SPS Summer Resources A Presentation to School Committee June 3, 2020
Thank you. Our Physical Education, Health, and Family & Consumer Science team has been hard at work keeping us healthy.
Why is THIS summer SO important? 60 days The LAST 60 days
2 Areas of Focus : Reading & Math Grade 7: Using Your Voice Grade 8: The Individual and the Community Grade 9: Facing Adversity Grade 10: Seeking Justice Grade 11: Exploring Your Dreams Grade 12: Finding Your Way
Freckle : Reading content at every level
ST Math : Tools that Teach
3 Things to Get Ready Calendar SPL Library Card Computer
2 Areas of Focus : Reading & Math Organizing for success is key You have a 10% chance of making change if you say, “That’s a good idea.” You have a 25% chance of making change if you say, “”I’ll do it.” You have a 40% chance of making change if you set a time to do it. Y ou have a 50% chance of making change if you plan HOW to do it. You have a 60% chance of making change if you make a commitment.
1 Link = Access for All SPS Survey results suggest that: Families share our concerns about ● regression It’s helpful to have tools that ● students can access independently A balance of online and “offline” ● learning is best
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