transport service


November 2001 November 2001 Transport Service THE MAINTAINABILITY APPROACH AT ALSTOM TRANSPORT Yves DURAND Technical Director 1 Transport Service INTRODUCTION Maintainability approached with pragmatism for measurable performances

  1. November 2001 November 2001 Transport Service THE MAINTAINABILITY APPROACH AT ALSTOM TRANSPORT Yves DURAND Technical Director 1

  2. Transport Service • INTRODUCTION – Maintainability approached with pragmatism for measurable performances – How to build maintainability ? • Why the selected approach ? • Contents of the development programme • Changes in the new build projects objectives 2

  3. Transport Service Market dynamics Traditionnellement A new logic emerges FINANCE DESIGN MANUFACTURE MARKET OPERATE MAINTAIN Suppliers Operators Operators Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers New Players Suppliers Operators Operators Suppliers Suppliers 3

  4. Transport Service Who are our customers ? UK 1990 UK 2001 Rolling Stock Owners Connex South Central Connex South Cardiff Railway Operator Owners Merseyrail Connex South Central Connex South Eastern Company Cardiff Railway Electrics Merseyrail Eastern Company Electrics Northern Spirit Wales & West Operators Northern Spirit Wales & West Midland Mainline LTS Rail Midland Mainline Thameslink Rail Chiltern Railways LTS Rail Thames Thameslink Rail Chiltern Railways Trains Thames Trains Connex Rail M40 Trains Stagecoach Prism Rail GOVIA Connex Rail M40 Trains Stagecoach Prism Rail GOVIA Scotrail Island Line Scotrail Island Line MTL Rail ARRIVA MTL Rail First North ARRIVA Mendip Rail Western First North Abbey Renaissance Rail Mendip Rail First Great Western Angel Western Renaissance Rail First Great South West Go-Ahead National Western South West Go-Ahead Trains British Trains British FirstGroup FirstGroup Freight First Great Freight English, Welsh & Eastern Metros HSBC First Great Rail Owners Freight English, Welsh & Scottish Eastern /Operators Rail Sea Containers Owners Scottish /Operators Light Rail Sea Containers Freightliner Freightliner Anglia Direct Rail Service Railways Anglia Direct Rail Service London Railways National Underground London Eurostar National Underground Express Great North Eurostar Eastern Railway Express Great North Eastern Railway Glasgow Travel West Glasgow Underground Virgin GB Railways Travel West Midlands Underground Virgin GB Railways Docklands Light Midlands Gatwick Light Rail Express Railway Docklands Light Gatwick Light Rail Express Nottingham Railway Express Transit Nottingham Express Transit Scotrail Birmingham Serco Metrolink(Manchester) Tramlink West Coast Trains West Anglia Great (Croydon) Stagecoach Supertram Railpart Northern Silverlink Scotrail Birmingham Serco Metrolink(Manchester) Tramlink West Coast Trains West Anglia Great (Sheffield) Blackpool Transport Services (Croydon) Stagecoach Supertram Railpart Northern Silverlink (Sheffield) Blackpool Transport Services Cross Country Trains Midland Railcare Cross Country Trains Central Trains Mainline Midland Railcare Central Trains Mainline Where customers put a new focus on their core competencies, 4 new opportunities have arisen 4

  5. Standard product lines Urban & Suburban Trains Metropolis Citadis X’trapolis Main Line & High Speed Trains Locomotives Coradia TGV Prima 5

  6. Transport Service Service market share is increasing 93/94 98/99 02/03 Signaling Rolling Stock Rolling Stock Rolling Stock 20% 82% 50% 61% Signaling Signaling 16% 14% Services 4% Services Services 23% 30% € 1.9 billion € 3.5 billion € 5 billion 6

  7. Transport Service DESIGN MANUFACTURE MARKET FINANCE OPERATE MAINTAIN Renovation Transit - Freight - ALSTOM Equipment - Track New Products Commissioning Maintenance Warranty Transit - Freight - Equipment - Track Parts and Replacement Units ALSTOM or non-ALSTOM >30 years Services for the complete life cycle 7 7

  8. Transport Service Bringing innovative solutions through R&D 8

  9. Transport Service e c n a Renovations n e t n i a M d e r t e-Maintenance n e C y t i l i b a i l e R Condition Monitoring FRACAS TrainTracer   /CLAMP   LCPC Design & Build Operate & Maintain Corrective Preventive Predictive Corrective Preventive Predictive Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance R&D addresses the complete life cycle 9 9

  10. The programme architecture Core data Parts specification Logistic support data Contracts Logistic support engineering Customer Internal LCPC data RCM contract agreement & calculations analysis Depot basic Manpower plan design Procurement plan Logistic support products Documentation Inventory & stores Equipped Depot equipment pack workshops Condition monitoring tools Training Feedback & management systems 10

  11. Parts specification & identification Core data Parts specification Logistic support CLAMP data Electrical Part Example COMMERCIAL PARTS FAMILY GEOMETRY TECHNICAL ATTRIBUTES One part = one number Technical characteristics Box Type: Square Flange Type 10 SUPPLIER/MANUFACTURER FILE Contact Type: Male PART MASTER Nominal Voltage: 220 volt FILE REFERE Nominal Current: 13 amps NCE PARTS Number of Contacts: 11 MATERIAL REFERENCE One number = one part PARTS REFERENCE Part number Tightness: IP66 CUSTOMER Part number Description FILE Case Protection: Black Anodized Description PROTECTION UNIT Management datas Case Encoding: N Management datas PARTNUMB Part status Coupling Type: Bayonet Part status UNIT ER DTR PARTNUMBER ……. ALSTOM DRAWING Connector Type: HE302 ……. CUSTOMER FILE DTR00251135AEU Temperature Range: -55 ºC to +200 ºC SNCF : 10-5171302 CUSTOMER SPECIFICATION ALSTOM SPECIFICATION FILE FILE MANUFACTURED PROJECT SUPPLIERS STANDARD PARTS Framatome: 8525-10R-18B11-PNHL STANDARDS Deutsch: FDBA 50-18.11-PNK UTE C93422 11

  12. "LBS" breakdown Core data Parts specification Logistic support data LBS / TrainTracer / LCPC PBS LBS LOGISTIC BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (LBS) Generic GENERIC VERSION FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Version LBS FUNCTION "SYSTEM & EQUIPMENT" Parts LBS CODE LBS Project Code 01 BOGIES & SUSPENSION Application 0101 I----------- TRAILER BOGIE 0102 I----------- MOTOR BOGIE 02 DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR LRU 0201 I----------- BODY-BODY DAMPER Code 0202 I----------- ACTIVE TILTING DEVICE 03 DRIVER INTERFACE Part 0301 I----------- DRIVER CONTROLS Numbe 0302 I----------- ON-BOARD SIGNALLING r 0303 I----------- CAB COMMUNICATIONS 0304 I----------- DIAGNOSTICS & RECORDING EQUIPMENT 0305 I----------- EXTERNAL SECURITY SYSTEM Zoning 0306 I----------- DRIVER ENVIRONMENT code 04 THERMAL & AUTONOMOUS TRACTION 0401 I----------- DIESEL ENGINE 12

  13. TrainTracer & LCPC Node n : related Categories of modules Core data modules MDF Modules Parts specification Logistic support data Operation description LBS / TrainTracer / LCPC iDrawings (sizes) MG Modules ..... iDrawings (details and ident.) Assembly drawing S&E, LRU, or EC = MR Modules Node n parts list servicing procedure remove/install procedure Task description ....... MP Modules ..... Module unique number PRODUCTION DATA MANAGEMENT PUBLICATION / EXPORT Node Breakdown of the equipment paper Module name Publishing Data integrity control Material needed Module Digital medium Modules metadata Neutral format Skills required Tools needed Description Data under neutral management Publishing format architecture models Task parameters 13

  14. Methodology Logistic support engineering LCC RCM analysis Competence Centre Depot basic Manpower design plan 14

  15. Logistic support products Logistic support products Documentation Inventory & Stores De D ep e po p ot o t t E Eq E qu q ui u ip i pm p me m e en nt n t t P P Pa ac a c ck k k Equipped D D e p o t E q u i p m e n t P a c k C Co on o n nd di d i it t ti io i on o n n m mo m o on ni n i it t to or o r ri in i ng n g g t to t oo o ol o l ls s s workshops C C o n d i t i o n m o n i t o r i n g t o o l s Training Fe F F F e e ee ed e e db d d b ba b a a ac ck c c k k k & & & & M M M Ma an a a n n na ag a a g g ge e e em m m me en e e nt n n t t t s s s sy y y ys st s s te t t e e em ms m m s s s 15

  16. Diagnosis, troubleshooting, repair Communication Communication Event attributes Diagnosis Diagnosis Documentation Documentation 16

  17. Return of experience FRACAS System Defect Defect Corrective Repairs Events Verification Logging Action Third Party Third Party Third Party Reporting Reliability LCC Package Package Package External Data 17

  18. Condition monitoring of equipment Vision Cracks Vibration 18

  19. Maintenance information system Logistic support products Documentation Inventory & Stores Equipped Special tools workshops Condition monitoring tools Fe F e ee e ed d db ba b ac a ck c k k & & & M Ma M an a na n ag a ge g em e me m en e n nt t t Training F F e e d b a c k & M a n a g e m e n t sy s y ys s st t te em e ms m s s s s y s t e m s 19


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