the homestake deep underground science and engineering

The Homestake Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Homestake Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Kevin T. Lesko UC Berkeley May 2008 1 Homestake DUSEL Proposal NSFs Major Research Equipment and Facility Construction Effort Facility Initial Suite of

  1. The Homestake Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Kevin T. Lesko UC Berkeley May 2008 1

  2. Homestake DUSEL Proposal • NSF’s Major Research Equipment and Facility Construction Effort – Facility – Initial Suite of Experiments • Multidisciplinary – Physics – Geology – Biology – Engineering – Education ***See Jose Alonso’s Sanford Lab poster Homestake DUSEL 2

  3. Process and Progress • DUSEL Three-Step Process – S-1: Assess the Science -- Deep Science ✓ – S-2: Produce Site-specific Conceptual Designs ✓ – S-3: Select a site -- Homestake ✓ • $15M - 3 year planning grant with UCB, funded • DUSEL Proposal – Recommendation to Advance to Readiness • Producing Preliminary Design • Define & Integrate Initial Suite of Experiments – Construction estimated at ~$500 - 600M – 6 - 8 year construction phase Homestake DUSEL 3

  4. Community Activities • S-1: culminated in Deep Science DEEP SCIENCE A DEEP UNDERGROUND SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING INITIATIVE – November 2007 Town Meetings • DUSEL Experiment Development Committee (DEDC) Follows on from S-1 – Steve Elliott (LANL) Phys – Derek Elsworth (Penn State) Geo/Eng – Daniela Leitner (LBNL) Phys – Larry Murdoch (Clemson) Geo/Eng – T.C. Onstott (Princeton) Geo/Bio – Hank Sobel (UCI) Phys Homestake DUSEL 4

  5. The Next Round of NSF Solicitations • S-4: Develop Superset of Experiments – Provide $15M over 3 years to develop experimental plans (preliminary designs) – To be announced soon, funding in Oct 2008 – Open to all disciplines • April Homestake Workshops began defining Initial Suite Experiments Proposals • S-5: Select Initial Suite of Experiments – S-4 is neither necessary nor sufficient – There are additional “on ramps” for experiments other than NSF “S-x” solicitations Homestake DUSEL 5

  6. Milestone Schedule Proposed Timeline for Fiscal Years Start Finish Sanford Laboratory and DUSEL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Sanford Laboratory at Homestake Ross Shaft Rehab and Pumping Column Commissioning Jan-07 May-08 Sanford Yates Shaft Rehab. Mar-08 Dec-08 Gain safe access to 4850L for EIP construction start, and hold water level at 5000L � Jun-08 Lab Install facility infrastructure for Davis Lab early experiments May-08 Sep-08 Install and commission research instrumentation in Davis Lab Jul-08 Dec-08 Early experiments in Davis Lab ready for operation � Dec-08 Continued rehabilitation and infrastructure upgrades for Sanford Lab Dec-11 Transition from Sanford Lab to DUSEL Operations � Jan-12 ` NSF Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory at Homestake � Homestake site selection announcement Jul-07 DUSEL Preconstruction Planning and Development (R&RA) Oct-07 Dec-11 DUSEL Preliminary Design Phase to develop Baseline Cost and Schedule Oct-07 Dec-09 ✯ ✯ Planning ✯ � Preliminary Design Review and National Science Board Recommendation Mar-10 p o n Final Design Phase Mar-10 Dec-11 h o s i n k t ✯ o c � Final Design Review and Authorization for Construction Start r Dec-11 o e i ) t d W l a e e r S t n e l c i o r E d DUSEL Facility - Construction and Commissioning (MREFC) e Jan-12 Sep-17 p i ) S i j A s t d o I c n Construction Start e � Jan-12 r u o p t r c C ( t Near-Surface Campus Construction at 300L e s j B n o S o r � 300L Laboratories and Education and Outreach Facilities Jan-12 Dec-13 N C p ( Mid-Level Campus Construction at 4850 Level t r a t � � 4850L Common Facilities and Lab Module #1 (Excavation & Lab Build-out) Jan-12 Jan-14 S � � � 4850L Lab Modules #2, #3 and #4 Oct-12 Jul-17 Deep-Level Campus Construction at 7400 Level 7400L Common Facilities and Lab Module #1 (Excavation & Lab Build-out) Jan-14 Dec-15 DUSEL � � 7400L Lab Modules #2 and #3 Jun-15 Jul-17 Surface Campus Construction Construction � Infrastructure to support Underground Construction and Operations Jan-12 Sep-13 and � Phase 1 Offices and Laboratories Jul-12 Mar-13 � Phase 2 Offices and Laboratories Oct-14 Sep-16 Operations DUSEL Initial Suite of Experiments - Construction and Commissioning Jan-12 Sep-18 Homestake DUSEL � MREFC Construction Finish Sep-18 6

  7. Progress at the Sanford Lab October 2005, State Legislature approves additional $20M funding for Homestake, total of $46M Property Donation Agreement Completed 14 April 2006, Property transfered May 2006, June 2006 $70M Sanford Gift, $15M gifted ‘07 January 2007 Rehab initiated, $60M in hand October 2007 SDSTA Hires Jose Alonso, Lab Director, additional Key Staff, SDSTA hiring staff to oversee and operate Homestake: ~30 for rehab, ~ 25 to 30 staff Early Implementation Program at Homestake 2008 - 2012 “The Sanford Laboratory” Homestake DUSEL 7

  8. Progress at the Sanford Lab • Focusing on re-gaining access and stabilizing facility • Pumped ~4M Gal in May • Routine pumping in June • Access to 4850L by Sept • Upper Level Experimental Program Initiated – Geology, Seismology, Geochemistry, Geomicrobiology • Science at 4850L by Dec – Dark Matter, 0 νββ , low seismic R&D... Homestake DUSEL 8

  9. Long Baseline ν , Nucleon Decay, and Associated Programs • Long Baseline Neutrinos CP Violation cp 180 2 " $ + $ , # m > 0 31 • Nucleon Decay 20 120+120 10 PoT 120 true value 68% CL 95% CL 60 – Same detectors 0 • Discovery Potential -60 – Neutrino mass hierarchy -120 – θ 13 -180 -2 -1 10 10 2 sin 2 ! 13 θ 13 Mass Hierarchy – CP violation 180 180 # + # , 1300km + , 1300km # # cp cp " – Nucleon decay " 20 20 120+120 10 PoT 120+120 10 PoT 3 120 $ 2 120 3 $ 2 ( m > 0) % ( % m > 0) 5 $ 31 5 $ 31 3 $ 3 2 $ 2 ( % m < 0) • Diverse Program ( m < 0) % 5 $ 31 5 31 $ 60 60 0 – Full MNSP matrix 0 -60 -60 – Atmospheric and solar neutrinos -120 -120 -180 – Supernovae neutrinos -180 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 2 sin 2 ! 2 sin 2 ! 13 13 Homestake DUSEL 9

  10. Beginning with 100-kt Water Cherenkov Detector _ & 700kW FNAL Beams@120 GeV 3 years each ν + ν 1kt LAr ≈ 3kt H 2 O 18x10 20 POT each Θ 13 180 100kt WCh cp " 3 years at 700 kW 120 for # and # each 3 discovery: $ 60 2 Determination of CP m > 0 % 31 2 m < 0 % Phase 0 31 Mass Hierarchy 180 cp -60 " WCh 100kT 180 100kt WCh 2 $ + $ , # m > 0 cp 31 " 3 years at 700 kW 20 120 18+18 10 PoT -120 120 for and each # # true value 68% CL 60 -180 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 95% CL 60 2 sin 2 ! 13 0 0 -60 -60 95% CL observ.: 2 from Mark Dierckxsens -120 m > 0 -120 $ 31 2 m < 0 $ Milind Diwan 31 -180 -180 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 Mary Bishal 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 2 sin 2 ! 2 sin 2 13 ! 13 Homestake DUSEL 10

  11. Physics with 300-kt Water Cherenkov Detector _ & 2 MW Beams @ 120 GeV 3 years each ν + ν Exclusion of CP Violation 180 # + # , WCh cp " Θ 13 20 60+60 10 PoT 3 $ 120 2 ( m > 0) % 5 $ 31 3 $ 2 ( m < 0) % 180 5 $ 31 # + # , WCh 60 cp Mass Hierarchy " 20 60+60 10 PoT 3 $ 120 2 ( m > 0) % 5 $ 31 0 180 3 $ + , WCh 2 # # ( m < 0) % cp 5 $ 31 20 60+60 10 PoT 60 -60 3 $ 120 2 ( m > 0) % 5 31 $ 3 $ 2 0 ( % m < 0) 5 31 $ -120 60 -60 -180 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 10 10 10 10 2 sin 2 ! 13 -120 -60 -180 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 D D T 2 a -120 sin 2 2 o ! 1 y 13 K u a 0 b 0 2 B l e k 0 a t 1 y C -180 L 2 -4 -3 -2 -1 2 h 10 10 10 10 A 0 o N 2 sin 2 r ! 1 o O 13 D 3 z 60x10 20 POT each v U A 2 N S 0 O E 2 1 L v 0 2 A 1 7 2 Homestake DUSEL 0 1 4 11

  12. 4850 Level Conceptual Layout Yates Shaft Davis Cavern Existing Drifts Lab Modules 20m x 20m x (50, 75, 100m) Exhaust Ventilation Neutrino Detectors Staging Area New Drifts 15m x 15m Neutrino Detector 8m x 5m Access Drifts 10m x 5m Ross Shaft Homestake DUSEL 12

  13. Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay • Well Motivated by ν Oscillation Experiments & Theory e - – Absolute ν mass scale Z ν e – ν Mass hierarchy Z+1 e - Z+2 – Dirac or Majorana Nature of ν n ⇒ p + e − + ν e – Even null results are valuable (RH ν e ) (LH ν e ) ν e + n ⇒ p + e − Degenerate Inverted Normal [T 0 ν 1/2 ] -1 = G 0 ν (E 0 ,Z) |<m ν > | 2 |M 0 ν F - (g A /g V ) 2 M 0 ν GT | 2 Homestake DUSEL 13


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