ARARAT 2014 Quarterly Town Hall Meeting May 21, 2014 • CEB Member Profiles / Responsibilities • Status on FY14 Strategic Initiatives • Status on FY14 Implementation Tasks • UCLA Dream Fund Grant • Public Relations / Marketing Dept Intro • Current Financial Status • Intro to Division Exec. Committees • Open forum for Q/A and discussion
ARARAT 2014 Quarterly Town Hall Meeting May 21, 2014 The Chapter Exec Board and The divisions’ Exec Committees wanted to take this opportunity to provide a mid year status report to our members, parents and coaches alike and provide a forum for any questions, suggestion or concerns. We hope that this meeting will allow us to assess if we are on track and if so how we are doing.
9 Member Chapter Exec Board ‐ CEB Emil Der Gevorkian Tomik Abrahamian Advisor Chair Scouts Improvements Lead redefine “office” / Exec. Dir. Role Roubina Manouchehri Ano Mansourian Vice Chair Advisor External Info. Officer Fundraising Lead Youth & Family Guidance Initiative GA Div Restructure Lead Armond Simonian Armineh Saint Vice Chair Advisor Division Finances Dream Fund Grant Mgr P&P Lead BB Div Restructure Lead Medik Khachikian Aram Yeremian Secretary Advisor Communication Officer 4 Pillars Cultural Div Liaison Liaison to Regional Exec Committee Anelka Khanlian Treasurer Armond Gorgorian Chapter Level Activities Executive Director Standardize Chapters acct/reporting
CEB FY14 Objectives & Priorities “Strategic Initiatives” # Strategic Initiatives CEB Ext. LeadGoals Milestones ECD Lead S1 Finalize Scouting division Emil Milen Plan was completed and submitted, Scouting Division Improvement Complete improvements Plan Arbi needs approval by CEB Plan S2 Instill 4 Pillars across all Aram Robert Communicate the 4 pilars of ararat 1) Communicate the 4 pillars to all 1) 5/31 Ararat divisions / Gratziel values and insure that all chapter members/ leaders Leadership Training a members and leaders understand that 2) Help better define how each 2) TBD each and every chapter activity should division's activities can suport our be inlined with our values. values. 3) 5/31 3)Train leaders to enforce our 4 pilars S3 Develop a Public Tomik Sevada To have a fully functional PR/Mktg 1) Define the overall PR/Mktg Plan 1) Complete Relations / Mktng Dept. Department to consist of a Dept. Lead 2) PR Lead (Sona) started on 2/1, 2) Complete and Strategy a PR lead and a Mktg lead as well as Sevada lead for our Mktg other resources (both paid and 3) Define/assemble the Resources 3) 5/31 volunteer) with specific skills sets by with specific skill sets S4 Overhauling/Standardizin Anelka Linda 1. Completing the online access and 1) Completing the hosting of 1) Complete g of Chapters function of our acccounting software. Quickbooks. 2) 2015 Bookkeeping and 2. Finalizing the cash in process and 2) Finalize a new process for cash 3) 6/30 reporting sys computerized receipts. 3. Updating receipts the shop inventory program. 3) Have to look for a new program.
CEB FY14 Objectives & Priorities “Strategic Initiatives” # Strategic Initiatives CEB Lead Ext. Lead Goals Milestones ECD S5 Create a Plan for Tomik Mossig Have a plan to use the available 1) determine avail options with 1) 5/31 Financial Stability "Funds" to stebilize our long term existing Mortgage(Alexis) (Mortgage pay down?, financial situation by end of 2014 2) Meet with Mossig to bring him up 2) 8/30 advisory board?, to speed with chapter Financials as endowment?, capital well as the details of our SWAP fundraising?) S6 Establish a Facilities Aram Hamlet define a list of maint and renovation 1) Approve committee members 1) 5/31 Maint / Renovation tasks and prioritize so the work on 2) Come up with a list of 2) 6/30 Committee those can start asap Maint/Renovation tasks 3) Prioritize the list 3) 7/3 S7 Update Chapter/Division Armineh BJ have updated P&P documents for New revised Chapter P&P 6/15 wide P&Ps Victor chapter as well as division level Division P&P for BB, Soccer, ? activities available online and Volleyball and TT accessible by all members/leaders S8 North Campus Utilization Roubina To define a plan to better utilize the business plan to utilize the North 5/30 Strategy North Campus during the off peak Campus and peak hours. The plan should include all available resources (both gyms, TT room, Fitness room, Strength training room and YAC
CEB FY14 Objectives & Priorities “Implementation Tasks” # Ops/Implementation CEB Ext. Goals Milestones ECD Tasks Lead Lead O1 Implement Scouting Emil Milen Implement improvements spelled out in the Alumni Program Under way division Arbi Scouting Division Improvement Plan - Mentorship improvements - Fundraising O2 Implement New BB Armond Armik Implement structural changes made to Youth (G-D) Committee is working Under way Restructure Plan Basketball division and make adustments if very well and have made great needed to ensure an effective operation for the improvements in those divisions. division Young Adults (A-C) committee is having problem getting traction. Because of this a decision was made to separate under 20 teams (C, B and some 3A) teams from other A div teams. O3 Implement New GA Roubina Implement structural changes made to the GA Committees have been formed for: Under way Restructuring Plan division as per the plan approved in 2013. this Soccer, Volleybal, and Table includes creation of subcommittees for each of Tennis. A New Under 10 Tennis is the 4 major sports starting and will be lunched by May 28 O4 Implement New Medik Re-organize and re-structure the Cultural Follow up with exec committee to Complete Cultural Div Anelka Division's programs. Priority will be on the have the overall plan for 2014 Strategic Plan children's art classes in order to recognize the cultural division's re-structure. art class with the learning steps and educational academic artistic curriculum. To have quality Cultural events in order to gain the trust and interest of capable instructors with artistic talent and knowledge in their fields to assist us. To use the manpower and talent in adult choir members for future programs.
CEB FY14 Objectives & Priorities “Implementation Tasks” # Ops/Implementation CEB Lead Ext. Goals Milestones ECD Tasks Lead O5 Monitor & Enforce Aram Reassess our existing monitoring and Make P&P accessible to all members P&P enforcement mechanisms and come Educate division leadership up with more effective ways to both monitor and enforce our existing Processes and Procedures. O6 Expand the Ano Sona Start utilizing the Youth and Family Organize and cary out age appropriate Implementation of Aber Guidance Center and its resources to seminars for Atheletes and Scouts. the Youth and education our BB, GA and Scouts Scouts Seminars (2 of 4 complete) Family Guidance members, leaders and parents about BB div Coaches Seminar (1 done another Initiative the alcohol/substance abuse, bullying 2 scheduled for later in May) and anger mgmnt amongst the youth. GA div - Not yet scheduled. O7 Armenia Trips - Emil Armik Organize both the Scouts Jamboree in 2014 Scouts Jamboree is in the works 1) Complet Scouting & Pan Roubina 2014 and Pam Armenian Games for and is being managed by Emil 2) 5/31 Armenian Games 2015 A committee needs to be formed to manage the 2015 Pan Armenian Games. O8 Implement Annual Armond Varouj Fully implement our ability to provide 1) find solution of recurring payments to 1) Complete Dues Collection Tomik Monthly billing option for our member be identified and reported to Varouj through Monthly to use to pay their annual dues. 2) Meet with Varouj to define 2) 6/30 billing Implement the system changes requirements .NET/Paypal required to .NET to authomatically process such payments O9 Manage Dream Armineh Armond Insure that the Grant is used for 1) Provide preliminary plan to CEB 1) Complete Fund Grant G. purposes identified in the grant 2) Communicate Plan with all divisions 2) Complete application and the 3) Start Implementation 3) 5/1 improvements/changes resulting from the grant can be measured and reported on transparently to CEB and UCLA DF
UCLA Dream Fund Grant As Many of you may know already we were awarded a five hundred thousand dollar grant from the UCLA Dream Fund late last year. The Grant was awarded to help Ararat improve in a number of areas with our current programs and offerings, facility/infrastructure upgrades, as well as provide a number of new programs and services which we currently don’t offer. This grant had a number of areas spelled out that needed improvements as well as pay for some of our existing operational costs.
UCLA Dream Fund Grant 1 ‐ Improve Facilities 11 ‐ Add art/music/drama classes 2 ‐ Rental cost of other facilities 12 ‐ College scholarship 3 ‐ Expand after school activities 13 ‐ Improve Wi ‐ Fi/HS internet 4 ‐ Increase operating hours 14 ‐ Library to transform to E ‐ library 5 ‐ Intensify community outreach 15 ‐ Advanced youth counseling 6 ‐ Expand tutoring 16 ‐ Promote outdoor programs 7 ‐ Expand mentoring 17 ‐ Subsidize tuition, uniform costs & field trips 8 ‐ Prevent teen pregnancy 18 ‐ Adult services 9 ‐ Prevent substance abuse 19 ‐ Provide health care advice 10 ‐ Upgrade computer room
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