wel elco come me

Wel elco come me to th to the Next meeting Monday 9 th December - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wel elco come me to th to the Next meeting Monday 9 th December 2019 Please Pl se place mobil ile phones nes to si silent nt or sw switc tch h off, f, thank nks www.gwpr .gwpra.or a.org. g.uk uk Facebook Group Great

  1. Wel elco come me to th to the Next meeting Monday 9 th December 2019 Please Pl se place mobil ile phones nes to si silent nt or sw switc tch h off, f, thank nks www.gwpr .gwpra.or a.org. g.uk uk Facebook Group ‘Great Western Park Residents’ Association’

  2. Age gend nda Item Agenda Item 1 Apologies for absence 2 Minutes of previous meeting 3 Actions arising from last meeting 4 Matters Arising Planning application for 80 unit Extra Care facility, Greenwood Way P19/V2660/FUL • Police action against Drug Dealing around GWP • Parking around Boundary Park at the weekends • Lack of Post Boxes • 5 Correspondence Street Lighting / Bus Services on Southern GWP • Flooding around Boundary Park and Station Garden Crossing • Planning decision on MUGA alterations decision notice on planning application • P19/V2208/FU 6 Report Back from Officers Progress on GWP Community Facilities • Community Defibrillators • Traffic Survey Holly Lane junction and Park Road • 7 Any Other Business Improvements of GWP community engagement with VOWH and SO District Councils • Register to vote • Reach Sculpture •

  3. 1. 1. Apo pologie logies s for or Abs bsenc nce Cllr. Ian Snowdon

  4. 2. Minu nutes tes of of previ vious ous mee eeting ng All agree that the minutes from the Meeting on Monday 7 th October 2019 reflect a true and accurate account of the meeting

  5. 3. Acti tions ons Arisin sing g fr from om las ast t Meeting ting No listed ed Actions ons – any point nts shoul uld d be cover ered d below

  6. 4. 4. Mat atters ters Aris isin ing Planning application for 80 unit Extra Care facility, • Greenwood Way P19/V2660/FUL Comments and feedback by 11 th December 2019 •

  7. 4. Mat atte ters rs Arisin sing In respons onse to reports orts of increa eased ed drug ug dealin ing g • activit vity y on GWP, TVP are launc nchi hing ng an oper erati ation on with th overt rt and covert ert resour urces es to tackle le this. s. Please report ort any inform ormati ation on regar ardin ing g crimin inal al • activit vity y to 101 or 999 approp opria riatel tely Police e requi uire quali lity ty infor formatio mation n from om Residen dents ts to • deal with th crime e effecti ctive vely ly.

  8. 4. Mat atte ters rs Arisin sing Sever eral al reports orts of 17+ Cars parked ed improp operly erly on 20 th th • Oct 19 Aroun ound d Bound ndary ary Park, , causing ng inconveni nvenience nce to Resident ents. The BPSA A made awar are and planni ning to put t up signs s as • well l as speak to parents ents through ough clubs. s. Improvem vement ents? •

  9. 4. Mat atte ters rs Arisin sing Sever eral Residents dents have sighted hted the issue e of o only 1 Po Post Box on • Northern hern GWP Suggest gestions ns of one at District rict Centr tre e and Southern. uthern. Devel velop opers ers • have been asked ed if an any pl planned. ed. Enquiries es to be made with Royal Mail •

  10. 5. Co Corr rres espond ondence ence • Thames es Travel had a m meeti ting ng with OC OCC Oc Oct19 19 to to discuss ss timetable tables/r s/rou outi ting ng etc. • TW has meetin ing g with them in N Novem vember ber and will report rt back • TW survey y lights ts and get t SSE te team to to recti tify fy. . Informa mation tion from Residen ents ts / survey y useful

  11. 5. Co Corr rres espond ondence ence • Heavy vy rain highligh ghted ted the drainag age e issues across BP P and safety ty risk k if icy • Develop eloper er chased ed on progr gress ss, , BPSA A to also o be made e aware

  12. 5. Co Corr rres espond ondence ence • The modifi dification cations to the MU MUGA A which the GWPRA A SUPP PPOR ORTED TED, , has been approved. ved.

  13. 6. Re Repor ort Ba Back • Allot otme ment nts are making ng prog ogress ess and they y are establi lishi hing ng well at the moment; there’s no orchard at the northern allotm otments ents though. ough. They y form rm part t of the meadow area whic ich h is signi nifi ficant. ant. They y are wor orkin king g on the 2 p 2 ponds ds and large rge wood odland land planti ting g areas. . • The allot otment ent size is 11 115m 5mx53 53m • Discussi ssions ons betw tween en TW and counc ncil ils about ut the transfer nsfer proc ocess ess • Both h Communi unity ty Centr tre building ldings are now w Practi ticall lly y Compl plete te • Compl pleti ting ng the minor or snagg ggin ing g items • Ther ere are some outs tstand tandin ing g contr tracts ts that t are being ng wor orked d on betw tween en TW and the Distr trict ict Counc uncil il that t will, l, as we did with th the pavil ilio ion, n, remove ve the 12 12 month th issue

  14. 6. Re Repor ort Ba Back • Neigh ghbo bourhoo urhood d Park area: : TW have been asked to reduce uce the sign off f area to exclude de all drain inag age, , so that t they y can at least progr ogress with th openi ning ng areas of the park. k. • Unfor fortuna tunatel tely y the red d line woul uld d not t inclu lude de the skate park but the play y area a and grass s area a around und it and the tenni nis court rts will ll be inclu lude ded. d. • To date, , after er 8 y 8 years rs of const struc ructi tion, n, asi side from om Bound ndar ary Park k and the NNCC, C, no facili liti ties have been n adopt pted ed by the Distr trict ict Counc ncil il

  15. 6. Re Repor ort Ba Back • New Collec lecti tion on pots ts being ng distr trib ibut uted ed to raise e the fina nal l £600 £600 for r Phase 3 ( 3 (sout uthern hern GWP) and to help p Supp pport ort maintenance tenance of Ph Phase ses s 1 a 1 and 2. 2. • Phase 2 2 – Nort rthern hern Neigh ghbo bourhoo urhood d Communi unity ty Centr tre needed ed new pads (electr trod odes) s) in Oct 19 19 - Cost t £1 £104 04.40 40. . Agree ee to pay from om GWPRA Defib ibrillat rillator or fund nds?

  16. 6. Re Repor ort Ba Back • New Pads and spares es requi uired d in Dec 19 19 for or Phase 1 1 Defib ibrilla rillato tor r (Bound undary ary Park) ) £7 £74. 4.28 28 • Very ry kindl dly y sp sponso nsored d by local l build lders ers H & H Build lding ing Servi rvices es • H&H are also gener erously ously fund ndin ing g the repl plac acem ement ent batter tery y when n it is r s requi quired d at the end of next t year. r. £1 £186 86.00 00 They y have also offer fered d to install ll the Phase 3 d 3 defib ibri rill llator. ator.

  17. 6. Re Repor ort Ba Back

  18. 6. Re Repor ort Ba Back

  19. 6. Re Repor ort Ba Back

  20. 7. 7. Any ny ot othe her bu busin iness • Ac Ackn knowl wledgem edgemen ent t of issues, s, not t helped ed by y th the boundar dary y arrangeme ements ts carving ng up GWP betwe ween en distric icts. ts. • Vale’s Community Governance and Electoral Issues Commi mmittee ttee review in Sp Spring g 2020 to involve olve GWP represen entation tations. • Me Meeti ting ng arranged ed wi with th Distri trict ct Counci cillor llors s Sarah Me Medley, , Hayl yley y Gascoign oigne e and Ian Snowdon don to discuss ss a st strategy egy

  21. 7. 7. Any ny ot othe her bu busin iness • General al Election ion on 12 th th Decemb ember er 2019 • Please e registe ter r to vote e befor ore 26 th th Novembe ember r 2019 should ld yo you wish to partic icipate ipate

  22. 7. 7. Any ny ot othe her bu busin iness Reach Sculptur ture e outside ide UTC now in pl place Thanks ks to Michael Condron , distric ict t arts and GWP commu mmunity ity to to contr tribu ibuting ting to to th this impressive ssive asset

  23. Great Gr at Wester ern n Pa Park Residents’ Association Today’s meeting now concluded Next meeting Monday 9 th December 2019 www.gwpr .gwpra.or a.org. g.uk uk Facebook Group ‘Great Western Park Residents’ As Asso sociatio iation ’


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