Advanced Placement William Aberhart 2018-19
Advanced Placement Coordinator Luna Ng
Benefits of AP Post-Secondary Aberhart Classroom Applying Attending 1. Course depth 1. Admissions 1. Move to 2. Preparation for post- (U.S.) upper-level secondary content level 2. Scholarship post- and skills secondary 3. Peers of similar aptitude courses 4. Higher level reflection of sooner topics 2. Gain time to 5. Offers courses that are pursue a outside of the Alberta double major, Learning (i.e. Political take options, Science) travel
International value of AP The College Board offers information about AP credit at thousands of college and universities at
2018 – 19 Pre-AP and AP Courses 10 11 12 1 2 1 2 1 2 English ENG 10 Pre-AP* ENG 20 Pre-AP* ENG 30 AP MATH MATH MATH 31 Math MATH 20-1 Pre-AP E/F* 30-1 Pre-AP 10C Pre-AP E/F/S* AP**** E/F Biology BIO 20 Pre-AP BIO 30 Pre-AP Science CHEM 30 Chemistry SCI 10 Pre-AP* CHEM 20 Pre-AP* CHEM 35 AP** Pre -AP Physics PHY 20 Pre-AP PHY 30 AP Computer CS 20* CS 10* CS30 AP Science European SOC 20-1 EUR HIST 20 AP History E/F SOC 10-1E/F* SOC 30-1 Political SOC20-1 E/F* POL SCI 30 AP E/F Science French FLA 20-* FLA 30-1* FLA 10-* French AP*** Language Spanish SLA 10* SLA 20* SLA 30 Spanish AP*** Language *may occur in 1 st or 2 nd semester **3 credit course, ends early May. All other AP courses are full semester and award 5 credits. ***occurs outside of the instructional block, non-credit commitment
AP Exams First two weeks of May Exams are typically 2 – 3 hours and include: Multiple-choice questions Free-response items such as essays, problem solving, document-based questions and may include an oral response recording
2018-19 AP May Exam Schedule 7:30 am 11:30 am Tuesday 7 th Spanish Language and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-Based European History Wednesday 8 th English Literature and Composition French Language and Culture Chemistry Thursday 9 th Spanish Literature and Culture Monday 13 th Biology Tuesday 14 th Calculus AB Thursday 16 th Comparative Government and Politics Friday 17 th Computer Science A Page 7
2018-19 AP Exam Administration Early AP students are given a letter explaining about AP exam February schedule, fee(s), and deadline. Mid-March Exam fee(s) due. No late exam(s) will be ordered. Pre-administration meeting. AP identification numbers will Mid-April be assigned and registration forms are completed. First two International AP exam period for 2019 begins. weeks of May 7:30 am or 11:30 am arrival for exams, no exceptions. End of the May exam All exams are shipped to the College Board period Exam scores are digitally released. Students must have a Early July College Board account to access score(s).
CBE – Expression of Intent Form Page 9
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Prospective Pre-AP Students Strength and interest in subject(s) Easy conversation about taking higher level courses Common standing of 4 or 3 in their respective grade 9 course(s) Welcome managing more content, faster pace, and additional expectations for skills, aptitude, and work habits. Decision to take the Pre-AP courses should be easy and comfortable Expectation to stay in the Pre-AP 10 course; no dropping out, cannot be moved to a regular course. Consider “back door”… do regular stream in Gr 10 then pick Pre-AP 20 course(s) if you have a change of mind for your Gr 11 year.
Expecta Expectations tions of of Pr Pre-AP AP 10 S 10 Stud tudent ents Eng Englis lish Ma Math th Science Science Covers a broader scope Unit 1: Roots and Powers Physics - Newton's second of literature than a regular Study operations with radicals law, a lab to determine the Solving basic exponential equations with “like” bases class. In addition to the acceleration due to gravity, novel, short stories, Intro to Divisibility Rules more challenging questions Shakespeare play and Unit 2: Polynomials on the law of conservation of poetry that is covered in a Multiple Step Factoring energy. Additional regular class the students Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Chemistry - Hydrated ionic Intro to Pascal’s Triangle for Expansion content will also read Dr. compounds, define a base Faustus, Beowulf, and Sum and Difference of Cubes and an acid as proton beyond Taming of the Shrew. Unit 3: Relations and Functions acceptors and donators, regular AB They cover these extra Extend Domain & Range to many types of Relations and Functions gravimetric stoichiometry. texts to give them a Extend Function Notation to include examples of composition Biology - osmosis equation. Program of broader exposure to Unit 4: Linear Functions Studies (may historical literature. Emphasis on the use of coordinates with radical and rational values. Emphasis on solving geometric problems involving coordinate geometry. include and Distance and Midpoint Formula not limited to) Unit 5: Systems of Equations Solving Non-Linear Systems with the graphing calculator Solving a system using a matrix on your calculator Solving Systems of 3 Variables Unit 6: Trigonometry The Sine Law, The Cosine Law Strong number sense. Strong grasp of basic Fluidity with basic algebra, You love math more than your smart phone grammar, an ability to metric conversion, Expected work independently, a calculating slope, basic desire to learn about graphing skills, mindful of skills, literature in a richer the scientific process, ability aptitude, historical context, and a to complete exercises in Page love of reading. class, study skills, strong work habits 13 independent and small of AP students group work habits.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Here are some questions to explore with your child: Which course(s) do they enjoy the most in school? In which subjects do they comfortably crave more detail or challenge? Does the regular AB course stream meet post-secondary requirements? Does the post-secondary of interest require AP exam results?
Aberhart Advanced Placement Contacts Staff lung AP Coordinator Ms. Luna Ng sefournier Assistant Principal Mr. Sebastian Fournier nrpeters Guidance Counsellor (A - G surname) Ms. Nicole Peters kjwalters Ms. Kimberley Walters Guidance Counsellor (H - O surname) Ms. Becky Verwaayen rsverwaayen Guidance Counsellor (P - Z surname) cefehres SCI10 Pre-AP, BIO20 Pre-AP, BIO30 AP Ms. Claudia Fehres rmfeller CHEM30 Pre-AP/35 AP Chemistry Mr. Riley Feller eufernandez CHEM20 Pre-AP Ms. Eulalia Fernandez ramcevoyhals BIO20 Pre-AP, SCI10 Pre-AP Ms. Rebecca McEvoy-Halston ledonegan SCI10 Pre-AP Ms. Leila Donegan gmwiegele PHY20 Pre-AP, PHY30 AP Mr. Gordon Wiegele vebrunelle MATH31 AP Mme. Veronique Brunelle MATH30 Pre-AP Mr. Lee Marshall lrmarshall mlfosti MATH10AP-F Ms. Margo Fosti brjclark MATH 10AP-E Mr. Brian Clark AP English Literature Ms. Brenda Griffin begriffin drmcmillan AP English Literature Mr. Dave McMillan mrbeland AP European History Mr. Mike Beland AP Comparative Government Mr. Bill Hilton behilton fllarocque AP French Language and Culture Mme. Fleur Larocque brjclark AP Spanish Language and Culture, MATH10-S* Mr. Brian Clark Computer Science AP Mr. Gustaaf Wehnes gjwehnes
"AP classes have benefited me going forward into University. Although they do not represent the exact type of stress or difficulty that are common place in University, AP classes are undoubtedly a promising simulation. Taking AP allowed me see material that I would later be exposed to in University early, allowing me to do well on that particular class in University. AP provides a reasonable amount of stress, which University hopefuls should be willing to overcome, otherwise University may not be the place for them. If I would wish to impart one piece of advice upon students taking AP classes it would be to stick with it, tough it out, and push through despite the overwhelming nature of AP . University is not any easier and AP classes provide you with valuable skills, despite their off-putting stressful nature. When all is said and done, you will be happy that you had taken that AP class. Trust me .“ C.F .
My AP life was not at all glamorous. It took hard work, critical thinking, and perseverance to succeed. In both AP math and chemistry, I felt very privileged to be surrounded by what I thought to be the greatest minds my school had to offer. The AP program was an excellent place to see just how powerful, intelligent, and determined students can be. Both the students and the faculty I've interacted with during my time in the AP program have greatly shaped and influenced my idea of success. E.S.
Student Experiences Grade 10 Grade 11 and 12 Abe Alumnus 1. Claire Yiptong 1. Sara Ren 1. Wyatt Shenfield 2. Jack Lee 2. Olin Becker 3. Austin Nam 4. Gabe Costa
Q&A Session in the cafeteria
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