s6 post school planning

S6 Post School Planning Our Vision To ensure a confident, nurturing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

S6 Post School Planning Our Vision To ensure a confident, nurturing & inclusive learning community where ALL achieve their true potential & embrace lifes challenges. Format of evening S6 structure - Claire Paterson DHT

  1. Why use the Edinburgh Guarantee?  Website specifically for young people  We advertise loads of different jobs and modern apprenticeships, graduate apprenticeships  It’s quick and easy to sign up and use – create a member profile and apply online  You can register for job alerts

  2. Register on our website edinburghguarantee.org Like us on Facebook Edinburgh Guarantee Follow us on twitter @edinguarantee

  3. Edinburgh College

  4. David Hiddleston Student Experience Manager david.hiddleston@edinburghcollege.ac.uk

  5. College: A valued and valuable choice • Multi campus • Specialist facilities • Ex Industry tutors • Vocational specialisms • Flexible Pathways • Strong Industry Partnerships • Increased Choice • Award winning students • STEM accredited

  6. Did you know?

  7. Industry approved facilities

  8. Options for School Leavers When you leave school you’ll be able to:  get a job  get accelerated entry onto a Modern Apprenticeship  study at college or university (HNC, HND, or a degree)

  9. Qualifications taught at College • Access to Further and Higher Education • Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ) • National Certificates/NPA • Highers • Higher National Certificates (HNC) • Higher National Diplomas (HND) • Degrees • BTEC/City and Guilds • Professional Programmes

  10. Traditional Route to University Employment National 4 National Higher 5 University

  11. Senior Phase pathways Graduate Apprenticeship Modern Apprenticeship Employment Foundation Academies Apprenticeship National 4 National Higher 5 University HND School HNC College NC Partnership FT College

  12. Flexible Pathways to University and Employment • Over 100 full-time HE courses with progression routes to University or employment • Associate Student degree Programmes • Modern Apprenticeships • Graduate Apprenticeships

  13. HNC/HND Courses • Hospitality • Music Performance • Events Management • Studio Recording • Dental Nursing • Engineering • Healthcare • Early Education • Sports • Accounting • Admin and IT • Business • Computing • Photography • Dance • Creative Media: Television/Radio • Performing Arts

  14. HNC/HND Courses • Higher National Certificate (HNC) (1 year Full Time programme) • Higher National Diploma (HND) (2 year Full Time programme) Progress to employment or University Year 1 or 2.

  15. Application Process Applications Open for August 2019 January 2019

  16. Applications Process Key dates and what to expect Applications open for August 2019 in January 2019

  17. Course Information Days Look out for these being held at our campuses

  18. • How do I apply? • Complete an online application • Applications open in January 2019 • Check e-mail

  19. Any Questions? For more information please contact:  courseinfo@edinburghcollege.ac.uk  www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk  0131 660 1010

  20. who we are

  21. We support students who are considering higher education.  Impartial advice and guidance Multi-exit  Events and activities to support:  i. choices ii. application iii. transition into higher education

  22. In group 2 schools, we support S5/6 students who have the potential to achieve 3 highers over 2 sittings and match one or more of the following criteria:  student who is first generation in family to apply to higher education or whose parents do not already have a degree  student from a low income background (for instance, where a student is entitled to EMA, free meals in school, or where the family is on income support)  student who has spent time in care or being looked after  student who is a young carer  students may also be eligible based on their postcode - check at www.leapsonline.org/eligibility


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