We Welco lcome me to to Ou Our r Par Parish ish Fam Family! ily! Bi Bien enven venidos idos a Nu a Nues estra tra Fam Famil ilia ia Pa Parr rroquial! oquial! We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new parishioners and visitors! We are so pleased that you are with us! Nos gustaría darles una cálida bienvenida a todos nuestras nuevos miembros y visitantes! Estamos muy felices que estén con nosotros! St St. Phi hilip ip Be Beni nizi zi Cathol atholic c Chur hurch “Walking United as Faithful Disciples of Jesus Christ” “Caminando Unidos Como Discípulos Fieles de Jesucristo”
For a COMPLETE listing of all of our weekly events, click the Room Reservations on our website at www.stphilipbenizi.org or see the binder at the Welcome Desk or in the Hartmayer Lobby!
TIME TO “BREAK GROUND” FOR THE NEW KITCHEN! Join us on Monday, June 3rd to celebrate the groundbreaking for our long awaited and very much anticipated new kitchen! We will gather on the Friary parking pad at 7:00 p.m. This is an historic moment for our parish, and we want you to be a part of it all. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at (770) 478-0178.
QUE UESTION STION OF TH F THE E WEEK: EK: Please ease discu scuss ss in your r families ilies and your r minist strie ries! ! Our passage from the Acts of the Apostles shows Paul and Barnabas turning to the other apostles for a resolution regarding the practice of the faith. How do you see this collegial process played out in the church today? PREGUNTA GUNTA DE LA SEMAN MANA: A: ¡Por favor vor discu scuta ta con sus familias ilias y y sus ministerios sterios! ! ! ! Nuestro pasaje de los hechos de los apóstoles muestra a Pablo y a Bernabí recurriendo a los otros apóstoles para una resolución sobre la práctica de la fe. ¿Cómo ve este proceso colegial en la iglesia hoy en día?
Please PRAY for the Sick of our Parish Family. Dustin Pierce, Colin Swan, Linda Kotts, Chris Grossnickle, Julie Sanchez, Mark Miller, Tony Dunagan, Carrel Clemmons, Lillian Voghel, Donald Britt, Kelly Frazier, Lila Smith, Tony & Pam Meza, Patrick Sieben, Megan Milbourne, James Cary- Hamby, Ron Pinckney Jr, Jerl Bush, Irma Fitzgibbon, Stephen & Will Landkamer, Patricia Griggs, Sylvestre Kpangni, William Huffer, Patricia White, Don & Audrey Williamson, Jennifer Irons, Nancy Jamison, Martina Fishback, Becky Romeo, Erica Robinson, Jim Keating, Anne Williams, Meri Gates, Bob Polkinghorne, Cathy Grant, James Ellis, Wesley Justus, Tracy Fleming, Javier Esteban Martinez, Louis Bowen, Shirley Shipley, Buddy Armstrong, Jun Guico, Elviro Perez, Marilyn Ellis, Corazon Palaganas, Jennifer N. Walker, Marie Simms, Luzia Justus, Jeanette Schneider, Buddy “Ware” Hutcheson, Ann Millican, Sara Preston Chancey, Blaise Family, Kettly Pepe, Catherine Sanders, Alison Solove, Deborah Okwara, Pat Thomas, Donald Sanchez, Carolyn Gongwer, Roger Desjardins, Jacob Duron, James McNamara, Eric Licht, Chip Acker, Gudi Gavel, Douglas, Rev. Sylvia Bond Hill, Matthew Jeffries, Jamal Napier, Sharon Rosemary Habach, Joe Subarton, Michael Eubanks, Bea Pinckey, Carlos Duran, Joseph Blake Banks, Falvorees Jones, Sandy Rotz, Alba Haser, Jeanette Mangan, Diane Alexis, Marlene Campbell, Ron Byrd, Patrick Morley, Annabelle Ramos (Parishioners, if you or someone you love is on this prayer list and should be removed, please call the Parish Office at 770-478-0178!)
Please pray for our departed brothers and sisters. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.” +Antoine Joseph +Laura Lockridge +Helen Vallarelli +Lana Oberst +Harold O’Shields
Join us AT THE KNIGHTS’ HALL for BINGO BREAKFASTS after the 8:30 a.m. mass. All seniors are welcome! *June 12 *July 10 *August 14 *September 11 Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Sc Scan an th this is QR R Cod ode to help our Vacation Bible School kids! In addition, you can help by picking an item from the Baobab Tree in the Gathering Space. See this week’s bulletin for more information!
We're pleased to announce the availability of FORMED, an online service for accessing thousands of Catholic videos, audios and ebooks On Demand anytime, anywhere! As a member, you will have access to entertaining movies, inspiring audio talks, informative bible studies, and much more. Go to www.stphilipbenizi.org to sign up!
Walk through the Liturgy with Bishop Barron and you’ll be transformed through insights on this most privileged and intimate encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. SEE THE BULLETIN FOR MORE DETAILS!
Calling All Couples Celebrating 50th and 60th Anniversaries in 2019 The Archdiocese of Atlanta would like to honor couples married in 1969 and 1959 with an invitation to a Golden/Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday, October 5, at 12:00 Noon at St. Brigid Catholic Church. A reception will follow the Mass for the anniversary couples and their families. Space is limited. See the bulletin for details on RSVP.
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord occurs on May 30th this year but, in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, it is transferred to Sunday, June 2, 2019. Thursday is not a Holy Day of Obligation . See the Bulletin for more details! La Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor ocurre el 30 de mayo de este año, pero, en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta, se transfiere al domingo 2 de junio de 2019. El jueves no es un Día Santo de la Obligación.
H.E.R.O. will be providing a week-long residential summer camp opportunity for children infected with or affected with HIV and AIDS at Camp High Five from June 9 th through June 14 th . During the weekend of June 1 st and June 2 nd , the AIDS Ministry will be outside the Hartmayer Education Building and will be accepting donations . Thank you for your continued generosity!
A GIFT BASKET RAFFLE IS COMING! Our SPB Youth Group has 30 teens interested in attending NCYC in Indianapolis this November, but they need to raise funds to get them there. WHEN: You will be able to see and bid on all of the baskets generously donated by our SPB ministries the weekends of June 15-16 AND June 22-23! If you have any questions OR if you want to donate a basket or basket items, please contact Susan Baker at (770) 478-0178, ext. 110. If you want to learn more about NCYC, check out http://www.ncyc.info/. Thank you your generosity toward our young people.
Please plan to join us for Confirmation at the 5 p.m. Mass on May 26, 2019. Bishop Boland, the retired bishop of Savannah, will be the confirming bishop and presider. "In him you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit." -St. Paul
All are welcome at the 10 a.m. Mass on Memorial Day , which is Monday, May 27, 2019. Please also note that Parish Offices will be closed to honor the holiday. “ No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” -John 15:13
Acompañe a Fray Luis Palacios, OFM Conv., para una Peregrinación de 8 Días en México; Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Septiembre 23-30, 2019: $1,999 Por Persona Vuelo ida y vuelta desde Atlanta,GA (Incluye hoteles de primera clase, ocupación doble, 2 comidas al día, desayuno y cena. Visitas diarias, Misas diarias, Impuestos aeroportuarios, Recargos por combustible, Plan de protección de viaje) Coordinadora: Veronica Reyes: (678) 709-8313 | vreyes@archatl.com Para mas información por favor visite https://nativitypilgrimage.com/frluispalacios
El sábado, 1 de junio, 2019 ofreceremos una capacitación de VIRTUS en español de 10am a 1pm en los salones 108-110 del edificio de Educación Religiosa Hartmayer. VIRTUS es el entrenamiento que la Arquidiócesis de Ambiente Seguro requiere para todo voluntario que estará en contacto con jóvenes y niños, todo adulto está invitado a participar. Desafortunadamente, no podemos ofrecer guardería de niños y debido al contenido de las sesiones no se permiten niños o jóvenes menor de 18 años. Regístrese en línea al www.virtusonline.org (proceso de inscripción en español disponible haciendo clic en el botón "Español: acceso o inscripción)".
The Archdiocese of Atlanta would like to honor couples married in 1969 and 1959 with an invitation to a Golden/Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday, October 5, at 12:00 Noon at St. Brigid Catholic Church. SEE THE BULLETIN FOR MORE INFORMATION!
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