quickzone for elo input management multiprint for elo

Quickzone for ELO Input Management Multiprint for ELO Output - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quickzone for ELO Input Management Multiprint for ELO Output Management Kai Bern rnstein Kai Bernstein Age: 38 Founder and CEO of BCIS IT-Systeme GmbH Eduation on in tax Study business econom omics 1 BCIS IS

  1. Quickzone for ELO – Input Management Multiprint for ELO – Output Management

  2. Kai Bern rnstein � Kai Bernstein � Age: 38 � Founder and CEO of BCIS IT-Systeme GmbH � Eduation on in tax � Study business econom omics 1

  3. BCIS IS IT-Sys ysteme GmbH – The Company � Founding 01.08.1996 � Headquarter Eugen-Richter-Str. 109, 34134 Kassel, Germany Office: Düsseldorf (BCIS West) Office: Stade / Hamburg (BCIS North) � Operation field: European Union (EU) � Specialized to Document Management Solution ons since 12 years 2

  4. Multiprint for ELO Output Management Quickzone for ELO Input Management 3

  5. Multiprint for ELO Output Management 4

  6. Starting situation on Looking for a solution on to solve this problems: Filing of self created documents and serial letters takes too long • or difficult to handle No autom omatic allocation of documents to folders and processes • without creating or searching them before Printing documents with ELO Printer into the ELO Mailbox • and then filing it takes too long Difficult configuration on and administration on • of availably solutions 5

  7. The Idea of Multipri rint Output Management What we wanted to achive: Full autom omatic filing and keywor ording • of all output documents with only one print process Serverbased withou out client installation on • No admin, no user training • No scripting • For any application on • 6

  8. Multipri rint for ELO – How it work rks Creating archive path Printer Keywording Print only once Creating references PDF in ELO Multiprint Document Creating new Printer from any version application Start workflow 7

  9. Multipri rint for ELO - Feature res Key features Serverbased administration • Customizing forms in application through administrator (Add a special code from Multiprint for ELO in every form) No client installation • Just share the printers on the network No admin training • No user training • No started ELO Client needed • direct filing on the server 8

  10. Quickzone for ELO Input Management 9

  11. Starting situation on Looking for a solution on for this problems: Filing in general takes too long • Too much clicks for filing • Allocate documents into the right folder and process • only with creating or searching them before Entering keywor ords manually makes too much faults • Transfering documents into the ELO Mailbox first • and then filing them takes too much time No individual filing depending on the document type • with different index paths, workflows, references … 10

  12. Input management - The idea What we wanted to achive: Simple filing with drag & drop from all applications • No admin training • No user training • No scripting • Using keywords from existing databases • Make filing easier and more comfor ortable • Reduce time for filing up to 70% • 11

  13. Quickzon one for ELO – The Histor ory Histor ory First idea in 2011 • Designed and developed in 2011-2012 • First presented at Cebit 2013 in Hannover • „Best of“ from Initiative Mittelstand in 2013 • Version 2.0 presented at Cebit 2014 • 12

  14. Quickzon one for ELO – How it work rks Word, Excel, Powerpoint Quickzon one Automatic filing for ELO E-Mails Creating archive (Outlook, Tobit, path drag‘n drop Lotus Notes) Creating references ELO Mailbox (e.g. Scans) Keywording Keywords from Start workflow Downloads databases from Websites Enrypting Dublet check File System / MS SQL, Oracle, Explorer mySQL, Access, Excel, csv, OpenEdge, … 13

  15. Quickzon one for ELO – Example les for folders Customers Orders Suppliers Contracts Product Employees information Vehicles … Create any folder and structure you need! - fully automatic and company compliant! 14

  16. Quickzon one for ELO - Feature res Key features Use keywords from external databases • with graphical admin interface, no scripting Templates are free & included! No limits • unlimited documents, categories, tiles and database connections Serverbased administration • Direct connections to ELO Archiv with users, groups, keyword forms, keywordlists, workflows, rights, … Full integration in Word, Excel and Powerpoint • Multilanguage • English, Polish, German, Spanish and more 15

  17. Quickzon one for ELO Licensing 16

  18. Multipri rint for ELO - Licences 1. Multiprint for ELO – Server licence Entry (<10.000 documents p.a.) Advanced (10.001 - 25.000 documents p.a.) Unlimited (>25.000 documents p.a.) 2. No client licence 3. ELOprofessional or ELOenterprise licence Full licence or Web user licence or Indexserver user licence 17

  19. Quickzon one for ELO - Licences 1. Quickzone for ELO – Server licence Entry (1-10 User) Advanced (11-50 User) Unlimited (>50 User) 2. Quickzone for ELO – Client licence Named user 3. ELOprofessional or ELOenterprise licence Full licence or Web user licence or Indexserver user licence 18

  20. Quickzon one for ELO Flyer r in Poli lish 19

  21. Thank you! Any question ons? ELO Digital l Office Sp. z.o.o o.o. Elke Schoenemann Phone: : 095 7 783 6690 e.schoe hoenemann@e @elo lo-digital.p l.pl


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