staff meeting

Staff Meeting October 6 2011 October 6, 2011 AGENDA 1. Opening - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Staff Meeting October 6 2011 October 6, 2011 AGENDA 1. Opening Remarks and Welcome 1. Opening Remarks and Welcome 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes April 8, 2011 4. Guest: Dean, Andy Hrymak 5. Faculty Updates Standing Reports

  1. Staff Meeting October 6 2011 October 6, 2011

  2. AGENDA 1. Opening Remarks and Welcome 1. Opening Remarks and Welcome 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes – April 8, 2011 4. Guest: Dean, Andy Hrymak 5. Faculty Updates – Standing Reports 5 F lt U d t St di R t a. Staff/Faculty Recruitment Update (C. MacDonald) b. Chair Selection Committees (C. MacDonald) c. Pandemic/Faculty Continuity Planning (C. MacDonald) d. d G Green Office Pilot Program (C. MacDonald) Offi il (C ld) e. AODA, Bill 168 Training; Vacation Tracking (C. MacDonald) f. Committee Elections (C. MacDonald) g. Research & Graduate Services Update (D. Lee) h h. U d Undergraduate Services Update (J. Shepherd McKee) d S i U d (J Sh h d M K ) i. Information Technology Update (C. Reed) k. Facilities Update (C. MacDonald for M. Gaylard) 6. Announcements/Reminders 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment

  3. Strategic Plan Priority Goals 2011 ‐ 12 A AREA A GOAL GOAL PRELIMINARY ACTION ITEMS LI INA Y AC ION I S Undergraduate Have the most • Provide more mentorship and support ( (Amarjeet Bassi) j i) effective common first ff i fi d during first year – develop a volunteer peer i fi d l l year experience in program to connect upper year students with Canada which prepares 1st year students students for his or her • Brand year one – create community y y discipline of choice • Identify key courses for success Develop global minded • Support students with limited resources leaders by expansion y p to participate in international programs and p p p g of related curriculum exchanges offerings, • Priorities are around Brazil and India internationalization where government funding is available activities, and enriched activities and enriched • • Employ partnership programs to pay for Employ partnership programs to pay for education outside the travel costs for these experiences classroom

  4. AREA GOAL PRELIMINARY ACTION ITEMS Graduate Education Recruit a higher g • Provide sustainable funding mechanisms for g (Hesham El Naggar) number of excellent graduate students • Strengthen promotional materials – website calibre graduate and hard copy materials students to all • Look at course offerings and mode of delivery g y research programs research programs – more on ‐ line • Engage industry in shaping of graduate programs in addition to funding of students. • Motivate graduate students to increase their g communication skills • Support student travel to conferences – so that we can better promote our research externally • Need to concentrate on providing the best student experience for our graduate students – examine creation of a graduate office similar to Undergraduate Services for graduate students • Motivate our undergraduate students to do graduate work – e.g. offer a summer research position to all National Scholars

  5. AREA GOAL PRELIMINARY ACTION ITEMS Research Strengthen and • Review current nine research themes (Hesham El Naggar) promote key strategic and cluster them according to our areas of research areas strength and align them with the Western’s signature areas i t • Improve promotion and marketing of key signature research areas • Redefine and repackage Western p g Engineering strength areas • Build on current research success • Ensure that all researchers feel that they are part of the research themes are part of the research themes – by by messaging, a culture change and including new people in clusters

  6. AREA GOAL PRELIMINARY ACTION ITEMS Information Create a collaborative • Use on ‐ line resources for classes and Technology IT environment lab materials (Luiz Capretz) (Luiz Capretz) • • Engage faculty members and provide Engage faculty members and provide resources for training faculty members for on ‐ line education Incorporate the latest • Review and survey current technologies in infrastructure and best practices in other support of education, faculties and departments on campus research and academic h d d i needs

  7. AREA GOAL PRELIMINARY ACTION ITEMS Internationaliz ‐ Internationaliz Attract academically y • Develop program to encourage international p p g g well qualified students to come to Canada and WE students to study ation undergraduate students abroad (Amarjeet to undertake studies at • Support international students, faculty etc for Bassi) Western Engineering g g visits and exchanges g (Hesham El Promote faculty • Host on a regular basis international conference exchange visits by or event Naggar) internationally • Develop sustainable funding for international prominent academics i t d i work, exchanges and placements k h d l t • Resource activities to identify international grant opportunities • Promote and support formal international exchanges and programs, by providing structure, h d b idi t t guidelines and strategic thinking • Develop competitive award to support faculty research leaves at high quality international universities • C Create international study opportunities to teach t i t ti l t d t iti t t h courses • Increase visibility of Distinguished Lecture Series

  8. AREA GOAL PRELIMINARY ACTION ITEMS Human Resources Create an effective and • Redefine the role of the Department (Christina responsive Chair to include Human Resources MacDonald, Andy organization management and administration H Hrymak, George k G • Ensure that there is proper guidance h h i id Knopf) and training for the Department Chairs and that there are clear roles and expectations Enable a supportive • Ensuring that everyone recognizes the workplace and learning role that staff play – ensuring that faculty environment environment leaders take meaningful steps to support leaders take meaningful steps to support staff – their role at the front lines is key to providing the best student experience

  9. AREA GOAL PRELIMINARY ACTION ITEMS Outreach Outreach Develop our Develop our • • Develop communications strategy to Develop communications strategy to (Lesley Mounteer) reputation through encompass all areas and goals within the Strategic Plan keeping consistent branding with Western Communications and • Develop a Faculty Ambassadors program – Branding where faculty members traveling to attend where faculty members traveling to attend conferences to do outreach and recruitment activities. • Develop a Student Ambassadors program – arranging for a core group of students to go back to arranging for a core group of students to go back to their high schools at December or February breaks to promote WE. • Produce high quality presentation materials ready for these Ambassadors to take with them ready for these Ambassadors to take with them – 1) Western and Living in London, 2) WE Undergraduate Programs, 3) Western Engineering Graduate Programs and 4) Western Engineering Research Research • Websites –ensure that WE websites are consistent with brand and are updated and refreshed regularly

  10. AREA GOAL PRELIMINARY ACTION ITEMS • Early outreach to the elementary and high Early outreach to the elementary and high Outreach Outreach Increase community Increase community schools is necessary to reach out to the community (Lesley Mounteer) engagement ‐ expand on these both on the number of activities and the geographic locations . • Engage our students as they come into the Engage our students as they come into the program, during their programs and when they leave as alumni • Create more alumni touch points – events, relationships, involving them in activities relationships, involving them in activities • Create Alumni Ambassador Program to help tell our story to the community

  11. Awarded Funding FY 2004-2012: OVERALL

  12. Awarded Funding FY 2004-2012: NSERC

  13. Welcome to New Staff/Faculty ! and Staffing Changes d S ffi Ch Since Last Staff Meeting – October 2011 Faculty Charles Xu, Associate Professor, CBE • Mohammad Zadeh, Assistant Professor, ECE • Abouzar Sadrekarimi Assistant Professor CEE Abouzar Sadrekarimi, Assistant Professor, CEE • Louis Ferreira, Assistant Professor, MME • Staff Andrew Mathers, Project Engineer, WindEEE Dome (TF) d h d ( ) • Sean Yuan, Research Associate, ICFAR (TF) • Charlie MacDonald, Graduate Coordinator, ECE • Rajib Roy Chowdhury, Research Technical Assistant, CBE (TF) • Jose Munoz, Research Technical Assistant, CBE •

  14. Staff cont’d Cindy Cao, Graduate Coordinator, CEE (TF) • Marg Cooper, Undergraduate Recruitment Coordinator, UGS • Jeff Childerhose, Academic Counsellor, UGS (TF) Jeff Childerhose, Academic Counsellor, UGS (TF) • Karen McDonald, Undergraduate Assistant, CBE (TF) • Kristen Hunt, Graduate Coordinator, CBE (October 11/11) •

  15. Farewells Farewells • Jane Cleveland, UGS • William Greason, ECE , • Doug Shinozaki, MME • Amirnaser Yazdani, ECE • Lorenzo Ferrante, ICFAR • Tracey Hawke, ECE • James Taron, UGS • April Finkenhoefer, CBE (November 16/11) • Tarlochan Sidhu ECE (December 31/11) • Tarlochan Sidhu, ECE (December 31/11)

  16. Staff Recruitment Activities • e ‐ Communications Officer, External Services (TF) • CAMI Program Assistant, BME (TF) ( ) • Graduate Coordinator, CEE (RF) • Administrative Officer CBE (RF) • Administrative Officer, CBE (RF)


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