se september tember 20 2017 sri lanka

Se September tember 20 2017 SRI LANKA at a t a glance ce USD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Se September tember 20 2017 SRI LANKA at a t a glance ce USD 81.3 Billion (2016) GDP pe per ca capi pita USD 3,835 (2016) 7% 7% GDP P Growth h 4.4% % (2016) Main n Export Marke kets s 2016 Main n Import Marke kets s

  1. Se September tember 20 2017

  2. SRI LANKA at a t a glance ce USD 81.3 Billion (2016) GDP pe per ca capi pita USD 3,835 (2016) 7% 7% GDP P Growth h – 4.4% % (2016) Main n Export Marke kets s 2016 Main n Import Marke kets s 2016 - Agriculture (4.2%) USD Milli lion on USD Milli lion on - Industry – 6.7% 27% - Services – 4.2 U.S.A 2,808 2,808 China 4,274 U.K. 1,044 India 3,827 3,827 56% 56% India 551 551 U.A.E 1,068

  3. ST STATE E OF THE F THE HEAR HEART The Hayleys Group is well known for our focus on excellence in corporate citizenship, which is why the Company has once again been named ‘Best Corporate Citizen 2016’ for the fifth year, by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in its benchmark award recognising local corporates for business excellence, social responsibility, governance and sustainability. Yet our commitment to operating a socially responsible and sustainable business goes far beyond our desire for recognition as leaders in the local business world . While strong balance sheet results remain a priority, we regard the creation and sharing of holistic value with our many stakeholders as key to our definition of real success.

  4. VISION To be Sri Lanka’s corporate inspiration at all times MISSION Delivering superior shareholder value by unleashing the full potential of our people and achieving leadership in all our domestic and global businesses VALUES Integ egrit ity y I E Endurin ing g Custom omer er Value lue I A A Will to Win I Respec pect for People ple I G Good Citize zens nshi hip p I T T eamwo mwork I A Accou ountabil ntabilit ity

  5. Our Global Footprint 11.8% .8% Revenue enue 19.4% 4% Revenue enue 60.1% 1% 6.3% 1.0% % Revenue enue Revenue enue Revenue enue 1.4% % Revenue enue

  6. Group Structure

  7. Eco Solutions 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 Revenu enue (USD.m .mn) 27.6 27.8 PBT T ( .mn) 6.8 0.6 Sri Lanka’s Tota tal l Assets ets 51.0 46.2 leading ding eco fibre (USD.m .mn) Array y of over r 105 solutions utions prod oducts cts in 1200 prov ovider der, , Serve e 650+ Variat riations ions manufa factu cturing ring custo tomer mers in Prod oduct ct portfoli tfolio o and expor orting ting a 50+ covering ering wide e portfo tfolio io of countries tries brushwa shware, , floor or value ue added ded coverings erings, , erosion sion cocon conut t fibre contr trol, ol, bio o based sed prod oducts ucts. enginee eerin ing, g, rubbe beriz rized ed choir r and mattr tresses esses

  8. Hand Protection 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 Among g the top 5 Revenu enue (USD.m .mn) 98.1 93.6 glove ve PBT T ( .mn) 6.4 4.5 manufa factur cturers Tota tal l Assets ets 80.5 79.8 in the world rld (USD.m .mn) serves ves c. 5% of the demand nd for Capaci pacity ty to Manufactu nufacturing ring natural ural and manufa factur cture faci ciliti ities es in Sri La Lank nka synth thetic etic latex ex 300 varia iants ts and Thailand land based sed househ sehold old and indust stry y Prod oducts cts sold ld in gloves ves over r 70 countrie tries .

  9. Purification 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 A Worlds lds leadi ding ng 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 Revenu enue (USD.m .mn) 87.4 110.1 .1 manufa factur cture of Revenue enue ( .mn) 93.0 861 861 PBT T ( .mn) 4.0 11.4 .4 cocon conut t shell PBT T ( .mn) 8.1 8.0 A leadin ding g Tota tal l Assets ets 73.8 79.0 based sed activ tivated ted Tota tal l Assets ets 92.7 87.8 prov ovider der of (USD.m .mn) carbon rbon (USD.m .mn) water ter and wast ste Full l spectru ctrum m of Six Manufa ufactu cturi ring ng water ter applications plications facilit cilities es in purifica fication tion including ding water ter Sri La Lanka ka, , syst stems ms in treatment tment, , gold d Thaila land d and Sri Lanka ka extract raction, ion, air Indone nesia sia and purific fication tion and Maldives ldives energy gy stora orage .

  10. Fabric 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 Suppl plier ier of Revenu enue (USD.m .mn) 56.5 61.5 innova vativ tive e high PBT T ( .mn) 0.4 1.9 quality lity Tota tal l Assets ets 39.5 35.5 Indust stry y fabrics brics for leadi ding ng (USD.m .mn) innova vation tion End to end global bal fashi shion on and solution utions s to brands ds positi sitioni oning ng – custo tomer mers from om suppor portin ting g launch ch of design, ign, opera ration tions s of the own developmen lopment, t, local cal app pparel el branded ded printin ting, g, brush shin ing g manufa factu cturing ring fabric “ Inno ” and suedin ing of secto tor in Feb b 2015 pure and blended ded polyest yester er and . cotton ton fabric bric

  11. Construction Material 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 Revenu enue (USD.m .mn) 32.3 29.3 PBT T ( .mn) 7.0 5.9 Tota tal l Assets ets 26.3 18.1 Approved ved Premier mier (USD.m .mn) applicat plicator or manufa factur cture of Offer ers s a for leadi ding ng aluminum inum compr prehensi ehensive ve internatio rnational nal extru rusion sion with a range ge of powd wder er market ket share of architectu chitectura ral, , brands ds such over r 51% residen identia tial l and d as JOTUN UN, indust strial rial prod oducts cts DGL, L, Akzo . to the top and d Nobel middl dle e tier of the const stru ruction ction indust stry

  12. Transportation and Logistics 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 Revenu enue (USD.m .mn) 166.5 116.3 .3 PBT T ( .mn) 12.3 12.0 The The Hayle yleys ys Tota tal l Assets ets 113.3 .3 83.2 Handles ndles Adva vantis tis Group oup (USD.m .mn) Prov ovides ides service ices s appr prox. x. 18% of Companies mpanies is freigh ight t of tota tal l the largest gest playe yer r management, ment, annual ual in Sri Lanka’s integra grated ted logist gistics cs, throu oughout ghout transpor sportation tation marine ine service ices, s, at the and logisti istics cs termin inals ls and d Colombo lombo indust stry enginee eerin ing g and port intern rnat ation ional al opera ration tions

  13. Plantations 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 Collective llectively ly Revenu enue (USD.m .mn) 68.6 66.9 accou counts nts for r over PBT T ( .mn) 0.9 0.3 3.4% and d 3.8% of Tota tal l Assets ets 86.8 81.3 TTE Sri Lanka’s tea (USD.m .mn) 44 esta tates tes covering ering consist sistent ently ly and rubber er 25,000 hecta tares es commands mands prod oduction ction and provid vides es the employme oyment nt to highest est Amongst gst the over r 17,000 00 prices ces largest gest plan antati tation on worker rkers at the secto tor r opera rato tors Colombo lombo in Sri Lanka nka Expo ports ts tea a to over r T ea Aucti tion on 50 dest stinat nations ions worl rldw dwide ide .

  14. Mabroc T eas Mabroc’s Acts s as s the prod oduct ct marketi keting ng arm m of range ge Hayle yleys ys extends nds from m Plantation tation bulk, , packe ckets ts compan panie ies- and tea bags gs Kelan lani Valle ley y Handle ndles s priva vate te to exclu lusi sive ve Plantations tations and labe bell llin ing g for or gift t T alawakelle lawakelle T ea reputed ted clients nts presen sentation tation Estates tates worl rld d over s of black, ck, green, en, . herba bal and flavo vored ed teas

  15. Global Beverages Speciali cialize zes s in manufa factu cturing ring and expor orting ting 100% natura ral, , pure Ceylon lon T ea extracts racts Utilizes izes state te of the art Prod oduces ces Insta tant t Sources ces the best t equipment pment T ea Powd owder er, , raw w mater erials ials from om for the Insta tant t T ea the very own prod oduction ction Concentra ncentrate te and Hayle yleys ys T eas s process ocess T ea esta tates tes Aroma/F ma/Flav lavor ors .

  16. Agriculture 16/1 /17 15/1 /16 Leade der r in seed d Revenu enue (USD.m .mn) 93.5 81.1 padd ddy, , combi bine ne PBT T ( .mn) 7.6 8.0 harvest vester ers, s, Tota tal l Assets ets 61.9 57.2 agri ricu cultur ture e (USD.m .mn) Comm mmands nds equipme pment. nt. a market ket share of 25% Domin inant t player yer La Largest gest expo porter ter of of the in crop op processed ocessed fruits ts fertilize ilizer prot otection, ction, and vegetable table in indust stry y in fertilize ilizer and Sri Lanka ka Sri Lanka ka animal mal health th .


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