texas emergency nurses association leadership orientation

Texas Emergency Nurses Association Leadership Orientation 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Texas Emergency Nurses Association Leadership Orientation 2017 Committees Lynn Kelley, MS, RN 2017 Texas ENA Immediate Past President Lets Get Started Objectives Review committee structure Describe roles and responsibilities of

  1. Texas Emergency Nurses Association Leadership Orientation 2017

  2. Committees Lynn Kelley, MS, RN 2017 Texas ENA Immediate Past President

  3. Let’s Get Started

  4. Objectives • Review committee structure • Describe roles and responsibilities of committee members and committee chair • Identify Standing Committees • Recognize ENA committees at the local level

  5. What is a Committee? • A person or persons to whom a charge or trust is committed • A body of persons delegated to consider, investigate, take action on, or report on some matter

  6. Texas ENA Standard Operating Procedures • The state council shall have committees in sufficient numbers necessary to address its objectives, professional practice, special interests and programs • Funding shall be provided as determined by the Board of Directors and the State Council

  7. Texas Emergency Nurses Association • What can you do? • Get Involved! • Be an active committee member • Just ask how

  8. Texas ENA Committees • Committee Members : – Chair: 3 Year Commitment • 1 year Chair-Elect; 2 years Chair • Exception: Government Affairs - 4 year commitment – Local chapter delegates – Board liaison • Duties / Responsibilities : – The committee will annually establish goals and objectives to be approved by the Board of Directors – Report to the TxENA State Council

  9. Committee Chair • ENA member • Previous member of the committee • Responsible for committee budget and goals • Quarterly meeting: – Agenda – Meeting minutes and Committee report • Communications with members • Annual Newsletter article

  10. Role of Committee Chair • Plans committee meetings, agenda, submits budget • Conducts meeting or obtains substitute as needed • Accepts / supports committee’s charge and ensures meeting timeline is met (Located in SOPs) • Assists members to move toward participation and decision making • Evaluates the committee’s efforts / communicates accomplishments to the committee /Board liaison • Prepares / provides State Council secretary with minutes and reports • Submits TxENA NEWSRUNNER article to media chair

  11. Role of Committee Members • Assists with development of goals and budget • Conducts committee business during quarterly meetings • Completes assignments

  12. Standing Committees Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures • Purpose: Review current Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on regular basis for compliance with national ENA requirements and TxENA current practice – Review and revise Bylaws and SOPs to define the practices of the Texas ENA Board of Directors, State Council, committees and chapters – President-Elect and Parliamentarian are active members of the Bylaws and SOPs Committee

  13. Standing Committee Elections Process • Purpose: Prepare and review a slate of qualified candidates for annual Council elections – Review candidate information prior to formulation of a slate of officers for elections. – Presents a slate of qualified candidates at the last business meeting of the calendar year – Provides the Media Chair with the slate of officers and biographical information for publication in the 3rd quarter Newsletter – Conducts the election process

  14. Elections Process cont. • Chairperson is Immediate Past President of State Council – Members may not be a candidate for office while serving as a member of the committee

  15. Delegate Selection • Purpose: Define the most equitable procedure for selecting state delegates to the national “General Assembly” • Procedure: – A point system will be used to determine state delegate positions, in addition to the criteria set by the national bylaws – Prepare delegate selection packets – Review delegate packets – Notifies members and State Council

  16. Emergency Preparedness • Purpose: Develop and maintain a Texas ENA “all hazard” emergency plan – Influence personal and professional disaster preparedness for Texas ENA membership – Facilitate training of emergency nurses through ENA chapters for response in emergency situations – Encourage volunteerism and response of emergency nurses related to disaster preparedness – Collaborate with the experts in the field of disaster management

  17. Injury Prevention • Purpose: Reduce the number of injuries, deaths and crashes due to drinking and driving – Increase the proportion of adolescents who abstain from using alcohol – Initiate early alcohol and drug awareness education and prevention skills – Provide education to senior citizens regarding the interaction of alcohol and their medications and highway safety skills

  18. Injury Prevention cont. – Provide occupant protection education to the general population – Support helmet laws and encourage helmet use – Promote collaboration in local communities to prevent injuries – Provide injury prevention education to the public in all areas including, but not limited to: bicycle and helmet safety, gun safety, domestic violence prevention, fall prevention, home safety and child passenger safety

  19. Government Affairs • Purpose: Identify and monitor pending legislation affecting emergency nursing, emergency health care, and EMS at the state and national levels – Analyze pending legislation affecting emergency nursing, emergency health care, and EMS, make recommendations to the board for positions on such legislation, and draft letters for the president's signature – Actively lobby legislators, government agencies and other organizations relative to Texas ENA's position on legislation affecting emergency nursing, emergency health care, and EMS

  20. Government Affairs cont. – Maintain active liaison with the Texas Nurses Association relative to government affairs for the purposes of bill tracking and common legislative positions where appropriate – Develop and implement, as necessary, a telephone tree of Texas ENA members for the dissemination of information – Keep the national ENA informed of significant legislative issues in Texas regarding emergency nursing, emergency health care, and EMS

  21. Membership • Purpose: Develop and implement strategies for recruiting and retaining members and generation of interest in the emergency nurses association – Monitor and promote activities or benefits applicable to the member at the local and state level – Conduct an annual membership campaign in conjunction with the national association – Develop a method of surveying members as to their needs

  22. Meetings Planning • Purpose: Develop annual budget for TxENA quarterly meetings – Designate meeting sites for TxENA quarterly meetings – Assist site coordinators with arrangements for TxENA quarterly meetings – Develop and implement strategies to reduce cost of TxENA quarterly meetings and assist host chapters with budget process for TxENA quarterly meetings

  23. Meetings Planning cont. – Update and maintain meeting planning guide – Oversee and approve, with the input from the board, any contracts for meeting arrangements – Communicate with site coordinators agendas, room requirements and meeting requirements – Serve as resource for local site coordinators for meeting planning

  24. Nursing Practice • Purpose: Monitor and address issues affecting professional nursing practice, encompassing issues related to all areas of emergency nursing practice and emergency nursing standards – Disseminate information to chapters and members regarding professional nursing issues – Serve as a resource to other groups and interested individuals regarding issues related to professional emergency nursing practice – Work in conjunction with public and consumer education to develop position statements and resolutions on issues pertaining to professional nursing practice

  25. Pediatric • Purpose: – Serve as a pediatric resource and advisory committee to assist with the organization, implementation, and evaluation of the ENA Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course (ENPC) on a state level – Train ENPC instructors • Develop the appropriate number of instructors to support the state.

  26. Pediatric cont. • Precept and evaluate ENPC instructors who are conducting a course for the first time (instructor candidates). – Be a Pediatric resource and report on issues relating to the practice of pediatrics within the scope of emergency nursing practice

  27. Trauma • Purpose: – Serve as a trauma resource and advisory committee on the state level and assists with the organization and implementation of ENA's trauma courses. – Assist with the organization, implementation, and evaluation of the ENA Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC) on a state level • Train TNCC instructors

  28. Trauma cont. • Develop the appropriate number of instructors to support the state • Precept and evaluate TNCC instructors who are conducting a course for the first time (instructor candidates) – Be a trauma resource and report on issues relating to the practice of trauma within the scope of emergency nursing practice

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