north allegheny school district redistricting

North Allegheny School District Redistricting Presentation Discuss - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

North Allegheny School District Redistricting Presentation Discuss why we need to redistrict now for the 2014-2015 school year. Address frequently asked questions or concerns that have arisen over the last month. Share the transition

  1. North Allegheny School District Redistricting Presentation

  2. � Discuss why we need to redistrict now for the 2014-2015 school year. � Address frequently asked questions or concerns that have arisen over the last month. � Share the transition plans for students and families. 2

  3. • Population shifts have resulted in the unequal distribution of students across the seven elementary buildings and three middle schools. • Some buildings are currently overcrowded while others are underutilized. • Available space should be utilized prior to considering a public referendum to raise taxes in order to fund additional construction. • All students should have an equitable educational experience regardless of their building assignment. 3

  4. � Franklin Elementary School � Designed for 19 homerooms. � Currently running 20 homerooms (music room is being used as a classroom). � Current enrollment numbers and District-wide retention rates suggest the need for 21 or 22 homerooms for 2014-2015 if we do not redistrict. � McKnight Elementary School � Designed for 30 homerooms. � Currently running 31 homerooms (faculty room is being used as a classroom). � Current enrollment numbers and District-wide retention rates suggest the need for 30 homerooms for 2014-2015 if we do not redistrict. 4

  5. � Ingomar Middle School � Target capacity is 600 students. � Current school enrollment is 678 students (113% of capacity). � Only 612 people can fit into the auditorium. � Cafeteria is currently at capacity. � There are 109 more students at Ingomar Middle School today than there were in 2010 (569). *Slide 11 notes why we focus on capacity and not the number of homerooms at the middle level 5

  6. � Ingomar Elementary is designed for 19 homerooms. � Ingomar Elementary is currently using 17 homerooms and the proposed redistricting scenario suggests the need for 17 to 18 homerooms (noted below). ����� ������ �������� ������������� ����� �������� ������� � �� � ���� � �� � ���� ���� ������� ����������� ������� � �� � ���� � �� � �� � �� � �� � �� � ���� ����������������������� 6

  7. � Still waiting final approval from Franklin Park Borough. � Two phases of construction with 25 homes being built during each phase. � Infrastructure development may begin in the spring. � Home construction will commence when infrastructure is complete. � Phase I will likely take 2 years. � Phase II will likely take another 2 years. 7

  8. � We have capacity in other school buildings. � Building an addition to Franklin Elementary is currently cost-prohibitive as the State would not provide funds for the construction. � Funding building additions may involve a public referendum for a tax increase. � Adding a stand-alone portable is also costly: � Portable rental, delivery, foundation, installation, and removal � Additional costs-walkway, ramp, covering, power supply, fire alarm, PA, data, telephone service, insurance, etc. � Stand-alone portables would not align with the District’s safety and security standards. 8

  9. No, the overcrowding at Franklin Elementary is not going down in the near future. � Current enrollment at Franklin Elementary K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Total Students 66 94 92 84 101 72 509 Homerooms 2 4 4 3 4 3 20 2014-2015 enrollment without redistricting (historic retention rates applied) K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Total Students TBD 75 96 94 86 103 520* Homerooms 2 4 4 / 5 4 3 / 4 4 21 / 23 *assuming same number of kindergarten students from last year These numbers do not account for the possibility of another learning � support classroom . 9

  10. � Balancing building enrollment permits us to utilize the facilities effectively. � Impossible to balance grade levels over the long term. � Balancing enrollment helps reduce the impact of grade- level “bubbles” when they occur. Below is an example from one building: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Students 69 56 70 61 75 Avg. class 23 19 23 20 25 size � Class sizes are determined by District guidelines. 10

  11. � At the elementary level, students are assigned to “homerooms” where they spend the majority of the day. � At the middle level, students move from room to room throughout the day according to their class schedule. � While not ideal, at the middle level, multiple teachers can share classrooms if needed. � Additional teachers can be added to a middle school, to a point, without negatively impacting class sizes. � Capacity at the middle level is also a function of the size of the cafeteria, auditorium, etc. 11

  12. PROJECTED MIDDLE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT PROJECTED MIDDLE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT WITHOUT SPLIT (ALL FES TO IMS) WITH SPLIT (FES TO IMS AND MMS) School Carson Ingomar Marshall School Carson Ingomar Marshall Year Middle Middle Middle Year Middle Middle Middle 14/15 724 602 623 14/15 724 540 685 15/16 717 611 646 15/16 717 547 710 16/17 748 613 655 16/17 748 543 725 17/18 747 648 689 17/18 747 577 760 18/19 731 634 675 18/19 731 565 744 Target capacity for each building – CMS (750), IMS (600), MMS (825) 12

  13. � Other existing bus routes in the District currently go through this interchange. � Although students may have a longer bus ride, the length of the bus ride will be similar to other bus runs in the District. 13

  14. � Yes, when the District’s historic retention rates are applied there is enough capacity in each building to support the plan 5-7 years down the road. � This is the case even with a 5% margin of error applied to the numbers. � The objective of redistricting is to balance enrollment. We are able to accomplish this for at least the next 5-7 years by impacting less than 300 students in grades K-8. � Feedback from the community asked for the final plan to affect the fewest number of students possible. 14

  15. Why is the Breezewood Why is the La Place Point neighborhood being neighborhood now moving redistricted again, but not out of Franklin Elementary Franklin Towne? and the Spring Ridge Breezewood is not being neighborhood staying? � redistricted at the elementary La Place Point is still growing - � level. the final number of students is Breezewood students are � unknown. moving back to Carson Middle Spring Ridge construction is � School where they were prior to complete - the number of the most recent redistricting. students is currently known. 15

  16. � Elementary students will be placed in homerooms according the following guidelines: � Less than 8 students-all students will be placed in the same homeroom � 8 students or more-students will be split between two homerooms � Middle school students will be placed on the same team when possible, however this is contingent upon certain course selections (music, math, reading, etc.). 16

  17. � If the plan is approved, all affected students and families will receive a mailing by the end of the week. � Letter noting the student’s building placement for next school year. � Talking points brochure for parents. � Invitation to a transition overview meeting on March 3 rd at 7:00 PM at Carson Middle School. � Grandfathering declaration form (if applicable)-due March 19. � Transition plan overview 17

  18. � The plan supports the guiding principles we established at the beginning of this process. � Create realistic boundaries. � Minimize disruptions caused by potential overcrowding. � Provide the best utilization of available space. � Avoid reassigning more students than necessary. � Design a plan that supports and enhances all academic areas. � Ensure a feasible and efficient transportation plan. � Create a plan which will not require redistricting for at least five years. 18

  19. � Includes an option for current 4 th and 7 th grade students to stay in their current school for one more year. � Adheres to the District’s established class size guidelines in each school. � Provides an effective transition plan for students and families. � The approval of this plan permits the administration to move forward in its planning efforts with students, families, and building staff members. 19


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