CLIMATE OF CHANGE FOR RTI Urban Collaborative Fall 2006
Purpose Share and facilitate conversation about why and how to bring about the changes in climate and culture that are necessary to support the implementation of a Response to Intervention model
Introductions Name District Status of RTI implementation One expectation of the session
Agenda • Overview of State Conversations • Lawrence Pilot Project • Wayne Pilot Project • Belief Systems • Getting Started
SEE GET DO From Alice Parker
Why the work began… • Anticipating changes in IDEA • Value of collaboration with colleagues • Desire to be proactive rather than reactive • Hopeful of positive impact on AYP
Role of District Leaders • Give “permission” for model • Provide a vision for outcome-based service delivery • Reinforce effective practices • Expect accountability • Provide tangible support for effort – Training – Coaching – Technology – Policies • From Alice Parker
How we did it…Year 1 � Attended Urban Collaborative Presentations � Invited a school psychologist from IOWA to discuss the problem solving model with area psychologists and directors � Roundtable Discussions � Developed a Central Indiana Roundtable Study Group � Discussed Study Group with SEA � Developed a grant proposal for state funding to support the Study Group’s work
How we did it…. Year 2 � Grant Awarded to study RTI and make a recommendation to SEA � Collaborated to develop and host a topical for the entire state on RTI with Jack Fletcher as the keynote speaker. � Held monthly meetings with the study group to study, discuss, and develop pilot projects � Contracted with Joe Witt to develop universal screening implementation plans and with Rob March to develop implementation plans for Schoolwide Postive Behavior Supports
Year 2 continued � Each district began individual pilot projects � Presentation at ICASE regarding the pilot projects � Meeting with SEA representatives to present recommendations
How we did it…Year 3 � SEA hired a team to further facilitate statewide RTI projects � SEA continued funding of pilot work by providing support to individual pilot districts � SEA sponsored statewide meetings with special education directors to solicit input and encourage collaboration with RTI � State support and encouragement of problem solving approach with training opportunities and site visits
How we did it…Year 4 � SEA renewed grant funding to local districts to support pilot projects � Alice Parker presentation at ICASE in September 2006 � George Batsche presentation for directors and administrators, and curriculum representatives scheduled for Nov. 15. � Expansion to new pilot groups � Steve Kukic presentation in February 2007 � Committees working on revision to Article 7 � ?
CENTRAL ROUNDTABLE RTI PILOT DISTRICTS Avon Community Schools Johnson County Special Services Cindy Pittman, Director Pamela Wright, Director Hamilton Southeastern Schools Lawrence Township Schools Tom Bell, Director Margie LaBelle, Director Plainfield Community School Corporation Warren Township Schools Jim Murray, Director Lucy Witte, Director Washington Township Schools Wayne Township Schools Karol Farrell, Director Mary Ann Dewan, Director West Central Joint Services Julia Prather, Director
Lawrence Township Pilot Project Year 1 Attendance at Urban Collaborative Presentations Facilitate District Inservice with Iowa psychologist regarding the problem solving model Facilitate monthly meetings with psychologists to examine their changing roles Facilitate monthly meetings with district leadership team to study RTI Facilitate monthly conversations about RTI with curriculum and instruction team
Lawrence Township Pilot Project Year 2 • Identify Special Education Professional Developer Role to educate teachers about RTI • Identify psychologist to be a part of the professional development team • Sent team to Chicago to become DIBELS trainers • Contract with Dr. Witt to support RTI academic implementation
Lawrence Township Pilot Project Year 3 Contract with Dr. March to facilitate creation of schoolwide positive behavior support teams Continue district wide conversations and training on RTI and universal screening Submit Grant application to SEA to continue pilot project Facilitate monthly meetings with C&I and principals for development of and implementation of district RTI model District implementation of PBS and Universal Screening
Lawrence Township Pilot Project Continue Discussions and trainings with teachers, principals, and assistant principals to support implementation of RTI
Wayne Township Pilot Project Training Book studies with psychologists Universal Screening for pilot schools Reading interventions for interventionists SW PBS for consultants and schoolbased teams
Wayne Township Pilot Project Built a Foundation Districtwide training on GEI using a CPS model Provided training to special ed teachers regarding the Core reading framework Assessment Systems Assessment of and for learning Assessment for different purposes Screening applied to all children Diagnostics Progress Monitoring
Wayne Township Pilot Project Pilot Sites Started with 1 school Expanded this year to 4 schools Provide an interventionist, intervention materials, and support for integrated service delivery Districtwide All schools implementing SW PBS Inclusive practices training and support All elementary schools are doing universal screening and have some level of intervention for at least K-3 Use multi-tiered models for other areas- ex. Autism
Practices that Support RTI • Scientifically based curricula and instruction • Multi-tiered models • Progress Monitoring and Formative Evaluation • Analysis and remediation of achievement problems • Functional behavioral assessment/analysis (FBA) • Standard treatment protocol interventions • CPS for GEI • Systematic Assessment of student learning Adapted from slide of Alice Parker
Wayne Township Pilot Project Next Steps Revisit GEI- strengthen the teams and align data collection to RTI model Collaborate with Curriculum and Instruction team to enhance ownership of more students Expand to math, writing, etc. Answer the questions for LEAs
Questions for LEAs 1. Have all your students, been provided instruction for reading/language arts and math which: • Provide access to state/district adopted texts? • Use research-based instruction and intervention materials and strategies? • Is designed to meet their individual needs based on on-going assessment results? • Is provided for adequate, uninterrupted time based on the students’ individual needs? From Alice Parker
Questions for LEAs 2. How do special education students receive the core? 3. Are students assessed every 6-8 weeks or more frequently? If so, are appropriate supplemental materials used based on that information? 4. Do all teachers share instructional strategies and appropriate supplemental materials to assist students with disabilities to progress in the general education curriculum? From Alice Parker
Questions for LEAs 5. Have all teachers received professional development to help their students make progress in the core and supplemental curriculum? 6. Are all teachers provided with an appropriate amount of core instructional and research based intervention materials? 7. Do the instructional leaders ask questions and lead with the beliefs that all children can achieve at high levels/ 8. Are instructional interventions taught with fidelity? From Alice Parker
What will it take? “It is critical that educators view RTI as a school-wide, multi-tiered prevention/intervention approach that is aimed at meeting the learning needs of ALL students, not just as part of the identification process for students with disabilities as referenced in IDEA 2004.” From Alice Parker
Belief Systems Challenges Ownership of students and achievement Focus on outcomes not labels Academic engaged time versus busy time Separateness and disconnection Scapegoating/blaming students with disabilities for failure to make AYP Looking for a magic bullet Do we teach curriculum or do we teach students? Role of technology to support interventions/learning Defining evidence based
Belief Systems Successes Opening a dialogue Compromising Observing the impact New language Changing the way services are delivered Wanting to align the systems
Franklin D. Roosevelt ABOVE ALL, SOMETHING! TRY
CONTACT INFORMATION Margie Labelle Director of Special Services 7601 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 Telephone: 317-423-8200 Mary Ann Dewan, Ph.D. Director of Special Services 1220 S. High School Road Indianapolis, IN 46241 Telephone: 317-227-8634
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