S OCIAL INCLUS ION S ocial inclusion is t he realizat ion of the individual within the society, acceptance and recognition of the person by privat e and public st ructures and full participation both with individual’s labor and education to the society.
S OCIAL INCLUS ION S ocial inclusion should create opport unities for t he people at disadvantage and risky conditions. Elimination of the obstacles blocking t hese individuals is the aim of social inclusion.
S OCIAL INCLUS ION S ocial inclusion provides the individuals at social exclusion risks and poverty with economic, social and cultural sources. It aims at individuals’ full participation in the society they live. Our Y outh and Educat ion Organization exact ly aims at t his. It tries to highlight and find solutions t o psychological, physical, economic and social problems the young and their families face.
S OCIAL INCLUS ION We found it appropriat e to prepare a handbook while discussing what we can do for social inclusion in our association. After t he brain storm, not one but two handbook ideas came up better.
S OCIAL INCLUS ION We have developed a handbook that we will use with our partners. Many experts have been consulted for this handbook. It is a handbook with high validity and reliability. It is like a road map that all partners can benefit from. This handbook is designed both for t he training of the trainers and for the participation of the participants. S o, two different handbook are designed. The English version of bot h handbooks will be sent very soon so you can use t his roadmap. When you tell us about the part s you want to add and remove , the handbooks are completed. Each count ry can translat e it t o the language it needs. For Turkey because S yrian population we will translate them into Arabic.
S OCIAL INCLUS ION Our handbook for training of trainers consists of 3 main modules. In module 1, what is social is explained. Also, It is explained that there are 4 components of social inclusion.
S OCIAL INCLUS ION Module 2 explains what local initiatives may be against social discriminat ion. It includes cooperat ion with stakeholders, management of conflicts, etc.
S OCIAL INCLUS ION Module 3 describes how to communicate effectively with the target group.And examples of activities that facilitate communication.
S OCIAL INCLUS ION Our handbooks are ready in pdf format. It will be ready in the English version within a few days. Y ou will tell us your opinions and suggestions.
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