Redistricting & School Construction Projects in the Town of Waterford Effective Process & Lessons Learned Presented by Craig C. Powers Manchester, CT July 10, 2013
Reasons for Redistricting Declining enrollment Historical Look at Elementary Enollment Number of Students 1400 1350 1300 1250 Total K-5 1200 1150 1100 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 School Year
Reasons for Redistricting Declining enrollment Cost containments $900k savings shown as phased cost containment Quality of physical plants Buildings 50-80 years old Enhanced educational benefits Half-day to full-day kindergarten Support services (breakout rooms)
Class Size Storage Breakout Rooms
MOST IMPORTANT! Clear message to the community
Deliberate Gathering of Community Input Board of Education meetings at each affected school site Allow for public comment Respect the input by recording all questions and comments Publically state all questions and concerns will be addressed Be specific about how concerns will be addressed
Deliberate Gathering of Community Input Post information on district website Give interviews or create slide show to run on public access channels Direct newsletter mailings Validation of Town historical value and meaning
Joint Meeting with Town Decision- Making Officials and Boards Board of Education Board of Finance Board of Selectmen Representative Town Meeting Consistent understanding of why we need to do this Listen to all questions and concerns and have open dialogue
Long-Term Financial Plan 20-year plan Costs of project(s) Short-term bonds Capital non-reoccurring plan Mill rate increases
Tax Year 2007 2008 Reval 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Reval 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Reval 2019 2020 Total Town exc Dominion 1,742,163,940 1,769,851,885 2,554,734,093 2,566,452,154 2,572,723,236 2,591,116,786 2,591,116,786 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 Dominion 1,713,325,116 1,682,565,810 1,655,500,877 1,701,151,667 1,698,751,638 1,108,714,627 1,108,714,627 1,092,561,958 1,103,487,578 1,114,522,453 1,125,667,678 1,136,924,355 1,148,293,598 1,159,776,534 TOTAL GL 3,455,489,056 3,452,417,695 4,210,234,970 4,267,603,821 4,271,474,874 3,699,831,413 3,699,831,413 3,172,947,115 3,183,872,735 3,194,907,610 3,206,052,835 3,217,309,512 3,228,678,755 3,240,161,691 Total Town exc Dominion 1,742,163,940 1,769,851,885 2,554,734,093 2,566,452,154 2,572,723,236 2,591,116,786 2,591,116,786 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 2,080,385,157 Dominion 938,706,020 890,466,882 1,069,664,030 1,089,834,111 1,095,699,264 1,108,714,627 1,108,714,627 1,092,561,958 1,103,487,578 1,114,522,453 1,125,667,678 1,136,924,355 1,148,293,598 1,159,776,534 EST GL AS DEREG 2,680,869,960 2,660,318,767 3,624,398,123 3,656,286,265 3,668,422,500 3,699,831,413 3,699,831,413 3,172,947,115 3,183,872,735 3,194,907,610 3,206,052,835 3,217,309,512 3,228,678,755 3,240,161,691 Mill Rate 19.89 21.07 16.86 16.86 18.04 18.79 19.77 24.05 25.02 25.55 26.12 27.19 27.87 28.46 Tax Increase 5.56% 5.93% 15.51% 0.00% 7.00% 4.15% 5.23% 21.65% 4.02% 2.11% 2.26% 4.08% 2.49% 2.13% Millstone Taxes 18,670,863 18,762,137 18,034,536 18,374,603 19,766,415 20,518,098 21,590,499 25,881,495 27,192,398 28,043,810 28,964,240 30,448,052 31,517,520 32,511,081 All Other Taxes 34,656,418 37,290,779 43,072,817 43,270,383 46,411,927 47,951,732 50,457,983 49,281,854 51,265,336 52,347,017 53,529,808 55,714,943 57,100,885 58,317,761 Total Tax Levy 53,327,281 56,052,916 61,107,352 61,644,986 66,178,342 68,469,830 72,048,482 75,163,349 78,457,735 80,390,827 82,494,048 86,162,995 88,618,405 90,828,841 SBC 7,703,587 6,675,810 2,963,163 2,126,004 1,088,014 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Collection Rate 98.50% 98.50% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% 99.10% Revenue Taxes $52,522,666 $55,212,123 $60,557,386 $61,090,182 $65,589,256 $68,886,905 $72,487,356 $75,621,197 $78,935,650 $80,880,517 $82,996,550 $86,687,846 $89,158,212 $91,382,114 SBC $7,703,587 $6,675,810 $2,963,163 $2,126,004 $1,088,014 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Revenue $6,084,623 $5,945,783 $6,655,474 $5,904,060 $5,332,938 $5,448,256 $6,184,954 $6,111,780 $6,111,780 $6,111,780 $6,111,780 $6,111,780 $6,111,780 $6,111,780 Net Budget w/o Surplus $66,310,877 $67,833,716 $70,176,024 $69,120,247 $72,010,209 $74,335,162 $78,672,311 $81,732,978 $85,047,431 $86,992,298 $89,108,331 $92,799,627 $95,269,993 $97,493,895 Fund Balance for Capital $0 $0 $205,000 $825,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Revised Budget $66,310,877 $67,833,716 $70,381,024 $69,945,247 $72,010,209 $74,335,162 $78,672,311 $81,732,978 $85,047,431 $86,992,298 $89,108,331 $92,799,627 $95,269,993 $97,493,895 Budgetary Increase 4.67% 2.30% 3.76% -0.60% 2.95% 3.23% 5.99% 3.73% 4.06% 2.29% 2.43% 4.14% 2.66% 2.33% Increase Gen Gov 6.33% 3.72% 1.94% 2.08% 3.44% 5.11% 3.46% 3.06% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% General Government $23,578,234 $24,454,749 $24,928,175 $25,447,571 $26,322,860 $27,668,624 $28,624,998 $29,501,884 $30,091,922 $30,693,760 $31,307,635 $31,933,788 $32,572,464 $33,223,913 Increase CYC/TCNR/Debt 3.33% 3.00% -5.75% -29.16% -0.51% -6.68% 59.01% 29.20% 18.02% -0.36% 0.94% 17.55% 3.05% 0.22% CYC/TCNR $5,876,029 $6,052,310 $3,900,108 $2,623,078 $1,810,424 $1,706,247 $2,556,748 $2,676,001 $2,756,281 $2,838,969 $2,924,139 $3,011,863 $3,102,219 $3,195,285 Debt Service $0 $0 $1,804,469 $1,418,313 $2,210,313 $2,045,876 $3,409,480 $5,032,324 $6,340,776 $6,225,363 $6,225,325 $7,743,207 $7,981,219 $7,912,182 Increase BOE 3.82% 3.59% 4.08% 1.82% 2.99% 2.99% 2.99% 0.73% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% Board of Education $36,849,574 $38,174,085 $39,731,279 $40,456,280 $41,666,612 $42,914,414 $44,199,363 $44,522,768 $45,858,451 $47,234,205 $48,651,231 $50,110,768 $51,614,091 $53,162,513 BOE Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Approved Budget $66,303,837 $68,681,144 $70,364,031 $69,945,242 $72,010,209 $74,335,161 $78,790,590 $81,732,977 $85,047,430 $86,992,297 $89,108,330 $92,799,626 $95,269,992 $97,493,894 BOE % Operating 61.0% 61.0% 61.4% 61.4% 61.3% 60.8% 60.7% 60.1% 60.4% 60.6% 60.8% 61.1% 61.3% 61.5% Gen Gov % Operating 39.0% 39.0% 38.6% 38.6% 38.7% 39.2% 39.3% 39.9% 39.6% 39.4% 39.2% 38.9% 38.7% 38.5% Tax on $188K in 2007/$157.5K in 2012 $2,685 $2,844 $3,170 $3,170 $3,392 $3,532 $3,717 $3,788 $3,940 $4,023 $4,114 $4,282 $4,389 $4,482 Tax Increase $142 $159 $325 $0 $222 $141 $185 $71 $152 $83 $91 $168 $107 $94 Percent Increase 5.60% 5.93% 11.43% 0.00% 7.00% 4.15% 5.23% 1.91% 4.02% 2.11% 2.26% 4.08% 2.49% 2.13%
The Redistricting Plan Who creates it? Can you be an expert in your own community? Account for each street and house Phased plan to allow students to complete educational experience in terminal years Communicate this to the community
Resources 1. Historical Enrollment 1975-2011 2. Slide Show for Public Access 3. Declining School Enrollment 4. Educational Specifications 5. Five-year Look at Class Sizes 6. Reviewing Projected Enrollment versus Actual Enrollment 7. How do the New Buildings Help the Educational Process?
Resources 8. Phased Redistricting Plan 9. School for the 21 st Century Parent Presentation 10. Phased Consolidation and Redistricting Presentation 11. Five to Three Elementary Schools 12. Long-Range Budget Plan 13. Boards and Commissions Dates and Actions
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