relational stacked denoising autoencoder for tag

Relational Stacked Denoising Autoencoder for Tag Recommendation Hao - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Relational Stacked Denoising Autoencoder for Tag Recommendation Hao Wang Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Joint work with Xingjian Shi and Dit-Yan Yeung To appear in AAAI 2015 Hao Wang

  1. Relational Stacked Denoising Autoencoder for Tag Recommendation Hao Wang Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Joint work with Xingjian Shi and Dit-Yan Yeung To appear in AAAI 2015 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 1 / 36

  2. Outline Background and Related Work 1 Generalized Probabilistic SDAE 2 Relational SDAE 3 Performance Evaluation 4 Case study 5 Conclusion 6 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 2 / 36

  3. Outline Background and Related Work 1 Generalized Probabilistic SDAE 2 Relational SDAE 3 Performance Evaluation 4 Case study 5 Conclusion 6 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 3 / 36

  4. Tag Recommendation: Flickr Hao Wang Relational SDAE 3 / 36

  5. Tag Recommendation: CiteULike Hao Wang Relational SDAE 4 / 36

  6. item tag 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Tag Recommendation Hao Wang Relational SDAE 5 / 36

  7. Related Work Content-based: 1 Chen et al., 2008 2 Chen et al., 2010 3 Shen and Fan, 2010 Co-occurrence based: 1 Garg and Weber, 2008 2 Weinberger et al., 2008 3 Rendle and Schmidt-Thieme, 2010 Hybrid: 1 Wu et al., 2009 2 Wang and Blei, 2011 3 Yang et al., 2013 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 6 / 36

  8. Content-based 1 Chen et al., 2008 2 Chen et al., 2010 3 Shen and Fan, 2010 4 . . . Pros: 1 Tag independence 2 Interpretability 3 No New-item problem Cons: 1 Need domain knowledge Hao Wang Relational SDAE 7 / 36

  9. Co-occurrence based 1 Garg and Weber, 2008 2 Weinberger et al., 2008 3 Rendle and Schmidt-Thieme, 2010 4 . . . Pros: 1 No domain knowledge needed Cons: 1 Requires some form of rating feedback (co-occurrence matrix) 2 New-tag problem and new-item problem Hao Wang Relational SDAE 8 / 36

  10. Hybrid 1 Wu et al., 2009 2 Wang and Blei, 2011 3 Yang et al., 2013 4 . . . BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Hao Wang Relational SDAE 9 / 36

  11. Collaborative Topic Regression (CTR) (Wang and Blei, KDD 2011) Hao Wang Relational SDAE 10 / 36

  12. Collaborative Topic Regression (CTR) (Wang and Blei, KDD 2011) LDA : sparse, relatively high dimension MF : low rank, low dimension Hao Wang Relational SDAE 11 / 36

  13. Problems to Explore 1 Can SDAE learn effective representation for recommendation? 2 How to incorporate relational information into SDAE? 3 How is the performance? Hao Wang Relational SDAE 12 / 36

  14. Outline Background and Related Work 1 Generalized Probabilistic SDAE 2 Relational SDAE 3 Performance Evaluation 4 Case study 5 Conclusion 6 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 13 / 36

  15. Stacked Denoising Autoencoder (Vincent et al. JMLR 2010) X 1 X 1 X 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 4 X 4 X c X c X 0 X 0 � { W l } , { b l } � X c − X L � 2 � W l � 2 min F + λ F , l where λ is a regularization parameter and � · � F denotes the Frobenius norm. Hao Wang Relational SDAE 13 / 36

  16. Generalized Probabilistic SDAE ¸ w ¸ w W + W + x 4 x 4 x c x c x 0 x 0 x 1 x 1 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 ¸ n ¸ n J 1 For each layer l of the SDAE network, 1 For each column n of the weight matrix W l , draw W l, ∗ n ∼ N (0 , λ − 1 w I K l ) . 2 Draw the bias vector b l ∼ N (0 , λ − 1 w I K l ) . 3 For each row j of X l , draw X l,j ∗ ∼ N ( σ ( X l − 1 ,j ∗ W l + b l ) , λ − 1 s I K l ) . 2 For each item j , draw a clean input X c,j ∗ ∼ N ( X L,j ∗ , λ − 1 n I B ) . Hao Wang Relational SDAE 14 / 36

  17. Outline Background and Related Work 1 Generalized Probabilistic SDAE 2 Relational SDAE 3 Performance Evaluation 4 Case study 5 Conclusion 6 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 15 / 36

  18. Relational SDAE: Generative Process 1 Draw the relational latent matrix S from a matrix variate normal distribution : S ∼ N K,J (0 , I K ⊗ ( λ l L a ) − 1 ) . 2 For layer l of the SDAE where l = 1 , 2 , . . . , L 2 − 1 , 1 For each column n of the weight matrix W l , draw W l, ∗ n ∼ N (0 , λ − 1 w I K l ) . 2 Draw the bias vector b l ∼ N (0 , λ − 1 w I K l ) . 3 For each row j of X l , draw X l,j ∗ ∼ N ( σ ( X l − 1 ,j ∗ W l + b l ) , λ − 1 s I K l ) . 3 For layer L 2 of the SDAE network, draw the representation vector for item j from the product of two Gaussians (PoG): 2 − 1 ,j ∗ W l + b l ) , s T j , λ − 1 s I K , λ − 1 2 ,j ∗ ∼ PoG ( σ ( X L X L r I K ) . Hao Wang Relational SDAE 15 / 36

  19. Relational SDAE: Generative Process 1 For layer l of the SDAE network where l = L 2 + 1 , L 2 + 2 , . . . , L , 1 For each column n of the weight matrix W l , draw W l, ∗ n ∼ N (0 , λ − 1 w I K l ) . 2 Draw the bias vector b l ∼ N (0 , λ − 1 w I K l ) . 3 For each row j of X l , draw X l,j ∗ ∼ N ( σ ( X l − 1 ,j ∗ W l + b l ) , λ − 1 s I K l ) . 2 For each item j , draw a clean input X c,j ∗ ∼ N ( X L,j ∗ , λ − 1 n I B ) . Hao Wang Relational SDAE 16 / 36

  20. Relational SDAE: Graphical Model ¸ w ¸ w W + W + x c x c x 0 x 0 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 4 x 4 x 1 x 1 ¸ n ¸ n s J ¸ l ¸ l ¸ r ¸ r A Hao Wang Relational SDAE 17 / 36

  21. Multi-Relational SDAE: Graphical Model ¸ w ¸ w W + W + x c x c x 4 x 4 x 0 x 0 x 1 x 1 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 ¸ n ¸ n s J ¸ l ¸ l ¸ r ¸ r A Q Hao Wang Relational SDAE 18 / 36

  22. Relational SDAE: Objective function The log-likelihood: L = − λ l 2 tr( S L a S T ) − λ r � � ( s T 2 ,j ∗ ) � 2 j − X L 2 2 j − λ w � ( � W l � 2 F + � b l � 2 2 ) 2 l − λ n � � X L,j ∗ − X c,j ∗ � 2 2 2 j − λ s � � � σ ( X l − 1 ,j ∗ W l + b l ) − X l,j ∗ � 2 2 , 2 l j where X l,j ∗ = σ ( X l − 1 ,j ∗ W l + b l ) . Similar to the generalized SDAE, taking λ s to infinity, the last term of the joint log-likelihood will vanish. Hao Wang Relational SDAE 19 / 36

  23. Updating Rules For S : S k ∗ ( t + 1) ← S k ∗ ( t ) + δ ( t ) r ( t ) r ( t ) ← λ r X T 2 , ∗ k − ( λ l L a + λ r I J ) S k ∗ ( t ) L r ( t ) T r ( t ) δ ( t ) ← r ( t ) T ( λ l L a + λ r I J ) r ( t ) . For X , W , and b : Use Back Propagation. Hao Wang Relational SDAE 20 / 36

  24. From Representation to Tag Recommendation Objective function: L = − λ u 2 − λ v � � u i � 2 � � v j − X T 2 ,j ∗ � 2 L 2 2 2 i j c ij � 2 ( R ij − u T i v j ) 2 , − i,j where λ u and λ v are hyperparameters. c ij is set to 1 for the existing ratings and 0 . 01 for the missing entries. Hao Wang Relational SDAE 21 / 36

  25. Algorithm 1. Learning representation: repeat Update S using the updating rules Update X , W , and b until convergence Get resulting representation X L 2 ,j ∗ 2. Learning u i and v j : Optimize the objective function L 3. Recommend tags to items according to the predicted R ij : R ij = u T i v j Rank R 1 j , R 2 j , . . . , R Ij Recommend tags with largest R ij to item j Hao Wang Relational SDAE 22 / 36

  26. Problems to Explore 1 Can SDAE learn effective representation for recommendation? 2 How to incorporate relational information into SDAE? 3 How is the performance? Hao Wang Relational SDAE 23 / 36

  27. Outline Background and Related Work 1 Generalized Probabilistic SDAE 2 Relational SDAE 3 Performance Evaluation 4 Case study 5 Conclusion 6 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 24 / 36

  28. Datasets Description of datasets citeulike-a citeulike-t movielens-plot #items 16980 25975 7261 #tags 7386 8311 2988 #tag-item paris 204987 134860 51301 #relations 44709 32665 543621 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 24 / 36

  29. citeulike-a , Sparse Settting RSDAE SDAE 0.35 CTR−SR CTR 0.3 Recall 0.25 0.2 0.15 50 100 150 200 250 300 M Hao Wang Relational SDAE 25 / 36

  30. citeulike-a , Dense Settting 0.6 RSDAE SDAE 0.55 CTR−SR CTR 0.5 Recall 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 50 100 150 200 250 300 M Hao Wang Relational SDAE 26 / 36

  31. movielens-plot , Sparse Settting 0.24 RSDAE SDAE 0.22 CTR−SR 0.2 CTR 0.18 Recall 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 50 100 150 200 250 300 M Hao Wang Relational SDAE 27 / 36

  32. movielens-plot , Dense Settting 0.45 RSDAE SDAE CTR−SR 0.4 CTR 0.35 Recall 0.3 0.25 0.2 50 100 150 200 250 300 M Hao Wang Relational SDAE 28 / 36

  33. Outline Background and Related Work 1 Generalized Probabilistic SDAE 2 Relational SDAE 3 Performance Evaluation 4 Case study 5 Conclusion 6 Hao Wang Relational SDAE 29 / 36

  34. Tagging Scientific Articles An example article with recommended tags Title: Mining the Peanut Gallery: Opinion Extraction and Semantic Classification of Product Reviews Example Article Top topic 1: language, text, mining, representation, semantic, concepts, words, relations, processing, categories SDAE True? RSDAE True? 1. instance no 1. sentiment analysis no 2. consumer yes 2. instance no 3. sentiment analysis no 3. consumer yes 4. summary no 4. summary no Top 10 tags 5. 31july09 no 5. sentiment yes 6. medline no 6. product review mining yes 7. eit2 no 7. sentiment classification yes 8. l2r no 8. 31july09 no 9. exploration no 9. opinion mining yes 10. biomedical no 10. product yes Hao Wang Relational SDAE 29 / 36


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