uec government relations sub committee

UEC Government Relations Sub-Committee Sandra G. Biedron, Chair and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UEC Government Relations Sub-Committee Sandra G. Biedron, Chair and Jesus Orduna, Deputy Chair UEC Meeting 21 November 2014 2 Committee and Assignments Assembled Website Thomas Strauss and Tulika Bose (last year was Marcelle

  1. UEC Government Relations Sub-Committee Sandra G. Biedron, Chair and Jesus Orduna, Deputy Chair UEC Meeting 21 November 2014

  2. 2 Committee and Assignments Assembled • Website – Thomas Strauss and Tulika Bose (last year was Marcelle Soares-Santos) • January Planning Meeting – Fernanda Garcia and Fabio Happacher (last year was Greg Snow) • Packet - Tulika Bose and Linda Spentzouris (Last year was Tulika Bose) • 1-Pager (Message) – Sandra Biedron and Lee Roberts (last year was Breese Quinn and Lee Roberts) • Logistics – Vivian O’Dell (Last year was Andre de Gouvea) • Primary Meeting Assignment –Sandra Biedron, Jesus Orduna, and Breese Quinn (called back for duty) - (last year was Breese Quinn and Sandra Biedron) • Secondary Meeting Assignment – Jesus Orduna and Thomas Strauss (last year was Breese Quinn, Sandra Biedron, and Craig Group) • Special Meetings - Lee Roberts and Breese Quinn (Last year was Lee Roberts) • Finance tally and estimates for trip – Linda Spentzouris (This post did not exist in the past but chair from last year, Breese Quinn has the information.)

  3. 3 Updates from these committee members • Thanks to those helping on this committee!

  4. 4 Wiki Website update 
 Thomas Strauss and Tulika Bose • (From Fernanda) Johnathan Lewis communicated with me a couple of weeks ago about a wiki he developed. We could not find a date to meet yet ▫ Jesus and Thomas are in contact with Johnathan to grab info about the wiki

  5. 5 January Planning Meeting 
 Fernanda Garcia and Fabio Happacher • DC Planning Meeting will be held January 30 th ▫ After the regular UEC meeting ▫ Location: WH 7th floor crossover (Racetrack) from 8:00-5:00 ● note change in location ● The regular UEC meeting & the DC trip meeting will happen at WH7th. • Contacted Herman, Mandy, Breese 11/11 ▫ Herman and Breese responded: ● Herman may have a conflict. He will confirm later ● Breese will attend ● either in person or via phone-conference • Contacted Kim 11/11 ▫ Provide information about the meeting ▫ According to Greg Snow, last year about 20 people made to the meeting. Using 20-25 head count for this year. ▫ 11/20 – Directorate approval to use FRA funds for lunch / coffee. ▫ Lunch options: most likely going with cold lunch selection – gives more flexibility • Carol McGuire of Lewis-Burke said she can attend (still need APS and IEEE too) • VIP’s - Nigel, Foster, Hultgren ▫ Herman provided office contact information for Foster, Hultgren ▫ Greg mentioned the UEC Chair invited the VIPs last year ▫ We will request that Bill Louis does these invites. (Nigel already on board for 30 January so at least we will have 1 VIP)

  6. 6 Packet 
 Tulika Bose and Linda Spentzouris • Tulika and Linda are asking Kimberly Pearce for business cards now for the UEC members that we can use throughout the year. • They are starting work on the packets (see next charts.)

  7. 7 Candidate Packet materials • HEP Brochure – Update text ? • Symmetry Magazine – Include the latest print version (Fall 2014 /Spring 2015) – Could print in addition pdfs of online articles • Archives: http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/archives • Applied science articles: http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/science- topics/applied-science – Example on slide 6

  8. 8 Candidate Packet materials • Map and list of US HEP institutions • DPB "Accelerators and Beams" brochure: ▫ http://www.aps.org/units/dpb/upload/accel_beams_2013.pdf • Fermilab fact sheets: ▫ http://fnal.gov/pub/presspass/factsheets/ ▫ In particular, the Benefits to Society 1-pager • US LHC fact sheets: ▫ http://www.uslhc.us/The_US_and_the_LHC/Fact_Sheets • The US and the Higgs Boson (poster created for the Nobel Prize): ▫ http://www.uslhc.us/files/FINAL_USLHC_Higgs_Poster.pdf (Also included last year: Bubble chamber bookmarks, scintillator rulers, Higgs buttons)

  9. 9

  10. 10 1-Pager (Message) 
 Sandra Biedron and Lee Roberts • No action as of yet.

  11. 11 Logistics 
 Vivian O’Dell • She will start as soon as we know the visit dates.

  12. 12 Status of Primary Connections 
 Jesus Orduna and Sandra Biedron • We have received most of the primary information from the UEC and FSPA as well as Breese Quinn, Herman White, and Mandy Rominsky. • We still need information from a few individuals. • We have asked for primary information from the other two user organizations as well. • Jesus has the script running but we need to verify committee files. • With the info we have now: ~190 uncontested primaries already covered. Some people have as much as 30+ primaries.

  13. 13 Secondary Meeting Assignment 
 Jesus Orduna and Thomas Strauss • No action yet.

  14. 14 Finance tally and estimates for trip 
 Linda Spentzouris • Linda is working on finding details of how much funding is available. • Everyone who will go will fill out a cost estimate sheet in January. We will take measures to keep the cost down, mostly sharing rides and rooms. • Last year we had $25,000 and sent about 20 people. The average • cost per person was $1260 or so. This was: $790(hotel)+350(airfare)+$120(ground transportation)=$1260.

  15. 15 Special Meetings 
 Lee Roberts and Breese Quinn • Harvey Newman is working on DOE HEP, DOE SC, and NSF. He will also help with the OMB and OSTP meeting arrangements. • Once we know the dates, we will ask Breese Quinn to help with the subcommittee meetings.

  16. 16 DC Visit Dates • The week of 9 March is probably when the President’s budget will be released. So we need to choose time after that but before mid April since hearings will start to take place. • We are awaiting the final dates from Senate on when they are in session and this knowledge should come in LATEST first week of December and we will make the final decision at that time. (see next chart for House’s schedule for 2015) • What we know now ▫ The weeks of March 30-April 3 and April 6-10 are interfering with Passover and Easter (Most people will be off.) ▫ The week of 23-27 March is the most likely week but see next charts.

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  18. 18

  19. 19 Week of 23-27 March – Good and Bad • GOOD: ▫ Jim Siegrist (DOE/HEP), Pat Dehmer (DOE/SC), and Jim Shank (NSF) are all available the week of 23-27 March. (Thanks to Harvey Newman for checking on this.) ▫ Congress is in session. • BAD: ▫ The Future Circular Collider Meeting is the same week but thankfully, it is also in DC.

  20. 20 How do 17-20 March and 23-27 March look for our team? • PLEASE LET US (Sandra and Jesus) KNOW BY COB Monday 24 November.

  21. 21 Next Sub-committee Meeting • Today at lunch!

  22. 22 What we need from YOU in the near future • Help with secondaries (clarifications). • Help filling out cost estimate form. • Help with the office scheduling visits for your visits. • Participation on 30 January 2015. • Help getting office visits with members of Congress in key districts or those with influence. • Participation in DC visit 2015. • Help with a “local visits information booth” at the FNAL User meeting. • Participation on local visits in 2015.

  23. 23 THANKS!


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