rpap health workforce for alberta presentation content

RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta Presentation Content What is - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta Presentation Content What is RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta? A Brief Look at RPAPs Planning and Evaluation Framework A Perspective on the Evolving Health Human Resources Landscape in Rural

  1. RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta

  2. Presentation Content • What is RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta? • A Brief Look at RPAP’s Planning and Evaluation Framework • A Perspective on the Evolving Health Human Resources Landscape in Rural Alberta • Dashboard Demonstration

  3. What is RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta? Our Vision Having the right number of health practitioners in the right places, offering the right services. Our Mission To support Alberta’s rural/regional health practitioners, their families and communities in having access to quality health care by offering comprehensive, integrated initiatives to enhance health services training, attraction, recruitment and retention.

  4. This is RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5s9_l1Oczs&feature=youtu.be Community Practitioner Attraction and Retention Committees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRsHW7uKbbo RPAP Medical Skills Events https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI2oeZ5qjyY&list=PLjnnPOdiyGBhoeTOCM2xQ788ku_YHs4tp&index=4

  5. Planning and Evaluation Framework Internal Data RPAP Data Partners Programs Targeted Research External Evaluations Access to healthcare for rural Albertans

  6. A Perspective on the Evolving Health Human Resources Landscape in Rural Alberta http://www.rpap.ab.ca/media/133732/rpap-landscape-of-healthcare-in-rural-alberta.pdf http://www.rpap.ab.ca/media/60979/choosing-the-rural-route-rpap-november-15-14.pdf

  7. International Medical Graduates / Canadian Medical Graduates in Alberta: Rural vs Urban Practise (2014) IMG 48.39% 29.11% Rural Urban 51.61% Rural CMG IMG physicians help fill the need for health care practitioners in those areas which face greater challenges in attracting Canadian medical graduates (CMG).

  8. Map of the Geographic Distribution of Physicians after Traditional Residency vs. after RAN/RAS Residency (April 2014) Traditional Residency RAN & RAS Residency Fort McMurray / Fort McMurray / Peace River Peace River Athabasca Athabasca Westlock / St. Paul Westlock / St. Paul Yellowhead Yellowhead Edmonton Edmonton Vegreville / Vegreville / Wainwright Wainwright Wetaskiwin Wetaskiwin Red Deer Red Deer Wild Rose Wild Rose Crowfoot Crowfoot % of Physicians Calgary Calgary 0 Macleod Macleod Medicine Hat Medicine Hat Lethbridge Lethbridge 5.0%

  9. Dashboard Demonstration http://www.rpap.ab.ca/about/the-landscape-of-rural-health.aspx

  10. RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta: Landscape of Rural Healthcare Specialty : Non - Family Medicine (Physicians who have not reported practicing family medicine) Physician Cohort Physicians per 100,000 Inhabitants Names Physician count (5 Current physician Physician count Calgary Edmonton Rural recoded years previous) count variation Calgary 1,693 2,134 +26% 179.4 171.6 163.3 157.7 1,711 2,026 +18% Edmonton 37.9 31.4 Rural 457 604 +32% 5 Year Current 5 Year Current 5 Year Current Previous physician Previous physician Previous physician Peace River a Physicia.. per 100k Physicia.. per 100k Physicia.. per 100k Select District Alberta Calgary Distribution of Physician Cohort by Age (est.) Average Physician Age (est.) Crowfoot Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Rural Calgary Edmonton Rural Fort McMurray--Athaba.. 75 + Lethbridge 70-74 Macleod 50.8 65-69 Fort McMurray - Athabasca 49.4 Medicine Hat 48.0 48.0 47.2 47.3 60-64 Peace River 55-59 Red Deer 50-54 Rural 45-49 Vegreville--Wainwright Westlock--St. Paul 40-44 Wetaskiwin 35-39 Wild Rose Avg Age (5 Current Avg Avg Age (5 Current Avg Avg Age (5 Current Avg 30-34 years prev.) Age years prev.) Age years prev.) Age Yellowhead 0-29 Westlock - St. Paul Origin of 2015 Physician Cohort (Over 5 Years) Yellowhead 5-Year Physician Retention Rate 87% Calgary 84% 82% Edmonton Vegreville - Wainwright Edmonton Wetaskiwin Rural Red Deer 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Wild Rose Crowfoot Calgary Edmonton Rural Retained New registrant Urban district Rural district Calgary Percentage of International Medical Graduates in Percentage of International Medical Graduates in Physician Cohort (Current Physician Cohort) Newcomers (Over 5 Years) Macleod 75% Medicine Hat 51% 42% 39% Lethbridge 28% 21% Data : July 2015 ; Source : CPSA Physician Database Calgary Edmonton Rural Calgary Edmonton Rural

  11. RPAP | Health Workforce for Alberta: Landscape of Rural Healthcare Specialty : Family Medicine (Physicians who have reported family medicine as one of their specialties) Physician Cohort Physicians per 100,000 Inhabitants Names Physician count (5 Current physician Physician count Calgary Edmonton Rural recoded years previous) count variation Calgary 1,375 1,939 +41% 163.02 147.33 132.78 128.09 Edmonton 1,391 1,739 +25% 92.55 87.46 5 Year Current 5 Year Current 5 Year Current Rural 1,271 1,474 +16% Previous physician Previous physician Previous physician Peace River a Physicia.. per 100k Physicia.. per 100k Physicia.. per 100k Select District Alberta Calgary Distribution of Physician Cohort by Age (est.) Average Physician Age (est.) Crowfoot Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Rural Calgary Edmonton Rural Fort McMurray--Athaba.. 75 + Lethbridge 70-74 Macleod 65-69 Fort McMurray - Athabasca Medicine Hat 47.9 48.1 46.6 46.1 46.0 44.6 60-64 Peace River 55-59 Red Deer 50-54 Rural 45-49 Vegreville--Wainwright Westlock--St. Paul 40-44 Wetaskiwin 35-39 Wild Rose Avg Age (5 Current Avg Avg Age (5 Current Avg Avg Age (5 Current Avg 30-34 years prev.) Age years prev.) Age years prev.) Age Yellowhead 0-29 Westlock - St. Paul Origin of 2015 Physician Cohort (Over 5 Years) Yellowhead 5-Year Physician Retention Rate Calgary 86% 85% Edmonton 78% Vegreville - Wainwright Edmonton Wetaskiwin Rural Red Deer 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Wild Rose Crowfoot Calgary Edmonton Rural Retained New registrant Urban district Rural district Calgary Percentage of International Medical Graduates in Percentage of International Medical Graduates in Physician Cohort (Current Physician Cohort) Newcomers (Over 5 Years) Macleod 82% Medicine Hat 63% 61% 53% 36% 36% Lethbridge Data : July 2015 ; Source : CPSA Physician Database Calgary Edmonton Rural Calgary Edmonton Rural

  12. Thank You! www.rpap.ab.ca chris.carr@rpap.ab.ca 780.423.9911 ext. 111


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