helping poor performing helping poor performing nurses

Helping poor performing Helping poor performing nurses reach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Competency Assessment & Competency Assessment & Performance Management Performance Management Helping poor performing Helping poor performing nurses reach competence nurses reach competence Regulatory Body Regulatory Body The

  1. Competency Assessment & Competency Assessment & Performance Management Performance Management Helping poor performing Helping poor performing nurses reach competence nurses reach competence

  2. Regulatory Body Regulatory Body � The New Zealand Nursing Council (NZNC) is the The New Zealand Nursing Council (NZNC) is the statutory body that regulates nursing in New Zealand statutory body that regulates nursing in New Zealand under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (HPCA) 2003. The role of the NZNC is to maintain Act (HPCA) 2003. The role of the NZNC is to maintain public safety and it does this primarily by ensuring public safety and it does this primarily by ensuring continuing competence of nurses ( continuing competence of nurses (New Zealand Nursing New Zealand Nursing Council, 2008) Council, 2008)

  3. � The assessment of competence is an The assessment of competence is an evolving area for health care managers. evolving area for health care managers. � Competence is set out through a set of Competence is set out through a set of four domains, with each domain outlining four domains, with each domain outlining practice expectations ( practice expectations (New Zealand New Zealand Nursing Council, 2008 Nursing Council, 2008). ).

  4. Our organisation � Our organisation � s obligations � s obligations � � Fairly and transparently identify any Fairly and transparently identify any competency issues competency issues � Employers must notify NC of any Employers must notify NC of any regulated nurses that have identified regulated nurses that have identified competence to practice issues competence to practice issues

  5. � Growing unease about potential litigation if Growing unease about potential litigation if the performance management process is the performance management process is poorly managed poorly managed � Thus documentation of the process is very Thus documentation of the process is very important important

  6. Supportive Improvement and Supportive Improvement and Performance Improvement Performance Improvement Management plans Management plans

  7. SIP and PIP SIP and PIP � Southern DHB has developed a Southern DHB has developed a framework to help identify competence framework to help identify competence issues issues � As a preceptor you might be asked to As a preceptor you might be asked to participate participate

  8. What's the problem What's the problem � Nurse J has been working in your area for Nurse J has been working in your area for the last 11 months. Other staff are the last 11 months. Other staff are beginning to voice their frustration when beginning to voice their frustration when working with her on a shift or in the shift working with her on a shift or in the shift following. Some people look at the daily following. Some people look at the daily allocation and sigh � when she is on. allocation and sigh � when she is on.

  9. � One RN has approached the CNM with her One RN has approached the CNM with her concerns. She describes the situation as no one concerns. She describes the situation as no one wants to work with Nurse J. They think wants to work with Nurse J. They think she is she is lazy and a bit useless lazy and a bit useless. When asked for more . When asked for more information the RN says she can � can � information the RN says she t handle a t handle a normal work load normal work load and staff have started giving and staff have started giving her less complex patients with a maximum of her less complex patients with a maximum of three patient workload. This has been getting three patient workload. This has been getting worse for the last 6 weeks and worse for the last 6 weeks and everyone has everyone has had enough! had enough!

  10. What does the CNM do about this What does the CNM do about this Option 1 � � Option 1 Nothing it will all blow over Nothing it will all blow over (wrong answer! wrong answer!) Option 2 � � Option 2 Call in RN J and tell her to pull Call in RN J and tell her to pull her socks up (Wrong answer her socks up ( Wrong answer!) !) Option 3 � � Option 3 Investigate the allegations and Investigate the allegations and try and define exactly what the issues with try and define exactly what the issues with RN J are and are they accurate and valid RN J are and are they accurate and valid � (yippee on the right track yippee on the right track)

  11. What tools/support does the CNM What tools/support does the CNM have? have? � Nursing Council competencies Nursing Council competencies � Nurse Director Nurse Director � Human Resource advisors Human Resource advisors � NZNO advisor NZNO advisor

  12. What next? What next? � The CNM needs to establish if there is a The CNM needs to establish if there is a problem by talking with staff that raised the problem by talking with staff that raised the issue issue � The CNM asks them to explain exactly The CNM asks them to explain exactly what the issues are what the issues are

  13. What the CNM found � What the CNM found � � The CNM found that: The CNM found that: � RN J was often late for shift so didn � RN J was often late for shift so didn � t get a full t get a full handover handover � She didn � She didn � t take her breaks t take her breaks � Her patients missed care such as dressing Her patients missed care such as dressing changes, IV antibiotic doses, patient changes, IV antibiotic doses, patient observations not done observations not done � Appears grumpy and moody at work particularly Appears grumpy and moody at work particularly to students and the HCA to students and the HCA � Failed to do her daily bedside safety checks Failed to do her daily bedside safety checks

  14. Exercise Exercise � Look through the NC competency booklet Look through the NC competency booklet and come up with any competencies that and come up with any competencies that is relevant that are not being met is relevant that are not being met

  15. How does this relate to the NC How does this relate to the NC competences? competences? � Competency 2.1 Competency 2.1- Provides planned Provides planned nursing care to achieve identified nursing care to achieve identified outcomes. outcomes. � Administers interventions treatments and Administers interventions treatments and medications within legislation, codes, medications within legislation, codes, scopes of practice and according to scopes of practice and according to authorised prescriptions and established authorised prescriptions and established policies policies

  16. Competency 1.5 � � Competency 1.5 Promotes an Promotes an environment that enables client safety, environment that enables client safety, independence, quality of life and health independence, quality of life and health � Indicator: Indicator: Accesses, maintains and uses Accesses, maintains and uses emergency equipment and supplies emergency equipment and supplies

  17. � Competency 4.1 Competency 4.1- Collaborates and Collaborates and participates with colleagues and members participates with colleagues and members of the health care team to facilitate and of the health care team to facilitate and coordinate care coordinate care � Indicator: Provides guidance and support Indicator: Provides guidance and support to those entering as students, beginning to those entering as students, beginning practitioners and those who are practitioners and those who are transferring into a new clinical area. transferring into a new clinical area.

  18. Is there a reason for RN J � Is there a reason for RN J � s poor s poor performance? performance?

  19. Must explore if there are any Must explore if there are any reasons for this? reasons for this? � That means that the CNM should call in RN J That means that the CNM should call in RN J and raise the concerns with her and ask her if and raise the concerns with her and ask her if there are any reasons for the observed there are any reasons for the observed behaviours or practices? behaviours or practices? � Could be: Crisis at home, relationship issues, Could be: Crisis at home, relationship issues, sick family member, financial issues, domestic sick family member, financial issues, domestic violence, problem with other family member violence, problem with other family member � Could be a problem with alcohol, drug use, Could be a problem with alcohol, drug use, gambling gambling

  20. A good employer offers support A good employer offers support � The CNM should offer Vitae (used to be The CNM should offer Vitae (used to be SEED or EAP) free counselling sessions x SEED or EAP) free counselling sessions x 3 paid for by the employer 3 paid for by the employer � No one knows who goes or accesses it No one knows who goes or accesses it HR get a bill with no detail unless a HR get a bill with no detail unless a request by the employee to apply for more request by the employee to apply for more sessions. sessions.


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