reducing anti lgbtq bias through education

Reducing Anti-LGBTQ+ Bias through Education and Coaching: How agency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reducing Anti-LGBTQ+ Bias through Education and Coaching: How agency educators can reduce anti-LGBTQ2S bias through training, facilitation, and coaching. Angela Weeks- Project Director, National Quality Improvement Center on Tailored services,

  1. Reducing Anti-LGBTQ+ Bias through Education and Coaching: How agency educators can reduce anti-LGBTQ2S bias through training, facilitation, and coaching. Angela Weeks- Project Director, National Quality Improvement Center on Tailored services, Placement Stability, and Permanency for LGBTQ2S Children and Youth in Foster Care Avery Irons, Senior Project Associate, National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Lydia Proulx, Youth Program Specialist, Youth Move National

  2. Do’s and Don’ts DO Don’t • Argue religion, belief systems, or • Rely on research and best practices culture • Remind them of the standards of • Base your position on personal care, policies, and protocols experience • Ask questions to explore underlining beliefs or fears • Challenge someone’s experiences • Ask to support them in their learning • Use their lives as examples for about a topic training or coaching a group • Provide resources and tools • Force them into the panic zone • Report them if their behavior poses a safety risk to others

  3. Facilitation

  4. Discussion When would you use small group discussion versus large group discussion in a challenging room?

  5. Responding to Emotion

  6. Facilitating with Difficult Participants

  7. Facilitator's FOUR MAGIC PHRASES

  8. Co-facilitation Vs. Single Facilitation

  9. Facilitation tricks and tips

  10. When To Move On

  11. When to Cele lebrate!!! When people get it! When you can see change in participants. When participants tell you that you’ve changed their lives!!

  12. Contact Information Angela Weeks: Lydia Proulx: Avery Irons:

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