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www.researchingmeditation. com He a lth o f Austra lia n Me dita to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dr Rame sh Manoc ha MBBS BSc PhD Me dita tio n Re se a rc h Pro g ra mme , Se nio r L e c ture r De pa rtme nt o f Psyc hia try, Unive rsity o f Sydne y www.researchingmeditation. com He a lth o f Austra lia n Me dita to rs 95 * 90 * *

  1. Dr Rame sh Manoc ha MBBS BSc PhD Me dita tio n Re se a rc h Pro g ra mme , Se nio r L e c ture r De pa rtme nt o f Psyc hia try, Unive rsity o f Sydne y www.researchingmeditation. com

  2. He a lth o f Austra lia n Me dita to rs 95 * 90 * * * 85 * * * 80 * * 75 * * 70 65 * 60 Physical Role Bodily Pain General Vitality Social Role Mental Function Physical Health Function Emotional Health

  3. Never Occasionally 3% 6% Once or twice per week 12% Several times per day or more 47% Once or twice per day 32%

  4. 90 12% 6% 3% 47% 32% 80 Mental Health Score 70 60 several times per once or twice per once or twice per once or twice per less than once per day or more day week month month Mental Health Subscale of SF36

  5. 90 80 Mental Health Score 70 60 several times per once or twice per once or twice per once or twice per less than once per day or more day week month month Mental Health Subscale of SF36

  6. 90 * * * 80 Mental Health Score 70 60 several times per once or twice per once or twice per once or twice per less than once per day or more day week month month Mental Health Subscale of SF36

  7. 90 - N=14, Sing le a rm, unc o ntro lle d, he uristic - Pe rime no pa usa l wo me n 60 - 8 we e ks, 2x we e k a t Ro ya l Ho spita l fo r Wo me n 30 - 8 we e k fo llo w up - No o the r pha rma c e utic a l, 0 he rb a l me dic a tio ns baseline 4 weeks 8 weeks 16 weeks

  8.  12 mo nth da ily pra c tic e b y 3 rd c la ss c hildre n Emotional and Behavioural Wellbeing 3 rd Grade Class 12 ntal Health Risk 10 8 Social skills 6 4 2 0 beginning term 1 end term 1 end term 2 end term 3 end term 4

  9. MEDITATION 1 Mental Silence MEDITATION 2 Recruitment Randomised Non-mental N=178 silence Waiting list No intervention 8 week Intervention period, 2x/week, Each session approx 1 hour duration

  10. Work Stress Mental S l Silenc nce vs vs Contempl plati tion No treatment Sahaja Yoga Relaxation

  11. Recruitment n=59 MEDITATION Mental Silence Randomised Stress management 8 week 16 week Intervention period, 1x/week follow-up

  12. Airway Hyp yperrespon onsiveness Mood 35 3.5 30 3 SY Meditation 2.5 25 2 SY Meditation 20 Stress Mgt 1.5 15 1 10 0.5 Stress Mgt 5 0 0 -0.5 -0 .5 POM OMS HR Manocha et al, Thorax, 2002

  13. 0.3 0.2 Rest/generic ic medit itatio ion 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Saha haja ja Yoga/ a/ Me Mental al S Sile ilence -0.5 -0.6

  14. Hig h Re so lutio n E E G Studie s


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