Almshouse (Poor House) A House for Employment and Support of the Poor in Adams County
Provincial Pennsylvania laws to relieve the “poor, old, blind, lame, and impotent”
The Act of March 24, 1817 Elect five “respectable citizens” to choose a site on which to erect the necessary buildings Elect three “reputable citizens” to be directors of the poor, serving for three-year terms; one elected each year Paid $20 per year Directors to erect necessary buildings Directors to administer the undertaking, including binding out the poor children Directors to report annually and in detail to the quarter sessions court and grand jury and arrange for an audit Directors to estimate the sums of money needed each year to the county commissioners, who shall provide those funds
The Act of March 24, 1817 (cont.) Directors to inform township overseer of the poor when the “house of employment” is ready for occupancy and to receive the poor, after which the office of overseer of the poor shall be abolished Directors may “permit any poor person or persons to be maintained elsewhere” Directors to meet at the house or houses at least once a month, “see that the poor are comfortably supported, and hear all complaints, and redress, or cause to be redressed, all grievances which may happen by neglect or misconduct of any person or persons in their employment or otherwise”
The Main Poorhouse Land
The Poorhouse Population (1819-1965)
Life in the Poorhouse Sources of information How did a pauper get there? How long did they stay? Who was in charge of the place? Was there any type of program for the residents? What was on the menu? The presence of death
The Poorhouse Farm
Infirmary Building
Insane Department
The Poorhouse Farm From the published annual production report by the steward, 1860-1900: 5000 lbs. of pork 5000 lbs. of beef Vegetables : Peas Onions Cabbage Red beets Tomatoes Turnips Cucumbers Sweet potatoes Beans
The Poorhouse Farm From the federal 1860 agricultural census: Improved acres: 200 Unimproved acres: 109 Animals: 5 horses, 13 milk cows, 14 other cattle, 40 sheep, and 17 swine Grains produced: 600 bushels of wheat, 38 bushels of rye, 600 bushels of Indian corn, 335 bushels of oats, 70 tons of hay 265 bushels of potatoes 1560 lbs. of butter
The Battle of Gettysburg
Outdoor Relief
Treatment of the Insane
Tramps: Annual Number Stopping at the Poor House 1857- 1873…………c. 1300 1874- 1878…………c . 2925 1879- 1884…………c . 735 1885- 1892…………c . 1728 1893- 1900…………c . 3750 1901- 1920…………c . 1550
1960 Map of the Almshouse 1960 Map of the Almshouse
Demolish: Last of the Old County Home
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