s ocial media use

S ocial Media Use S candinavian Middle S chool S eptember 26, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

S ocial Media Use S candinavian Middle S chool S eptember 26, 2019 Using S ocial Media Responsibly https:/ / publish.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/ gcps/ home/ gcpstv/ videos/ news/ focus/ 37 87397755001? WCM_P AGE.gcpstv-episodes=7 S ocial

  1. S ocial Media Use S candinavian Middle S chool S eptember 26, 2019

  2. Using S ocial Media Responsibly  https:/ / publish.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/ gcps/ home/ gcpstv/ videos/ news/ focus/ 37 87397755001? WCM_P AGE.gcpstv-episodes=7

  3. S ocial Media Threats  Social media threats are no joke, they are taken extremely seriously— FBI, local law enforcement and social media platforms.  When news travels on social media, panic and concern create issues at school sites.  Criminal offense and students are being arrested  Incident the first week of school, student faces up to 4 years in custody  Poor decisions o social media are ruining lives and negatively impacting outcomes  THINK BEFORE YOU POST

  4. BE S MART WHEN YOU POS T  https:/ / vimeo.com/ 357848144  https:/ / vimeo.com/ 357691658


  6. S candinavian Mission and Vision  Mission: PreParing all students to  be “HigH scHool ready” on target to graduate college and career ready  Vision  creating a safe and HealtHy learning enVironMent

  7. US ING S OCIAL MEDIA RES PONS IBL Y  Think before you post online  Be smart when you post  Social Media threats are no joke  Don’t repost, report! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY


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