The Master The Master Plan of Plan of Evangelism Evangelism By Robert Coleman By Robert Coleman
The worth of our The worth of our influence on others will influence on others will be measured by the be measured by the extent of Christ’s extent of Christ’s influence on us. influence on us. Thomas Marjoribanks Thomas Marjoribanks
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism How did you live How did you live what you learned what you learned in the past week? in the past week?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What captured What captured your attention the your attention the most in this most in this week’s reading? week’s reading?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism FILL IN THE BLANK: FILL IN THE BLANK: “Jesus intended for Jesus intended for “ the disciples to the disciples to produce his __ in and produce his __ in and through the __ being through the __ being gathered out of the gathered out of the __.” __.”
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism On what truth did On what truth did Jesus build His Jesus build His church? church?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What direct What direct relation must we relation must we not overlook in not overlook in discipleship? discipleship?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What analogy did What analogy did Jesus use to Jesus use to illustrate the need illustrate the need for lifelong for lifelong commitment to commitment to discipleship? discipleship? Explain. Explain.
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism FILL IN THE BLANK: FILL IN THE BLANK: “In various ways, and In various ways, and “ among all kinds of among all kinds of people, Jesus called people, Jesus called men to __ the __ of men to __ the __ of their __.” their __.”
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What three What three elements make up elements make up the Great the Great Commission, and Commission, and what is the Great what is the Great Commission? Commission?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism FILL IN THE BLANK: FILL IN THE BLANK: “The only __ for the The only __ for the “ world is for __ to go world is for __ to go to them with the to them with the gospel of salvation, gospel of salvation, and having __ them to and having __ them to the Savior, not to the Savior, not to leave them . . . leave them . . .
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism “but to work with but to work with “ them __, __, them __, __, painstakingly, until painstakingly, until they become fruitful they become fruitful Christians savoring Christians savoring the world about them the world about them with the Redeemer’s with the Redeemer’s love.” love.”
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What question What question must we ask must we ask about our own about our own discipleship? discipleship?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism The author states that The author states that the test of evangelism the test of evangelism is not what can be is not what can be seen at this moment. seen at this moment. Why do we tend to Why do we tend to place emphasis on place emphasis on tangible results such tangible results such as reports? as reports?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What do you think What do you think would be the would be the effect if just one effect if just one person took person took discipleship discipleship seriously? seriously?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What proof does What proof does the author to the author to show the show the effectiveness of effectiveness of Jesus’ plan for Jesus’ plan for discipleship? discipleship?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism Although mass Although mass evangelism has its evangelism has its place, when will place, when will the church function the church function as it should? as it should?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What is the new What is the new need in need in evangelism? evangelism?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism EPILOGUE: EPILOGUE: Is there room for Is there room for variety in our variety in our methods of methods of discipleship? discipleship? Explain. Explain.
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism How does fear of How does fear of failure keep us failure keep us from discipleship? from discipleship?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism TRUE / FALSE: TRUE / FALSE: Discipleship Discipleship happens happens accidentally. accidentally.
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism How many do we How many do we need in order to need in order to accomplish accomplish Christ’s design for Christ’s design for discipleship? discipleship?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism CIRCLE THE CIRCLE THE CORRECT CORRECT ANSWER: ANSWER: Discipleship is Discipleship is 1) a theory. 1) a theory. 2) a lifestyle. 2) a lifestyle.
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism What plan does What plan does the author suggest the author suggest that stabilizes our that stabilizes our discipleship? discipleship?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism How can you put How can you put this plan into this plan into action yourself? action yourself?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism It is not enough It is not enough just to meet. What just to meet. What must we do must we do through those through those meetings? meetings?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism How can you do How can you do this? this?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism The author The author suggests that all suggests that all of this will require of this will require supervision. What supervision. What would that look would that look like in our church? like in our church?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism FILL IN THE FILL IN THE BLANK: BLANK: “It does not It does not “ matter __ people matter __ people we enlist for the we enlist for the cause. . . cause. . .
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism “but how many but how many “ they conquer for they conquer for Christ. That is why Christ. That is why all along our all along our emphasis must be emphasis must be on __ of life. . . . on __ of life. . . .
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism “If we get the If we get the “ right quality of __, right quality of __, the rest will the rest will follow; if we do follow; if we do not get it, the rest not get it, the rest have nothing __.” have nothing __.”
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism READ IN UNISON: READ IN UNISON: “The world is The world is “ desperately desperately seeking to follow seeking to follow someone. . . . someone. . . .
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism “That they will That they will “ follow someone is follow someone is certain, but will certain, but will that person be that person be one who knows one who knows the way of Christ. . the way of Christ. . . .
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism “or will he or she or will he or she “ be one like be one like themselves, themselves, leading them on leading them on only into greater only into greater darkness.” darkness.”
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism GRACE GOALS GRACE GOALS Am I willing to start Am I willing to start a group in order to a group in order to put this plan into put this plan into action? action?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism GRACE GOALS GRACE GOALS When would this When would this group start? How group start? How would I plan it? would I plan it?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism GRACE GOALS GRACE GOALS Being part of a group Being part of a group like this requires a like this requires a great deal of great deal of emotional, mental emotional, mental and spiritual effort. and spiritual effort. Am I willing to make Am I willing to make those sacrifices? those sacrifices?
The Master Plan of Evangelism The Master Plan of Evangelism GRACE GOALS GRACE GOALS Who would I invite to Who would I invite to participate in that participate in that group? What kind of group? What kind of assignments would I assignments would I give to each person in give to each person in that group? that group?
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