txdot t ru rural tip

TXDOT T RU RURAL TIP Wel elcom ome! e! 2021-2024 Rural TIP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TXDOT T RU RURAL TIP Wel elcom ome! e! 2021-2024 Rural TIP RURAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2021-2024 Virtual Public Meeting 04/30/2020 Yoakum District 2021-2024 Rural TIP Agenda 1 Safety Minute 2 Yoakum District & its

  1. TXDOT T RU RURAL TIP Wel elcom ome! e! 2021-2024 Rural TIP

  2. RURAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2021-2024 Virtual Public Meeting 04/30/2020 Yoakum District 2021-2024 Rural TIP

  3. Agenda 1 Safety Minute 2 Yoakum District & its Boundaries 3 The Rural Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 4 How the Rural TIP Impacts You 5 How Projects are Selected for the Rural TIP 6 Projects by County 7 Funding 8 Next Steps 2021-2024 Rural TIP 3

  4. 2021-2024 Rural TIP 2021-2024 Rural TIP

  5. District Boundaries Yoakum District 2021-2024 Rural TIP 5

  6. Rural Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) THE HE RURAL TIP IP is is lis ist o of local p projects t to b be f funded w wit ithin a a TxDOT D Dis istrict during t the n next f four y years, in includin ing t those e elig igible f for f federal funding ng. It c can i inc nclud ude p projects f for : : A Rural T TIP p proje ject i is a antic icip ipated It s show ows r region onal a agreement to b be f funded w wit ithin in (commu munity-regi gion-state) o on t the the n next 4 4 y years. need o of a a p proj ojec ect. 2021-2024 Rural TIP 6

  7. How the Rural TIP Impacts You The Rural TIP process includes opportunities to provide input on the priority of major projects that are listed on it. You k know y your communi unity best st! Local and small projects around your community dealing with safety and access also get funding Tell us what through the Rural TIP, for example: project should come Road expansions first and why Sidewalks Bike lanes Pavement repair or maintenance New or improved signals Turning lanes By By partic icipating t today, y you a are p providin ing in input in in 300 p projects! 2021-2024 Rural TIP 7

  8. How Projects are Selected for the Rural TIP Projects are identified and selected by evaluating existing and future needs based on: current conditions and projections, statewide and regional plans, public input regarding transportation priorities ^ This would be you, right now! For Example: 2021-2024 Rural TIP 8

  9. How Projects are Selected for the Rural TIP Selected projects are separated into 2 main categories 1. Regiona nally ly S Significant P Projects Those with the appropriate scale or reach to be considered as stand- alone projects in a given program year have their own category. 2. Grouped P Proje jects Those without the scale to stand on their own are grouped into one of 11 sub categories and considered as a single line item in the list. 2021-2024 Rural TIP 9

  10. Area Engineers Rodney S Svec, P , P.E. . Michael B Brzozowski, P , P.E. . Yoakum A Area E Engin ineer Vic ictoria A Area E Engin ineer (36 361) 293 293-4378 (361) 5 572-5214 14 DeWitt, G Gonzales, F Fayette, Vict ctoria, J Jack ckson, a and and Lav avac aca C a Counties Calhoun C un Count nties Ryan S Simper, P , P.E. . Wharton A n Area E Engine neer (979 79) 532 532-31 3141 41 Wharton, n, A Austin, C Colo lorado, and Ma Matagorda C Counties 2021-2024 Rural TIP 10

  11. Rural TIP De Witt County Projects 2021-2024 Rural TIP 11

  12. Rural TIP De Witt County Projects LENGTH CSJ HIGHWAY COUNTY LIMITS FROM LIMITS TO PROJECT DESCRIPTION COST ESTIMATE LET DATE LET FY UNFUNDED (MI) STRIPING 0913-00-107 Various De Witt 1 DISTRICTWIDE . $1,000,000 Sep, 2020 2021 0842-01-029 FM 236 De Witt 12 Cuero City Limits VICTORIA C/L SEAL COAT $385,651 Nov, 2020 2021 2513-01-011 FM 2542 De Witt 4.958 FM 240 US 87 Seal Coat $139,618 Nov, 2020 2021 2915-01-005 FM 2816 De Witt 3.141 FM 240 US 87 Seal Coat $88,451 Nov, 2020 2021 3246-01-006 FM 3157 De Witt 5.423 FM 236 END OF STATE MAINTENANCE Seal Coat $152,712 Nov, 2020 2021 ADD 2 LANES FOR 4-LANE 0270-02-041 SH 72 De Witt 10.27 KARNES C/L 0.25 MILES EAST OF FM 2980 $43,000,000 Dec, 2020 2021 UNDIVIDED 0359-03-028 SH 119 De Witt 0.7 12 TH STREET SH 72 Install and Upgrade Sidewalks $352,350 May, 2021 2021 REHABILITATE EXISTING ROADWAY 0715-03-014 FM 108 De Witt 8.299 GONZALES C/L SH 119 $8,500,000 Sep, 2021 2022 AND ADD SHOULDERS 0913-00-108 Various De Witt 1 DISTRICTWIDE . STRIPING $1,000,000 Sep, 2021 2022 3012-01-005 FM 2980 De Witt 0.1 AT DRAW STR# 3012-01-001 Replace Bridge and Approaches $345,000 Sep, 2021 2022 3012-01-006 FM 2980 De Witt 0.1 AT DRAW STR# 3012-01-002 Replace Bridge and Approaches $690,000 Sep, 2021 2022 3012-01-007 FM 2980 De Witt 0.1 AT DRAW STR# 3012-01-003 Replace Bridge and Approaches $643,500 Sep, 2021 2022 SOUTH END OF GUADALUPE 0143-08-099 US 87 De Witt 2.689 .05 MI N OF SH 72 ACP OVERLAY $1,000,000 Dec, 2021 2022 RIVER BRIDGE 0270-01-054 SH 72 De Witt 1.103 FM 240 FM 237 ACP OVERLAY $500,000 Dec, 2021 2022 0270-02-044 SH 72 De Witt 1.394 FM 2980 FM 240 ACP OVERLAY $700,000 Dec, 2021 2022 0270-02-046 SH 72 De Witt 0.001 AT FM 240 IN YORKTOWN . IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL $250,000 Jan, 2022 2022 0270-02-047 SH 72 De Witt 0.001 AT SH 119 IN YORKTOWN . IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL $250,000 Jan, 2022 2022 0839-04-013 FM 951 De Witt 0.1 SOUTH FORK QUEENS CREEKSTR# 130620083904008 Replace Bridge and Approaches $739,200 Jan, 2022 2022 REPLACE BRIDGE AND 1113-01-028 FM 766 De Witt 0.1 AT GUADALUPE RIVER STR # 1113-01-007 $8,300,000 May, 2022 2022 APPROACHES AT GUADALUPE RIVER AND 0143-08-098 US 87 De Witt 0.345 STR # 0143-08-037 & 038 REHABILITATE EXISTING BRIDGES $7,500,000 Sep, 2022 2023 RELIEF 2021-2024 Rural TIP 12

  13. Rural TIP De Witt County Projects (cont) LENGTH CSJ HIGHWAY COUNTY LIMITS FROM LIMITS TO PROJECT DESCRIPTION COST ESTIMATE LET DATE LET FY UNFUNDED (MI) 0913-00-109 Various De Witt 1 DISTRICTWIDE . Install and upgrade sidewalks $2,000,000 Sep, 2022 2023 1113-01-029 FM 766 De Witt 0.01 AT GOHLKE CREEK STR# 1113-01-002 REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES $380,000 Sep, 2022 2023 ADD 2 LANES FOR 4-LANE UNDIVIDED 0270-01-051 SH 72 De Witt 10.51 FM 237 US 87 $31,500,000 Oct, 2022 2023 AND REHABILITATE ROADWAY ADD 2 LANES FOR 4 LANE UNDIVIDED 0270-10-014 SH 72 De Witt 3.89 US 87 US 87 $7,000,000 Oct, 2022 2023 AND REHABILITATE ROADWAY 0573-05-020 FM 240 De Witt 0.416 AT DRAW & DRAW STR # 0573-05-001 & -002 REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES $740,000 Feb, 2023 2023 0573-05-021 FM 240 De Witt 0.2 AT CLEAR FORK CREEK STR # 0573-05-013 REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES $1,900,000 Feb, 2023 2023 BELLVIEW CEMETERY RD(AT 1113-01-030 FM 766 De Witt 7.651 US 183 Restore Roadway $6,000,000 Mar, 2023 2023 LEAST FM953 0840-02-024 FM 682 De Witt 0.1 AT TONQUA CREEK STR# 0840-02-004 Replace Bridge and Approaches $1,003,200 Jul, 2023 2023 0943-02-012 FM 239 De Witt 0.1 AT DRAW STR# 0943-02-005 Replace Bridge and Approaches $600,000 Jul, 2023 2023 0913-00-112 Various De Witt 1 DISTRICTWIDE . Upgrade and Install Sidewalks $3,000,000 Sep, 2024 2025 2513-01-012 FM 2542 De Witt 4.953 FM 240 US 87 Rehabilitate Roadway $4,000,000 Jan, 2025 2025 0913-00-113 Various De Witt 1 DISTRICTWIDE . Upgrade and Install Sidewalks $3,000,000 Sep, 2025 2026 0942-01-020 FM 240 De Witt 0.204 0.8 MI SOUTH OF US 87 .593 Miles South of US 87 CONSTRUCT NEW 2 LANE ROAD $250,000 Jan, 2040 2040 2021-2024 Rural TIP 13

  14. Rural TIP Fayette County Projects 2021-2024 Rural TIP 14


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