routability driven placement algorithm for analog

Routability-driven Placement Algorithm for Analog Integrated - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Routability-driven Placement Algorithm for Analog Integrated Circuits Cheng-Wu Lin, Cheng-Chung Lu, Jai-Ming Lin, and Soon-Jyh Chang March 27, 2012 Department of Electrical Engineering National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Outline

  1. Routability-driven Placement Algorithm for Analog Integrated Circuits Cheng-Wu Lin, Cheng-Chung Lu, Jai-Ming Lin, and Soon-Jyh Chang March 27, 2012 Department of Electrical Engineering National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

  2. Outline Outline  Introduction to Analog Placement  Routability-driven Analog Placement  Congestion Estimation  Placement Expansion  Proposed Placement Flow  Experimental Results  Conclusion 2

  3. Analog Placement Considerations Analog Placement Considerations  Basic constraints  Matching  interdigitated placement, common-centroid placement  Symmetry  symmetric placement  Proximity  adjacent placement Substrate Well  Other considerations  Thermal effects, stress gradients, etc. M 5 M 4 M 3 M M M M M M 2 1 1 2 3 4 M 2 M M M M M M M M M M M 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 Interdigitated Common-centroid Proximity constraint Symmetry constraint placement placement 3

  4. Analog Placement Approaches Analog Placement Approaches  Constructive method  Generate placement according to schematic topology [Mehranfar, JSSC ’91] or signal paths [Long et al., ASP-DAC’06] M5 M5 M7 、 M10 M7 、 M10 M7 、 M10 M7 、 M10 W W W W V B 1 V B 1 M 10 M 10 M 5 M 5 2 2 2 2 ○ ○ M 7 M 7 M1 、 M2 M1 、 M2 ● ● M6 、 M9 M6 、 M9 V IP V IP V IN V IN M6 、 M9 M6 、 M9 M 2 M 2 ○ ○ ○ ○ M 1 M 1 W W W W V ON V ON V OP V OP M11 M3 、 M4 M8 M3 、 M4 M11 M8 2 2 2 2 ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ M 11 M 11 M 8 M 8 C C 2 C C 2 C C 1 C C 1 M 3 M 3 M 4 M 4 ● ● M 9 M 9 M 6 M 6 ○ ○ V B 2 V B 2 C C1 and C C2 C C1 and C C2 4

  5. Analog Placement Approaches Analog Placement Approaches  Constructive method  Generate placement according to schematic topology [Mehranfar, JSSC ’91] or signal paths [Long et al., ASP-DAC’06] 4

  6. Analog Placement Approaches Analog Placement Approaches  Constructive method  Generate placement according to schematic topology [Mehranfar, JSSC ’91] or signal paths [Long et al., ASP-DAC’06]  Deterministic algorithm  Enumerate all possible placements for the basic module sets, and then combine these placements hierarchically [Strasser et al., ICCAD’08] 4

  7. Analog Placement Approaches Analog Placement Approaches  Constructive method  Generate placement according to schematic topology [Mehranfar, JSSC ’91] or signal paths [Long et al., ASP-DAC’06]  Deterministic algorithm  Enumerate all possible placements for the basic module sets, and then combine these placements hierarchically [Strasser et al., ICCAD’08] 4

  8. Analog Placement Approaches Analog Placement Approaches  Constructive method  Generate placement according to schematic topology [Mehranfar, JSSC ’91] or signal paths [Long et al., ASP-DAC’06]  Deterministic algorithm  Enumerate all possible placements for the basic module sets, and then combine these placements hierarchically [Strasser et al., ICCAD’08]  Statistical algorithm  Apply simulated annealing (SA) algorithm with floorplan representations 4

  9. Representations for Analog Placement Representations for Analog Placement  Topological representation is a popular method for modern VLSI design  Smaller solution space (compared with absolute representation)  Need specific techniques to deal with placement constraints  Previous work of handling symmetry constraint  Sequence-pairs [Balasa & Lampaert, DAC’99]  O-trees [Pang et al., DAC’00]  Binary trees [Balasa, ICCAD’00]  TCG-S [Lin et al., ASP-DAC’05]  CBL [Liu et al., ASP-DAC’07]  Previous work of tackling common-centroid constraint  C-CBL [Ma et al., ICCAD’07]  B*-trees [Strasser et al., ICCAD’08]  Sequence-pairs [Xiao & Young, ASP-DAC’09] 5

  10. Routability-driven Analog Placement Routability-driven Analog Placement  One of the objective function in SA algorithm is to minimize chip area, which makes blocks compact to the lower-left corner  For analog design, a compact placement is not practical  Routing over the active areas of analog devices is usually avoided to reduce parasitics and cross-talk effects  Reserve enough spaces between the devices for laying out wires 6

  11. Review of Congestion-aware Placement Review of Congestion-aware Placement  Congestion-aware placement for analog circuits [Xiao et al., ICCAD’10]  Whole placement region is divided into an n  n mesh, and vertical and horizontal congestions are estimated for each room  Rooms are expanded column-by-column and row-by-row based on the congestion map Symmetry constraint must be satisfied after placement expansion Non-symmetry module Symmetry group 5  5 mesh Column expansion Symmetry constraint Symmetry axis Symmetry axis is violated! 7

  12. Problem Formulation Problem Formulation  Given a set of devices and topological placement constraints  The active areas of all devices are considered as routing blockages  Routing congestion in the resulting placement P is minimized  All topological constraints are satisfied in the resulting placement P  Cost function  ( P ):  ( P ) =   A P +   W P +   C P A P : bounding-rectangle area of the placement W P : total wire length measured by half-perimeter estimation C P : estimation of routing congestion 8

  13. Overview of Our Placement Flow Overview of Our Placement Flow Input devices, netlist, and topological placement constraints Generate a compact placement based on ASF-B* -trees and HB* -trees Estimate routing congestion Expand congested regions No Minimum cost? Yes Done 9

  14. Congestion Estimation Congestion Estimation  The way to predict congestion accurately is to use the same technique and parameters in both congestion estimation and global routing [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06]  Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction can be used for congestion estimation and global routing  Previous work: FastRoute [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06] , NTHU-Route [Chang et al., ICCAD’08] 1. Use FLUTE to generate the Steiner 1. minimal trees for all nets 2. Route two-pin nets using L-shaped Congestion map generation 2. pattern routing 3. Generate congestion map from the 3. routing demand Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction Route two-pin nets using pattern routing and maze routing 10

  15. Congestion Estimation Congestion Estimation  The way to predict congestion accurately is to use the same technique and parameters in both congestion estimation and global routing [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06]  Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction can be used for congestion estimation and global routing  Previous work: FastRoute [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06] , NTHU-Route [Chang et al., ICCAD’08] Reconstruct Steiner tree for each net Congestion map generation according to the congestion map Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction Route two-pin nets using pattern routing and maze routing 10

  16. Congestion Estimation Congestion Estimation  The way to predict congestion accurately is to use the same technique and parameters in both congestion estimation and global routing [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06]  Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction can be used for congestion estimation and global routing  Previous work: FastRoute [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06] , NTHU-Route [Chang et al., ICCAD’08] Reconstruct Steiner tree for each net Congestion map generation according to the congestion map Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction Route two-pin nets using pattern routing and maze routing 10

  17. Congestion Estimation Congestion Estimation  The way to predict congestion accurately is to use the same technique and parameters in both congestion estimation and global routing [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06]  Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction can be used for congestion estimation and global routing  Previous work: FastRoute [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06] , NTHU-Route [Chang et al., ICCAD’08] Reconstruct Steiner tree for each net Congestion map generation according to the congestion map Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction Route two-pin nets using pattern routing and maze routing 10

  18. Congestion Estimation Congestion Estimation  The way to predict congestion accurately is to use the same technique and parameters in both congestion estimation and global routing [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06]  Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction can be used for congestion estimation and global routing  Previous work: FastRoute [Pan & Chu, ICCAD’06] , NTHU-Route [Chang et al., ICCAD’08]  Proposed congestion map generation: Congestion map generation Congestion-driven Steiner tree construction Route two-pin nets Generate congestion map using L-shaped pattern routing from the routing demand 10

  19. Congestion Map Generation with Analog Devices Congestion Map Generation with Analog Devices  Grid graph model for global routing: Global bins Modules Global edges Grid graph model  Since the active areas of all devices are considered as routing blockages, we reduce global edge capacities of a bin if the bin is occupied by some devices 11

  20. Congestion Map Generation with Analog Devices Congestion Map Generation with Analog Devices a s c e 2 , d e 2 c e 2 * , d e 2 if d e > c e *, overflow e = d e – c e * c e 1 , d e 1 c e 1 * , d e 1 otherwise overflow e = 0 Edge capacity: c e c e 1 * = 0 a c e 2 * = c e 2  Routing demand: d e s 12


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