Slot SCREEN # 1 IAC-18.A1.IP.1 13:15- HI-SEAS (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation): Overview Of Results From The Four-, 13:25 Eight- And Twelve-Month Missions Kim Binsted, University of Hawaii, United States IAC-18.A1.IP.4 13:25- The EDEN ISS Antarctic Greenhouse Project – 9 Month Mission Status after Deployment in 13:35 Antarctica Daniel Schubert, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany IAC-18.A1.IP.8 13:35- Automation of Biological Experiments in a Miniaturized Satellite 13:45 Simon Beaudry, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada IAC-18.A1.IP.9 13:45- SELF-PAYBACK MANNED EXPEDITION TO MARS AND ITS MOONS PHOBOS AND DEIMOS 13:55 2022 Oleg Aleksandrov, Private individual, United States IAC-18.A1.IP.12 13:55- Constitutional Characteristics and Bone Mineral Content in Astronauts Before and After Flights 14:05 Kirill Gordienko, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation IAC-18.A1.IP.14 14:05- Imitation tasks of spacecraft manual control and cosmonaut’s psychophysiological parameters in 14:15 the space experiment "Pilot-T" Daria Schastlivtseva, SSC RF Institute of Biomedical problems of RAS, Russian Federation IAC-18.A1.IP.15 14:15- a novel wearable ecg-monitoring system for human space exploration 14:25 Natalia Glazkova, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russian Federation IAC-18.A1.IP.17 14:25- Myotonpro: a fast-track cots payload to enhance the human physiology research on iss and 14:35 beyond. Antonella Sgambati, OHB System AG-Bremen, Germany IAC-18.A1.IP.18 14:35- Bone densitometry after long-time missions on ISS 14:45 Galina Vassilieva, IBMP, Russian Federation Slot SCREEN # 2 IAC-18.A1.IP.20 13:15- terraforming mars into a future human habitat- a four - phase process 13:25 Siddharth Ojha, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India IAC-18.A1.IP.22 13:25- Reduction of health risks during long term space missions by personalized quantification of 13:35 vitamin D production Magdalena Wypukol, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany IAC-18.A1.IP.23 13:35- Application of a self-sufficient learn program to control objects with six degrees of freedom 13:45 Bernd Johannes, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany IAC-18.A1.IP.25 13:45- Ultrasound utilization training for applications in microgravity 13:55 Manuela Aguzzi, Space Applications Services N.V./S.A., Belgium
IAC-18.A1.IP.26 13:55- Effect of microgravity on breast cancer cells 14:05 Mohamed Zakaria Nassef, [unlisted], Germany IAC-18.A1.IP.27 An epigenetic mechanism for decreased MHC Ⅱ expression in macrophages under simulated 14:05- 14:15 microgravity Chongzhen WANG, Guilin Medical University, China IAC-18.A1.IP.28 Proton and FE Ion-Induced Early and Late Chromosome Aberrations in Human Epithelial and 14:15- Fibroblast Cells 14:25 Rosalin Goss, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space Center, United States IAC-18.A1.IP.29 14:25- neural electrical dynamics during head down tilt and mental load 14:35 Hasan Birol Cotuk, , Turkey IAC-18.A1.IP.34 14:35- Local sleep-like events in awake astronauts 14:45 Gaetan Petit, ESA - European Space Agency, Switzerland Slot SCREEN # 3 IAC-18.A2.IP.1 13:15- numerical study of detonation engines 13:25 Elena Mikhalchenko, Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Russian Federation IAC-18.A2.IP.3 13:25- WEISS-SAT1:A Student Developed Microlab for Space Based Research 13:35 Rhonda Lyons, NYRAD Inc, United States IAC-18.A2.IP.4 13:35- Numerical simulation of droplets capillary under microgravity with smoothed particle 13:45 hydrodynamics Fuzhen Chen, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China IAC-18.A2.IP.5 13:45- Study of bacteria and fungi growth on different materials used on the ISS with portable gas sensor 13:55 system E-Nose during the space flight Sergey Kharin, SSC RF-Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS, Russian Federation IAC-18.A2.IP.6 13:55- Important aspects of conducting aeroponic cultivation in microgravity 14:05 Joanna Kuźma, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland IAC-18.A2.IP.7 14:05- On the Design of BECCAL - A Quantum Optics Experiment Aboard the ISS 14:15 Marvin Warner, ZARM University of Bremen, Germany IAC-18.A2.IP.8 14:15- Microgravity experiments on thermal creep in Martian soil 14:25 Tobias Steinpilz, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany IAC-18.A2.IP.9 14:25- The hardware development for the low-speed low-lewis-number counter flow flame experiment 14:35 on ISS Kibo Tatsuya Taguchi, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan IAC-18.A2.IP.10 14:35- ARION 1 reusable sounding rocket: the new Microgravity Platform in Europe 14:45 Francisco Garcia, PLD Space, Spain
Slot SCREEN # 4 IAC-18.A3.IP.4 13:15- Shape development and analysis for 3d-printed high-resolution multiple electrode harmonised 13:25 kingdon trap Anastasiia Fursova, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russian Federation IAC-18.A3.IP.5 13:25- Separation before Extraction – A Low-Tech Approach to Increasing the Yield of Lunar ISRU 13:35 Extraction Processes Juergen Schleppi, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom IAC-18.A3.IP.7 13:35- Detection of the Redshifted 21-cm Radiation Line: A Mission Concept Study for the Establishment 13:45 of a Lunar Radio Telescope Array in the Schrödinger Basin Zaid Rana, Concordia University, Canada IAC-18.A3.IP.8 13:45- Exploration of the lunar South Pole through autonomous navigation and mapping systems for 13:55 maximising science return. Philippe Ludivig, ispace, Inc, Luxemburg IAC-18.A3.IP.9 13:55- System design of CubeSat Semi-hard Moon Impactor: OMOTENASHI 14:05 Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan IAC-18.A3.IP.13 14:05- The Moon Village, a Grand Project for the 21st Century 14:15 Olivier Boisard, Consulting engineer OB-Conseil, and professor at Ecole Centrale de Lille, France IAC-18.A3.IP.16 14:15- MoonHopper: Conceptual design of an hopping robot for lunar exploration support 14:25 Rodrigo Ventura, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Portugal IAC-18.A3.IP.21 14:25- Positioning Method of Chang'E-4 lander based on Multi-source Images 14:35 Xinyuan Lu, National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an, China IAC-18.A3.IP.23 14:35- Finding the North on a Lunar Microrover: a Lunar Surface Environment Simulator for the 14:45 Development of Vision-Based Navigation Pipelines Fabian Dubois, ispace, Inc, Japan Slot SCREEN # 5 IAC-18.A3.IP.24 13:15- Validation campaign of Vision-Based Navigation algorithm for autonomous planetary landing 13:25 Luca Losi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy IAC-18.A3.IP.26 13:25- Run, Camp, and Hike on the Moon 13:35 Antoine Faddoul, Tony Sky Designs Group, United States IAC-18.A3.IP.27 13:35- A south pole solar energy infrastructure to power up the lunar economy 13:45 Adrian Stoica, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States IAC-18.A3.IP.30 13:45- Overview of the First ispace Private Lunar Lander Mission 13:55 Louis Burtz, ispace, Inc, Japan
IAC-18.A3.IP.31 13:55- 3D Printing of Moon Highlands Regolith Simulant 14:05 Lorenzo Abbondanti Sitta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy IAC-18.A3.IP.33 14:05- adaptive in-situ resource utilisation (isru) for long term space exploration 14:15 Satinder Shergill, Cranfield University, United Kingdom IAC-18.A3.IP.35 14:15- about orbit selection for lunar orbital station 14:25 Mariya Danilova, Central Research Institute of Machine Building (TSNIIMASH), Russian Federation IAC-18.A3.IP.37 14:25- Prototype of a Hopter - a hopping scout robot for planetary exploration 14:35 Lukasz Wisniewski, Astronika, Poland IAC-18.A3.IP.41 14:35- The wind sensor of the HABIT (HAbitability: Brines, Irradiation and Temperature) instrument on 14:45 board the ExoMars 2020 mission Álvaro Tomás Soria Salinas, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden Slot SCREEN # 6 IAC-18.A3.IP.43 13:15- The high efficient communication method of multiple spacecrafts based on Proximity-1 protocol 13:25 for MARS exploration Wei Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China IAC-18.A3.IP.44 13:25- Design of a Reusable Crane System for Mars Surface Missions 13:35 Anne-Marlene Rüede, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland IAC-18.A3.IP.48 13:35- Space Mining Corporation: The Pseudo-Economic and Technology Model 13:45 Aurthur Vimalachandran Thomas Jayachandran, Samara University, Russian Federation IAC-18.A3.IP.51 13:45- MARSIS radar data interpretation to characterize the deeper layers in the North Polar cap on 13:55 Mars. Melissa Mirino, Open University, United Kingdom IAC-18.A3.IP.53 13:55- Engineering Model of Polarimetric Camera for Korean Lunar Orbiter 14:05 Kyungin Kang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea, Republic of IAC-18.A3.IP.57 14:05- Perturbation effects over a Mercury orbiter 14:15 Josué Cardoso dos Santos, São Paulo State University (FEG-UNESP), Brazil IAC-18.A3.IP.59 14:15- analysis, test and simulation of landing system touchdown dynamics 14:25 Silvio Schröder, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany IAC-18.A3.IP.62 14:25- Cislunar1000: Vision for 2018-2035 14:35 Melissa Sampson, Ball Aerospace, United States IAC-18.A3.IP.65 14:35- cubesat minimoon rendezvous mission synthesis and analysis 14:45 Niklas Anthony, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden Slot SCREEN # 7
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