strategic games basic definitions and examples

Strategic games: Basic definitions and examples Maria Serna - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Strategic games: Basic definitions and examples Maria Serna September 14th, 2016

  1. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Strategic games: Basic definitions and examples Maria Serna September 14th, 2016 AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  2. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games 1 Game theory and internet 2 Strategic games 3 Pure Nash equilibrium 4 Nash equilibrium 5 Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium 6 Congestion games AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  3. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games What about Internet? Christos Papadimitriou (STOC 2001) “The internet is unique among all the computer systems in that it is build, operated and used by multitude of diverse economic interests, in varing relationships of collaboration and competition with each other. This suggest that the mathematical tools and insights most appropriate for understanding the Internet may come from the fusion of algorithmic ideas with concepts and techniques from Mathematical Economics and Game Theory.” ∼ christos/games/cs294.html AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  4. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games What is Game Theory? Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics and economics that studies situations where players choose different actions in an attempt to maximize their returns. The essential feature, however, is that it provides a formal modelling approach to social situations in which decision makers interact with other minds. Game theory extends the simpler optimization approach developed in neoclassical economics. AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  5. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Where to use game theory? Game theory studies decisions made in an environment in which players interact. game theory studies choice of optimal behavior when personal costs and benefits depend upon the choices of all participants. What for? Game theory looks for states of equilibrium sometimes calles solutions and analyzes interpretations/properties of such states AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  6. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Basic References Osborne. An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford University Press, 2004 Nisan et al. Eds. Algorithmic game theory, Cambridge University Press, 2007 AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  7. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Game Theory for CS? Framework to analyze equilibrium states of protocols used by rational agents. Price of anarchy/stability. Tool to design protocols for internet with guarantees. Mechanism design. New concepts to analyze/justify behavior of on-line algorithms Give guarantees of stability to dynamic network algorithms. Source of new computational problems to study. Algorithmic game theory AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  8. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Types of games Non-cooperative games strategic games extensive games repeated games Bayesian games Cooperative games simple games weighted games . . . AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  9. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games 1 Game theory and internet 2 Strategic games 3 Pure Nash equilibrium 4 Nash equilibrium 5 Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium 6 Congestion games AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  10. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Strategic game A strategic game Γ (with ordinal preferences) consists of: A finite set N = { 1 , . . . , n } of players. For each player i ∈ N , a nonempty set of actions A i . Each player chooses his action once. Players choose actions simultaneously. No player is informed, when he chooses his action, of the actions chosen by others. For each player i ∈ N , a preference relation (a complete, transitive, reflexive binary relation) � i over the set A = A 1 × · · · × A n . It is frequent to specify the players’ preferences by giving utility functions u i ( a 1 , . . . a n ). Also called pay-off functions. AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  11. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Example: Prisoner’s Dilemma AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  12. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Example: Prisoner’s Dilemma The story Two suspects in a major crime are held in separate cells. Evidence to convict each of them of a minor crime. No evidence to convict either of them of a major crime unless one of them finks. AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  13. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Example: Prisoner’s Dilemma The story Two suspects in a major crime are held in separate cells. Evidence to convict each of them of a minor crime. No evidence to convict either of them of a major crime unless one of them finks. The penalties If both stay quiet, be convicted for a minor offense (one year prison). If only one finks, he will be freed (and used as a witness) and the other will be convicted for a major offense (four years in prison). If both fink, each one will be convicted for a major offense AGT-MIRI Strategic games with a reward for coperation (three years each).

  14. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Prisoner’s Dilemma: Benefits? AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  15. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Prisoner’s Dilemma: Benefits? The Prisoner’s Dilemma models a situation in which there is a gain from cooperation, but each player has an incentive to free ride. AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  16. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Prisoner’s Dilemma: rules and preferences Rules Players N = { Suspect 1 , Suspect 2 } . Actions A 1 = A 2 = { Quiet , Fink } . Action profiles A = A 1 × A 2 = { (Quiet , Quiet) , (Quiet , Fink) , (Fink , Quiet) , (Fink , Fink) } Preferences Player 1 (Fink , Quiet) � 1 (Quiet , Quiet) � 1 (Fink , Fink) � 1 (Quiet , Fink) Player 2 (Quiet , Fink) , � 2 (Quiet , Quiet) � 2 (Fink , Fink) � 2 (Fink , Quiet) AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  17. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Prisoner’s Dilemma: rules and utilities Rules Players N = { Suspect 1 , Suspect 2 } . Actions A 1 = A 2 = { Quiet , Fink } . Action profiles A = A 1 × A 2 { (Quiet , Quiet) , (Quiet , Fink) , (Fink , Quiet) , (Fink , Fink) } profile u 1 u 2 (Fink, Quiet) 3 0 (Quiet, Quiet) 2 2 (Fink, Fink) 1 1 (Quiet, Fink) 0 3 AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  18. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Prisoner’s Dilemma: rules and utilities Rules Players N = { Suspect 1 , Suspect 2 } . Actions A 1 = A 2 = { Quiet , Fink } . Action profiles A = A 1 × A 2 { (Quiet , Quiet) , (Quiet , Fink) , (Fink , Quiet) , (Fink , Fink) } profile u 1 u 2 (Fink, Quiet) 3 0 (Quiet, Quiet) 2 2 (Fink, Fink) 1 1 (Quiet, Fink) 0 3 Rationality: Players choose actions in order to maximize personal utility AGT-MIRI Strategic games

  19. Game theory and internet Strategic games Pure Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium Basic computational problems related to Nash equilibrium Congestion games Prisoner’s Dilemma: rules and costs Rules Players N = { Suspect 1 , Suspect 2 } . Actions A 1 = A 2 = { Quiet , Fink } . Action profiles A = A 1 × A 2 { (Quiet , Quiet) , (Quiet , Fink) , (Fink , Quiet) , (Fink , Fink) } profile c 1 c 2 (Fink, Quiet) 0 3 (Quiet, Quiet) 1 1 (Fink, Fink) 2 2 (Quiet, Fink) 3 0 AGT-MIRI Strategic games


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