��������������������� Supply Chain Risk Management Getting the Balance Right Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
������ • Introductions • Supply Chain Risk Management • The Challenges • Major Trends • Summary • Question Time Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
Who I am Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management 3
Who Santia is Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management 4
������������������������� � Experts on all aspects of Health and Safety Risk Management � Respected and Valued Partner to a large number of High Street names � Single Source Supplier Management � Integrated Services Built Around Your Needs and Business � “Pick and Mix” Approach to Service Delivery � Focus on Bottom Line Improvement Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
���������������������� Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
Our Supplier Risk Management Portfolio Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management 7
����������������������������� � B2B - Public Sector � GSB (Gold, Silver & Bronze) – An accreditation standard aimed at ensuring compliance and risk reduction designed for the Public Sector and currently being used by over 50 Local Authorities � Social Services/Personalisation – An accreditation standards developed in conjunction with 7 London Authorities for Social Services professionals and is designed to assess providers across multiple disciplines to this rapidly changing market. Currently been used by 10 Local Authorities � B2B - Private Sector � SAFEcontractor – The leading health and safety pre-qualification assessment scheme dedicated to promoting higher standards of competence and compliance through the provision of relevant industry specific and tailored health and safety assessments for all professions and sectors. Currently be used by over 150 private sector clients � Profiler – A service designed to help large organisations manage their supplier chain allowing them to save time and money, cut supplier risk, increase supplier control and accelerate supplier development. Used by over 20 private sector clients. � B2C – Domestic � Trustmark – An award-winning scheme supported by Government, building industry and consumer protection groups designed to help householders find reliable, trustworthy tradesmen to make improvements and repairs inside and outside your home. Currently used by over 30 Trading Standards who have set up reputable trader schemes. Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
Supplier Accreditation – the challenges Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management 9
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Businesses can have many suppliers, but how many do they really know? Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
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Supplier Accreditation – major trends Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management 15
$�%���������� � Standardisation of approach – attacking the bureaucracy � Deployment and use of web technologies – making access and usage easier � Aggregation of information – re-using data and presenting it in ways to support more effective decision making Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
Standardisation Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management 17
��������������� � 2 Major Government Led Initiatives � SSIP – Safety Schemes in Procurement, is supported by the HSE and was established as an umbrella organisation to promote mutual recognition amongst health and safety prequalification schemes www.ssip.org.uk � PAS 91 - This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) has been developed by BSI in order to specify the nature, content and format of a set of questions designed to test compliance with the core criteria essential for pre-qualification for construction tendering and to establish uniform requirements for their application and use. Published in November 2010 Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
��&����� ������ � Last Government Promised Action � HM Treasury – Glover report Nov 08 – “Accelerating the SME economic engine” � DWP – Donaghy report July 09 – “One death is too many” � Current Government is Following Through � Paul Morrell, Chief Construction Adviser to BIS, 5th April, 2011 � “SSIP is the model that other things, in this changing world, have to follow. And PAS 91 is the gateway to a new and better way of working.” Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
��&������ � To encourage and facilitate mutual recognition amongst pre-qualification schemes, � To help and encourage buyers to recognise SSIP as an acceptable industry standard, � To help buyers and suppliers to achieve value for money through avoidance of unnecessary duplication or differing requirements, � To provide confidence in stage 1 CDM 2007 core criteria competence assessments through a consistent, reliable, and quality-controlled standard of vetting. Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
���������������������� � Significant reduction in administration cost and time � Reduction in membership fees � Wider recognition and ‘passporting to’ other supply chains managed by other Scheme operators � Greater commercial opportunities and access to membership benefits � Reduction in business risk and access to lower insurance costs � Maintain focus on the ‘core’ business, not paperwork Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
&������������������"��� � Industry wide recognition of acceptance of SSIP standards (incl. HSE) � Reduction in risk from supply chain from desktop assessment of Health & Safety policy / practice � Support ‘zero harm’ policy to eliminate accidents / fatalities from the workplace � More SME friendly approach � Demonstrate actual compliance with written CSR policy in regards to supply chain management by putting words into action � Create a wider pool of compliant suppliers for buyers to select from Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
��&��'����������������� SSIP Client Portal launched April 2011 – www.ssipportal.org.uk (75,000 accredited contractors) Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
����() � BIS (Formerly BERR) with BSi have developed – PAS 91 – (A Publicly Available Specification) � Standardisation in Pre- qualification in Construction � Launched November 2010 Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
On-line Solutions Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management 25
�"������������� Supplier goes to Supplier Programme Web Site Registers Supplier Supplier Logs Completes On to Profiler Questionnaire Buyer Views Buyer Logs On Responses to Profiler Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management
Information Aggregation Health & Safety and Supply Chain Risk Management 27
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