUCE UCE YOU OURSE SELF LF TO TH O THE TEAM  Lett etter er or e-ma mail il to parents nts at the e beginn inning ing of the e seaso son: n:  Or call a p parent nts s meet eting ng to review this and take feedback ck.  Be a positiv tive e role e mode odel, , set et good od exam amples les  Recruit ruit a team m parent nt and/or d/or assist stant ant coache ches, s, ask for volun lunteer ers  Set et expecta ectati tion ons  Coaches ches expecta ectatio tions ns of the player ers  Coaches ches and player ers s expecta ectati tions ons of the parent nts  Player ers s and parents ts expect ctat ations ons of coaches ches  Coaches ches give e instructi tructions, ons, parents ts give e encouragemen ouragement. t.  Other her things ngs to introd oduc uce:  Practi tice ce times es and locat ation ion  Snack k schedu edule  Game e time/ e/locati ocation on

  13. TEAM M PARENT ENT  Team m Par Parents nts can be a great at resour source ce to the e coach. ch. They y can help with h the “off - field” activities such as:  Organi nize e the snack ck & drink schedules edules for games. es.  Conta tact ct parents ts to remind d them of games, es, practic tices es and Pictu ture e Day.  Organi nize e parent nts s to help set et up field equi quipmen pment  Organi nize e parent nts s & kids to patrol their ir fields ds for litter er  Org rgani nize e a team banne ner r or r web site

  14. 2016 6 SC SCHE HEDU DULE LE  Regular ular seaso ason n will l star art: t: Augu gust st 27th  No games es Labor or Day Weekend end Sept ptembe ember r 5th  End of Season ason Tournamen rnament t (U18) 18) Octobe ober r 29th h & 3 30th  All Coaches hes Meeting eting (ACM) M) No Novem ember ber TBD  End of Season ason Tournamen rnament: t: Novem ember er 12th & 13 th th  Toy Cup Novem ember er 19th  All Star ar Games es : Novem ember er 19 th th U6/U8 /U8 will l be at PAL L Stadium dium U10/U1 0/U12/U1 2/U15 at Milpitas itas


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