usf system accountability reports

USF System Accountability Reports 2014-2015 Presented to the USF - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

USF System Accountability Reports 2014-2015 Presented to the USF System Board of Trustees 3/3/2016 Dr. Ralph Wilcox, USF System Provost & Executive Vice President Dr. Sandra Stone, USFSM Regional Chancellor Dr. Sophia Wisniewska, USFSP

  1. USF System Accountability Reports 2014-2015 Presented to the USF System Board of Trustees 3/3/2016 Dr. Ralph Wilcox, USF System Provost & Executive Vice President Dr. Sandra Stone, USFSM Regional Chancellor Dr. Sophia Wisniewska, USFSP Regional Chancellor

  2. Strategic Pla lanning & Performance – Accountabili lity Framework USF System Strategic Plans 2

  3. 3 USF Sarasota-Manatee 2014-15 Accountability Report Dr. Sandra Stone, Regional Chancellor

  4. Dashboard Headcount % 2013-2014 Fall 2014 Degree Programs Offered 2012 Carnegie Classifications Enrollments Total % Change TOTAL 1,917 100% 2% TOTAL (as of Spring 2015) 28 Master's Colleges & Basic: Universities: Small White 1,366 71% -1% Baccalaureate 19 Master’s Hispanic 265 14% 10% 9 Balanced arts & & Specialist’s Undergraduate sciences/professions, some Instructional Program: graduate Black 123 6% 2% Research Doctorate 0 Other 163 9% 15% Professional Doctorate 0 Post-baccalaureate: Education- Graduate dominant, with other Instructional Program: Full-Time 929 48% 6% professional programs Faculty Full- Part- (Fall 2014) Time Time Part-Time 988 52% -2% Four-year, medium, primarily Size and Setting: nonresidential Undergraduate 1,692 88% 1% TOTAL 80 57 Tenure & Ten. Track Graduate 120 6% -6% 37 0 Faculty Unclassified 105 5% 19% Community Engagement: No PBF Metric Non-Tenured Faculty 43 57 #7 Access Rate 690 41% 0.24% #10 Post Docs N/A N/A N/A 4

  5. Degree Productivity & Program Efficiency Bachelor's Degrees Bachelor's by Group Master's Degrees 54% 556 49% 72 514 68 490 474 453 60 55 50 23% 13% Pell Black & Hispanic 2010-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 2010-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 2010-11 2014-15 5

  6. Graduation Rates by Student Type (P (PBF #5) PBF Metric #5: Academic Progress Rate (GPA Above 2.0) 2014-15: 78.65% (LY 69.88%) Swirl rate: 86.67% (LY 77.11%) 6

  7. Percent Bachelor’s Degrees without Excess Hours (PBF #9) data cu currently under re review 75.4% 71.7% 71.3% 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 7

  8. Degrees Awarded in in Programs of Strategic Emphasis (PBF #6,8 ,8) 2014-15 Degrees PSE DEGREES AS PERCENT OF TOTAL AWARDED 79 47% GAP ANALYSIS 0 43% 41% 40% 39% 54 34% HEALTH 34% 0 30% 27% 35 STEM 0 N=176 N=179 N=223 28 N=167 N=196 12% EDUCATION 6 N=32 N=31 N=18 N=15 N=6 0 GLOBAL 0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BACHELOR'S GRADUATE BACHELOR'S GRADUATE 8

  9. Post-Graduation Metrics (P (PBF #1,2 ,2) Wages of Full-time Employed in Florida Percent of Bachelor's Graduates Baccalaureates One Year After Graduation Employed or Continuing their Education 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th Percentiles One Year After Graduation 75.8% $67,900 72.7% 71.9% 70.7% $64,500 $62,700 $62,000 65.5% 62.8% $46,700 $44,600 $44,100 $41,300 $36,000 $35,600 $33,600 $33,200 $27,200 $26,000 $25,800 $25,300 $18,800 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 $18,100 $18,200 $16,400 GRADUATES GRADUATES GRADUATES GRADUATES 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 GRADUATES GRADUATES GRADUATES GRADUATES Enrolled or Employed (Full-time) Enrolled or Employed (Earning $25,000+) 9

  10. Resources ACTUAL FUNDING PER FTE $13,848 $13,566 $12,072 $11,444 $11,168 $4,523 $4,468 $3,422 $3,831 $512 $4,386 $527 $545 $481 $384 $8,813 $8,571 $7,499 $7,133 $6,398 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 State Appropriation (GR & Lottery) Tuition & Fees (State-funded Aid) Other Trust Funds Tuition & Fees (from Student) 10

  11. 11 USF St. Petersburg 2014-15 Accountability Report Dr. Sophia Wisniewska, Regional Chancellor

  12. Dashboard Headcount Fall % 2013-2014 Degree Programs Offered 2012 Carnegie Classifications Enrollments 2014 Total % Change TOTAL 4,596 100% -3% TOTAL (as of Spring 2015) 39 Master's Colleges & Basic: Universities: Medium White 3,176 69% -5% Baccalaureate 26 Master’s Hispanic 649 14% 3% 13 Balanced arts & & Specialist’s Undergraduate sciences/professions, some Instructional Program: graduate Black 334 7% -3% Research Doctorate 0 Other 437 10% 2% Professional Doctorate 0 Graduate Post-baccalaureate: Education- Instructional Program: dominant, with Arts & Sciences Full-Time 2,703 59% -3% Faculty Full- Part- (Fall 2014) Time Time Part-Time 1,893 41% -3% Four-year, medium, primarily Size and Setting: nonresidential Undergraduate 3,835 83% -3% TOTAL 128 143 Tenure & Ten. Track Graduate 530 12% -4% 90 3 T. Track Unclassified 231 5% -3% Community Engagement: Yes PBF Metric Non-Tenured Faculty 38 139 #7 Access Rate 1,589 42% 1.62% #10 Post Docs N/A N/A N/A 12

  13. Degree Productivity & Program Efficiency Bachelor's Degrees Bachelor's by Group Master's Degrees 826 825 821 58% 222 706 687 40% 167 146 144 143 18% 15% Pell Black & Hispanic 2010-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 2010-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 2010-11 2014-15 13

  14. Graduation Rates by Student Type (P (PBF #4,5 ,5) PBF Metric #5: Academic Progress Rate (GPA Above 2.0) 2014-15: 66.89% (LY 61.61%) Swirl rate: 76.35% (LY 74.22%) 60% Swirl Rate 14

  15. Percent Bachelor’s Degrees without Excess Hours (P (PBF #9) data cu currently under re review 69.4% 67.9% 64.2% 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 15

  16. Degrees Awarded in in Programs of Strategic Emphasis (PBF #6,8 ,8) 2014-15 Degrees PSE DEGREES AS PERCENT OF TOTAL AWARDED 42% 81 EDUCATION 40% 38% 63 37% 36% 36% 35% 34% 34% 136 GAP ANALYSIS 30% 0 106 STEM N=240 N=280 N=304 N=309 N=356 3 N=57 23 N=51 N=51 N=66 N=56 HEALTH 0 10 GLOBAL 0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BACHELOR'S GRADUATE BACHELOR'S GRADUATE 16

  17. Post-Graduation Metrics (P (PBF #1,2 ,2) Wages of Full-time Employed in Florida Percent of Bachelor's Graduates Employed or Continuing their Education Baccalaureates One Year After Graduation 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th Percentiles One Year After Graduation 76.9% $67,000 73.0% $66,500 71.7% 69.1% $64,000 67.1% $62,100 61.1% $46,400 $45,300 $45,000 $43,600 $35,400 $34,900 $34,800 $33,000 $27,300 $25,800 $26,000 $26,000 $19,000 $18,800 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 $18,600 $18,400 GRADUATES GRADUATES GRADUATES GRADUATES 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 GRADUATES GRADUATES GRADUATES GRADUATES Enrolled or Employed (Full-time) Enrolled or Employed (Earning $25,000+) 17

  18. Resources ACTUAL FUNDING PER FTE $10,918 $10,448 $10,266 $9,529 $8,624 $2,920 $4,206 $4,256 $3,523 $4,005 $980 $627 $725 $807 $760 $6,085 $5,885 $5,467 $5,199 $3,859 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 State Appropriation (GR & Lottery) Tuition & Fees (State-funded Aid) Other Trust Funds Tuition & Fees (from Student) 18

  19. 19 USF 2014-15 Accountability Report Dr. Ralph Wilcox, Provost & Executive Vice President

  20. Dashboard Headcount Fall % 2013-2014 Degree Programs Offered 2012 Carnegie Classifications Enrollments 2014 Total % Change TOTAL 42,065 100% 1% TOTAL (as of Spring 2015) 228 Doctoral Universities: Highest Basic: Research Activity White 22,093 53% -3% Baccalaureate 80 Master’s Hispanic 7,414 18% 3% 101 & Specialist’s Balanced arts & Undergraduate sciences/professions, high graduate Instructional Program: Black 4,309 10% 0% Research Doctorate 43 Other 8,249 20% 13% Professional Doctorate 4 Research Doctoral: Graduate Comprehensive programs, with medical/veterinary Instructional Program: Full-Time 29,174 69% 1% Faculty Full- Part- (Fall 2014) Time Time Part-Time 12,891 31% 0% Four-year, large, primarily Size and Setting: nonresidential Undergraduate 30,281 72% 0% TOTAL 1,601 619 Tenure & Ten. Track Graduate 9,905 24% 3% 987 54 Faculty Unclassified 1,879 4% 13% Community Engagement: Yes PBF Metric Non-Tenured Faculty 614 565 #7 Access Rate 12,097 42% -0.71% #10 Post Docs 321 N/A N/A 20

  21. Degree Productivity & Program Efficiency (Undergraduate) Bachelor's Degrees Bachelor's by Group 56% 8,079 7,991 7,617 46% 7,607 7,050 32% 28% Pell Black & Hispanic 2010-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 2010-11 2014-15 21

  22. Degree Productivity & Program Efficiency (Graduate) Master's Degrees Doctoral Degrees 601 2,900 546 2,633 2,558 2,524 2,373 448 425 417 2010-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 2010-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 22

  23. Graduation Rates by Student Type (P (PBF #4,5 ,5) 69% PBF Metric #5: 6-Yr Swirl Academic Progress Rate (GPA Above 2.0) Rate 2014-15: 85.62% (LY 86.74%) Swirl rate: 85.93% (LY 86.99%) 23

  24. Percent Bachelor’s Degrees without Excess Hours (P (PBF #9) data cu currently under re review 65.1% 62.8% 56.6% 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Source: USF System Office of Decision Support 24

  25. Degrees Awarded in in Programs of Strategic Emphasis (PBF #6,8 ,8) 2014-15 Degrees PSE DEGREES AS PERCENT OF TOTAL AWARDED 1,914 76% STEM 72% 72% 1,085 69% 70% 1,519 57% HEALTH 54% 1,050 52% 50% 47% 366 EDUCATION N= N= N= N= N= 386 3404 3906 4030 4423 4625 N= N= N= N= N= 568 2150 1949 2046 2670 2274 GAP ANALYSIS 107 258 GLOBAL 42 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BACHELOR'S GRADUATE BACHELOR'S GRADUATE 25


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