TAG Update Brooke V ilante TAG TOSA October 13, 2015
TAG Reinvestment Board allocated $200,000 in 2015-16 to allow for an investment in TAG and options for advanced learners. Highlights of that reinvestment plan are provided in this infographic.
TAG Parent University Opportunities Defining Giftedness: Characteristics of Gifted Children Communication: The Key to Relationships, Motivation, Enthusiasm, and Underachievement Establishing Discipline and Teaching Self-Management: Intensity, Perfectionism and Stress Idealism, Unhappiness and Depression, Acquaintances, Friends and Peers Family Relationships: Siblings and Only Children, Values, Traditions and Uniqueness Complexities of Successful Parenting Children Who Are Twice-Exceptional
TAG You’re It! Parent Classes: Basic characteristics of the gifted Social emotional needs of the gifted Perfectionism Over-excitabilities and super-sensitivities Relationships Parenting of gifted kids Twice exceptional
TAG Parent Portal Blendspace OATAG - conference with sessions for parents, teachers, administrators and students. SENG (Social Emotional Needs for the Gifted): SENG offers parent support groups, webinars, newsletters, etc. to support parents and students. NWGCA (Northwest Gifted Child Association): Their primary mission is to help parents.
TAG Parent Portal Links: Hoagies page, Davidson Institute, Robinson Center for Young Scholars at the University of Washington Blog: Different informational topics will be posted where parents can discuss and communicate with each other
Students TAG You’re It grades K-6 Fun and engaging enrichment activities iMovie Coding Owl pellet dissection Art History Bilingual puppet making LEGO Robotics
Students TAG You’re It Grades 7-10 - Intel Grant Award of $15,000 7 th -10 th grade Talented and Gifted students Utilizing our STEAM leaders in diverse sectors including academic, industry, government, and education fields. Target middle school and high school students with STEAM enrichment activities promoting career readiness.
Students TAG You’re It Grades 7-10 - Intel Grant Award of $15,000 Secondary teachers will give input on what programs and which teachers would be available to facilitate the enrichment activities. Intel volunteers would be utilized to bring in their expertise, help facilitate, and do classroom activities with students.
Students TAG Coordinators will be working with staff in their building to support differentiated instruction to accommodate the rate and level of learning of their students. Extension activities will be provided within each building: • Destination Imagination • Hour of Code
Students Primate Center visits Mad Science Aviation Museum Math Counts Science Olympiad
University Courses Stanford Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) Courses for advanced learners to achieve the highest levels of academic excellence. K-12 online courses in Mathematics, Language Arts, Science and Computer Programming. Two types of courses to meet the individual needs of our students and their families: tutor supported and independent study.
Secondary Students Portland College Fair Science Bowl Competition, University of Portland Law Day Conference State Capitol, Visit AMC Competitions: http://www.maa.org/math-competitions/amc-contests
Teachers Differentiation Teachers will be meeting monthly to receive professional development in differentiation to bring back to their building. • Cluster Grouping • Curriculum Compacting • Learning Contracts • Tiered instruction • Extension Menus
Teachers Differentiation Underachievement Perfectionism Overexcitabilities
Teachers Schoology Portal A Schoology course has been set up so that coordinators can easily communicate with one another and access important information to distribute to staff. My HSD TAG folder: Differentiation materials, descriptions, as well as links to TAG information, similar to parent portal.
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