WEL ELCO COME!!! ME!!! 2016 6 MPY PYSL SL COACHES CHES CLINIC INIC Note: The information in this presentation is latest at time of publication. The document “ 2015 Metro P.A.L. Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations” supersede any information presented herein, and is considered the ultimate and final authority.
INFORMA ORMATION TION • Available lable onl nlin ine e at: sjpd pdpal.c pal.com/soc om/soccer er or milpit lpitasp aspalsoc alsoccer cer.c .com, om, you will l find the followin wing: g: • MPYSL SL 2016 Constitution, nstitution, Bylaws, ws, Rules es & Regulati ulations ns • Comple plete e copy of this is presentation sentation – It is your responsib nsibilit ity to fa familia iliarize ize yourse self f with the docume ument nts. s.
P.A .A.L. .L. RUL RULES S & R REGULA ULATIONS TIONS Rules es and Regulati ulations ns Specif cify: y: How w teams ams are to be formed rmed Who ho is eligible ible to play Age limits ts Birth th date e verifica icati tion on Rul ules s of play Disciplin plinar ary y rul uling g and d pun unish shments ents Referee eree rul ules, s, regula ulati tions ons, , & gui uidel delines ines If a p player er is not list sted ed on the team am rost ster er or player er card prior or to the game, e, he/she she may not parti ticipat ipate. th game. Player ers may no not be be added d after er 5 th me. Fighting hting – the offender(s) der(s) susp spen ende ded d for life. e.
BYLAWS Byla laws ws direct ect the board d in their ir governan rnance e includ uding: ing: Regi egistr trati tion on Com ommitt ttee ees Mee eeti tings ngs Dist strict ict Comm mmiss ssion ioner ers Suspen uspension ions s and Discipli line ne Speci pecific ic rul ules s for age groups ups BYLAWS WS - EXAMP AMPLE LES The e board d has the e sole e aut uthor horit ity y to establ ablis ish h distric ricts ts within hin MET ETRO O P.A.L. .L. The e board d can sus uspend end, , bar com omple letely ely, or ot other herwise se disci ciplin pline e any player er, , specta tator or, , coach ch or distric rict t from om any game. e.
CONS ONSTITUTION TITUTION MPYSL SL Const stitutio tution n and Bylaws ws are the govern ernin ing g documents ments for our leagu gue. e. The consti titu tuti tion on outlines lines the basic ic organiz anizing ing stru ructure cture of METRO O P.A.L. .L. Membe bership ship: : Affiliat liated ed Player ers s and Dist stricts icts. Govern ernin ing g Authority: hority: The Boar ard of Direct ector ors s include ude: The e Board d Chair ir Secre cretar tary Referee eree Direct ector or Police ce Officer cers Distri rict ct Commiss ommissioner ioners
Board oard of of Di Directors ectors Ofc. Robert ert Ofc. John Moak Marti tinez Milpit itas as P.D. Santa a Clara a P.D. Chuck ck Sheph epherd erd Sgt. t. James es Ureta MPYSL Chairman SJ PAL Director Rita Gonzales es Ken Maca caulay Santa a Clara a Milpit itas as Commissioner Gordon on Lew Ansel elmo mo “Chemo" Commissioner Tina Crotty tty MPYSL Planca carte Co-Commissioner Secretary MPYSL Referee Director Tony y Aceves es MPYSL Scheduler Ansel elmo mo “Chemo” Gordon on Lew Planca carte Milpit itas as Santa a Clara Ref Coordinator Ref Coordinator Jess ssica ca Avalos os Heath ther er Wood od Jose se Rodrigu guez Chuck ck Sheph epherd erd Willo low Glen n Cambrian rian Foot othill hill Rose Garde den n Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Rafael el Avalos os Co-Commissioner
P.A .A.L. .L. DI DIST STRICT RICT CON ONTACT CT INFO www.sjpdpal.com/Soccer Metro P.A.L. (408) 272-9725 www.milpitaspalsoccer. com Milpitas (408) 934-7132 www.santaclarapal.org Santa Clara (408) 615-4880 www.cambrianunited.com Cambrian (408) 596-9610 info@cambrianunited.com www.wgpalsoccer.com Willow Glen (408) 826-8246 rgsoccer@att.net Rose Garden (408) 506-7424 www.sjpdpal.com/Soccer Foothill (408) 272-9725
MPYSL SL PHIL ILOSOPHY OSOPHY PAL's s formul ula a for success cess is simple. ple. It consi nsist sts s of dedicat cated ed police ce officers icers and dedicat cated ed civil ilian an volun untee teers s working ing togethe ether for one cause se - the e develo velopment ment of our youth th . . By reinfor orci cing ng positi tive e experie iences nces in practi tice ce sess ssio ions ns and games, es, they y help each ot other er develop elop confidence dence in their ir abilit ities. es. With h the leade dersh ship ip of the coaches, ches, the player ers s shoul uld gain a posit itiv ive e attit itud ude e towar ard d the game of soccer ccer. We are a league ue governed erned and affilia iliated ed with local police ice departm tment nts. Requi uire reme ments: nts: Coache ches s Licen cense se and Live e Scan PAL AL Forms orms Mus ust be compl pleted: ed: Adul ult Regist stra rati tion on Form rm PAL AL Code ode of Cond nduc uct t Form orm
LIVE VE SC SCAN Live e Scan n is Mandat ator ory “I’ve done it through another organization. Do I have to go again?” “What if the PD has issues with my past?” You u mus ust t be go thru u and pass Live-Scan Scan before ore a coache ches license ense is issued ued and your ur team m is put ut on the e schedu hedule. le. For San Jose coaches, you must make an appointment at the SCC Sheriff’s office ice and d compl plete e on-line ine appointm ntment nt form: rm: https:/ ://sh sher erif iffliv flivesc scan. an.sc sccsh sher erif iff.o .org/s /sfpnew/F /Fing inger erPrintAp intApplica icatio ion.jsp .jsp Live e Scan n DOES ES NOT have not ot be repea eated d if you are ret eturnin rning. g. Milpitas as and Santa ta Clara a have e si simila ilar r Live e Scan n policies cies but ut handl dle e their ir own wn coache ches. s. Com omple leted ed Coache ches s Licen cense ses s will be distribut ributed d by Met etro o P.A.L. L. to your distr trict ct comm mmiss ssione ioner. .
LIVE VE SC SCAN FOR ORM M INFO Code: e: Z0001 Type: Volun unteer eer Job Title tle: : Coach, h, PAL Soccer er Agenc ncy: y: San n Jose e PAL th St. 680 S. 34 th San Jose, e, CA. 95116 Teleph ephone one: : (408) ) 272-9725 Contact tact: : Michael el Perea rea Mail l Code: : 06158 Level l of Service: ice: DO DOJ
AS A P S A PAL SOC L SOCCE CER R COACH CH Never er do anyth thing ing that t wou ould ld emba mbarrass rrass the e team MPYSL L is a recre reati tion onal al league Your ur job b is to: Inst still ll and d Teach ch Mot otiv ivat ate e and En Encour ourage age Be the “good” example, not the “bad” one Don’t bend the rules to win Respect pect the e referees erees – they y are hum uman an
INT NTROD ODUCE UCE YOU OURSE SELF LF TO TH O THE TEAM Lett etter er or e-ma mail il to parents nts at the e beginn inning ing of the e seaso son: n: Or call a p parent nts s meet eting ng to review this and take feedback ck. Be a positiv tive e role e mode odel, , set et good od exam amples les Recruit ruit a team m parent nt and/or d/or assist stant ant coache ches, s, ask for volun lunteer ers Set et expecta ectati tion ons Coaches ches expecta ectatio tions ns of the player ers Coaches ches and player ers s expecta ectati tions ons of the parent nts Player ers s and parents ts expect ctat ations ons of coaches ches Coaches ches give e instructi tructions, ons, parents ts give e encouragemen ouragement. t. Other her things ngs to introd oduc uce: Practi tice ce times es and locat ation ion Snack k schedu edule Game e time/ e/locati ocation on
TEAM M PARENT ENT Team m Par Parents nts can be a great at resour source ce to the e coach. ch. They y can help with h the “off - field” activities such as: Organi nize e the snack ck & drink schedules edules for games. es. Conta tact ct parents ts to remind d them of games, es, practic tices es and Pictu ture e Day. Organi nize e parent nts s to help set et up field equi quipmen pment Organi nize e parent nts s & kids to patrol their ir fields ds for litter er Org rgani nize e a team banne ner r or r web site
2016 6 SC SCHE HEDU DULE LE Regular ular seaso ason n will l star art: t: Augu gust st 27th No games es Labor or Day Weekend end Sept ptembe ember r 5th End of Season ason Tournamen rnament t (U18) 18) Octobe ober r 29th h & 3 30th All Coaches hes Meeting eting (ACM) M) No Novem ember ber TBD End of Season ason Tournamen rnament: t: Novem ember er 12th & 13 th th Toy Cup Novem ember er 19th All Star ar Games es : Novem ember er 19 th th U6/U8 /U8 will l be at PAL L Stadium dium U10/U1 0/U12/U1 2/U15 at Milpitas itas
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