UNSW workshop in 2014 Jinwon Shin
My Research History PH. D Macquarie Uni. Pusan National Uni. SFL workshop in PNU In 2000 In 2009 In UNSW 2011-2013
Macquarie Uni. in 2000 ST (Korean Poem) Difference TT(E)1 TT(E)2
PNU in 2009-2010 Discourse Semantic Aspect Semantic Aspect
PNU (2011 – 2013) ST 3 ST 1 ST 2 (DA) (CH) (JA) TT 3 TT 1 TT 2
Hypothesis & Focus (After UNSW Workshop) ST 3 ST 1 ST 2 (DA) (CH) (JA) TT 3 TT 2 TT 1
Research Plan • Hypothesis: • In news editorial translation, some translators give more space to their putat ive readers than others when they deliver ST to its TT readers. • Questions: • If there are some differences in the space, What difference is between TTs? What causes the differences?, Institutions ideology translator involved, or t ranslator’s choice, and so one. • Or If the difference is not much bigger, do genre features or translation univ ersals work in translation? • Methodology: • I will have some extracts from news editorials provided by four different new papers(JA, DA, HG, CH). • As an analysing flame, I plan to adopt the engagement system provided by Martin & White(2005)
• Thank you
Research Plan • Before: My research interest has been in how interpersonal meaning is shifted in news edi torial translation between K and E. • I did some research into how the degree of detachment and commitment of ST writer is cha nged in TT. • Also I examined what caused the change based on translation universals. • From previous research results, I learned the degree of assertion of the TT voices are not r elated to ST’s voices. Rather, it seemed they are heavily influenced by the position of lang uages involved. When the position of source language is higher than TL, translators tend t o become more ST oriented. Therefore, in Korean to E Translation • I found out this is mainly because translation • • After: Now I would like to see differences between different TTs from engagement aspect . • I hypothesize that some translators give more space to their putative readers than others. • If there are some differences, what makes them?, Institutions ideology translator involved, or translator’s choice, and so one. • Or If the difference is not much bigger, does genre feature or translation universals work in t ranslation? • I will select some extracts from news editorials provide by different new papers.
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